Your Money Horoscope: January 2017

A Slower Start to the New Year

We begin the year with Mercury still in retrograde. Mercury represents commerce, spending habits, mechanics and communication. The retrograde ends on the 8th, but add three or four days to that before you resume normal, non-Mercury retrograde activity, like buying electronics, big-ticket items and signing contracts. Mercury will reenter practical Capricorn on the 12th, and it will help make sense out of any monetary mix-ups you may have experienced.

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Impulsivity Rises

The 6th of January is a great day to seek financial advice (but don’t take any action), when the Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn. On the 11th the Sun squares Jupiter and you may be tempted to spend money on a date or something exciting; enjoy but don’t overdo it. Resist the urge to splurge on the 12th when Venus joins with Neptune. On the 19th Mars squares with Saturn, so if you’re making an impulse buy, Saturn will stop you. Be thankful. On the 27th make sure you take care of your financial obligations before you count your cash.

Let’s take a look at how the January Money Horoscope will affect your Sun sign:


In your January Money horoscope pay close attention to the time between the 18th through the 24th. Mars will form an angle with karmic Saturn that could prompt you to make some serious changes to your career. The time may be right for a change, but avoid the urge to make impulsive decisions—think it through.


The Mercury retrograde affects your house of shared money. If you’re renegotiating a contract, revising a partnership or going after a goal that has resurfaced, you’ll  get what you want. Sign on the dotted line after the 12th—well after Mercury’s return to forward motion.


Love and money don’t always go their separate ways, especially for you this month. Mixing business with pleasure may have some serious consequences financially, personally or both. Since Mercury will be retrograde, make decisions and declarations after it’s over, nearer to the Full Moon on the 12th.


You’ve got plenty of ideas, but as a water sign you know you do best when you’ve recharged your batteries. The first week of January may indeed be a great time to take a week or so to relax, reflect, recharge and then reemerge in a week or two, ready and raring to go. Mercury and Venus may tempt you to take off even more time, but resist that urge or you may lose momentum and money.


The 12th day of your January Money Horoscope brings an emotional Full Moon in your house of money, as well as other planetary alignments that same day that indicate you may be asked to help someone out financially. Alternatively, you may feel the urge to splurge on someone close to you; don’t go overboard.


You have lucky Jupiter in your house of money and have more than likely seen your financial picture improve. Go on and share the wealth with someone you love. Try the 6th or the 11th (close to that Full Moon) when the Sun and Jupiter do the Tango in the sky; enjoy the benefits of all your hard work.


You may be dealing with other people’s money between the 6th and the 8th. Your January Money Horoscope highlights loans, mortgages or even money you may have been given, bringing up some serious discussions with a partner. If the discussion is going nowhere, drop it for now and bring it up again after Mercury goes direct plus three or four days.


Here’s a heads up on January in general, but especially around the 19th: Hold on to your wallet and your money. Impulsive Mars aligns with karmic Saturn in your house of money and you may find someone pulling on your heartstrings and your generosity. Be sure you know who you’re dealing with; your natural intuitive abilities may be on the fritz.


With karmic Saturn in your house of self and the Sun highlighting your house of money until the 19th, it’s the perfect time to enact a plan that will put you in a better financial position this time next year—or maybe even before. The sooner you tweak your goals, the fast you’ll see positive results in your financial sector.


Who is driven in career and money-making more than you, Capricorn? Still, your January Money Horoscope is trying to hint that you’ve worked hard enough and proven your value over and over, so maybe it’s time for a break. Give yourself a birthday gift and take a short (or long) vacation. You’ll still be in demand when you return.


Mercury slides back into your 11th house of friends and events on the 4th, making the final Mercury retrograde days quite productive for you if only verbally. Since your sign is the traditional ruler of the 11th house in astrology, this is a good indication that you’ll be engaged in talks, deals and negotiations that will propel you, your career and your money into forward motion in the coming year. Talk now; act after Mercury goes forward.


Venus will be in your Sun sign beginning January 2. Chances are you’ll be spending a good portion of your budget on your personal appearance—haircuts, clothes, etc. You have a certain confidence about you when you look good and even more so when others take notice. You’ve worked very hard, so a little self-investment is warranted; it’s about time you gave some of that loving attention to yourself.

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