Money Horoscope: Mercury’s Getting Busy

Mercury's Getting Busy

The World is Slowing Down

The headliner for your January Money Horoscope is the often-dreaded Mercury Retrograde taking place from the 5th through the 25th. Mercury is in charge of a lot of things like mechanical objects, electronics and of course money matters, just to name a few.

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On the 5th, Mercury will also be at a harsh angle to Mars, making communications difficult as well—especially related to finance. In addition to this somewhat tense time, Venus (another money-minded planet) will be in Sagittarius for most of January, urging us to spend on a whim. Do yourself a favor and avoid signing contracts until month’s end.


The last 10 days of January will put your focus on career and money. If you’re thinking about abandoning ship or hopping on to a new career adventure, just look before you leap. The changes you make at month’s end will be with you for some time to come.


Your ruling planet, Venus, sets up shop in your house of shared finances and other people’s money. If you’re waiting on some news regarding taxes, loans or money matters that involve others, you should hear favorable news by mid-January.


With Venus in Sagittarius the mood is friendly and excitable. This influence could influence you to help out someone financially. If that’s so, just don’t lend more than you’re willing to give up for good. Alternatively, if it’s you who needs money, ask for no more than you need.


Mercury Retrograde starts off in your house of other people’s money and then moves into your house of partnerships. However this affects you personally—loans, taxes and gifts you receive from others. Just remember not to sign or agree to anything if at all possible before the last few days of January.


Your focus is on work. You may feel like you’re repeating the recent past (that is, the way you ended December) but just keep smiling and do the work. You enjoy being touted for a job well done, and this may put you in line for a raise in the coming months.


After the 23rd, Venus, in your house of speculation along with the Full Moon in your house of dreams and intuition, will work together to introduce you to lady luck. Because Venus is in Capricorn, it’s best to stick with tradition. If you’ve got a lucky number, stick with it. Now is not the time to change your odds.


You’ll need to keep a good grip on your cash, both literally and figuratively. Venus could tempt you to get out and spend (possibly too much) and you may also lose sight of your wallet. Be a little more careful and a little less carefree.


While others are putting the brakes on spending or trying to control their finances, Venus and Saturn in your house of money will touch your generous side. If asked, remember that helping others out with money is fine as long as you can afford it. If you risk your own security, you’ll regret it later.


The skies are not so friendly for you this January, particularly in matters of charming others, getting people to sign loan papers, forming joint ventures or just getting your way. I know, this doesn’t sound right, but it’s true. Lean into your philosophical side and just say, “This too shall pass.”


Rarely does a Capricorn need practical advice, and it’s your practicality that should indeed be praised. If you’ve managed to stash some cash when it was flowing in abundance, then you’ll be glad you did. It may be time to dig it up at least temporarily.


Jupiter, a usually gracious and generous planet, will be retrograde from January 7 through May 9. It’s not that you’ll have to wait until May to get a mortgage or workout a joint agreement, but you should at least let January and the Mercury Retrograde pass. Sit tight.


You will see just how respected you are. Venus will help you get the recognition you deserve and the Leo Full Moon serves as a floodlight, helping you see money matters. This will bring clarity and resolution.

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