Your Money Horoscope: June 2017

Practical Planning

Venus, the Goddess of Love and Money, moves into Taurus on the 6th, one of her two astrological homes. Taurus likes the finer things, so you may find a luxury item too hard to resist. Avoid impulsivity. A little planning on your part will keep your finances in check while still affording the things you like. On the Summer Solstice, the other personal money planet, Mercury, will move into the sign of Cancer. Money spent after June 21 will likely go towards buying subtle comforts for your home. However, it could be as bold as buying a summer home, preferably near water, depending on your budget.

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Your June Money Horoscope says to circle June 9 when the Full Moon in Sagittarius conjuncts karmic Saturn, still in retrograde. Luck comes from Jupiter going direct on the same day, but Neptune could confuse some facts. A not-so-great day to keep in mind is the 15th. On this day, the Sun in Gemini will oppose Saturn in Sagittarius. As a result, investment will be difficult to manage and profits may be low.


On the 4th, your ruling planet Mars moves into Cancer and your fourth house of family and home-related matters. Shortly after, on the 6th, Venus moves into your second house of cash, stuff and personal items. During the month of June you’re focusing on making your home cozy or ready for summer. On the 20th the Sun moves into your fellow-cardinal sign of Cancer, followed by a New Moon in the same sign on the 23rd. And on the 24th Mars in your home sector will square lucky Jupiter in your house of committed relationships. You and a partner may have differing views on investments. However, you both want the same outcome—a fiscally sound and comfortable future. This is your chance to show your loved ones that their future is not far off from what you’ve envisioned. Give in to get what you want.


June starts off with the Sun highlighting your second house of cash-on-hand. On the 6th Venus moves into your Sun sign and Mercury joins the Sun in your second house. On the 9th fortune-minded Jupiter goes direct in your sixth house of income and reputation. That is certainly a whole lot of energy focusing on you and your money in a favorable way. In the days surrounding the 18th, you’re noticed for your hard work. Yet another door opens up around your moneymaking ability. You do well when the Sun at home in Gemini, followed by Mercury, both form perfect angles with anything-can-happen Uranus. However, the day to pay attention to is the 24th when money-minded Venus trines Pluto in career-focused Capricorn. This is a great day to show VIPs what you know. You are great at socializing in a professional setting.


June starts off with a bunch of planets in either a fire or air sign—which always benefits you. During the beginning of June most of your money will go towards enjoying an increasingly busy social life. You’ll want to have enough clothes to keep you from being seen wearing the same thing twice. However, you become a money magnet after the 23rd with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars in your second house of cash. This is known as a stellium or a crown of stars. It’s like having a laser pointer focused on your house of cash. This astrological event points to either coming into some money or you may be asked to part with some cash.


The 9th is an important date in your June Money Horoscope. The Full Moon conjuncts with Saturn retrograde in your house of earned income. If you were looked over for a raise or promotion recently, you may have another shot. On the same day, lucky Jupiter goes direct in Libra, your sign of adventure. An idea could be of interest to a new venue or you’ll be working on a project you’ve been keeping under wraps. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Mars in your first house, moneymaking ideas are not just sparking. People are taking notice of your talents. Circle the 23rd and the 24th when a lovely trine between Venus in career-minded Capricorn and Pluto retrograde cause you to obsess over a new moneymaking idea.


You’ll love your June Money Horoscope, with all the fiery planetary support about. Some of your most private and secret ideas are about to get a spark of interest. You just need to share them with others. On the 1st of June Venus in Aries will trine Saturn in Sagittarius. This gives you the feeling that destiny is finally catching up to your ideas for a rich and comfortable future. However, it’s on June 6 when Venus enters Taurus that you realize just how lucrative your ideas can be. If no one is appreciating your style, just keep moving forward until you get ample compensation for your contributions. Look to the Summer Solstice on the 20th when Mercury in Gemini trines Jupiter in Libra. It’s a great day to talk about your accomplishments; schedule an interview or presentation.


Jupiter goes direct again in your second house of cash and possessions on June 9. This could bring some luck to your wallet via an investment, a retroactive raise or finding lost money while putting your organizing skills to use. However, due to other planetary action on that day, like the Full Moon in Sagittarius, it could wind up costing you if you’re asked to rescue a family member in financial crisis or fix an unexpected home repair. When Neptune turns retrograde in your sixth house of earned income, you may be asked to pick up the slack at work due to someone’s absence. Be a team player, not an overworked sucker, and make sure you’re getting compensated for your time and effort. June won’t be a bed of roses for you, Virgo, but you’re usually a well-organized person who can handle the unexpected, especially through hard work.

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On June 4, Mars moves into Cancer and your career house. Use this energy to help you get ahead professionally and financially. However, this energy could also make you speak too boldly where a little silence may be a better approach. You don’t have to show off—let your work speak for itself. On the 9th lucky Jupiter goes direct again in your sign giving your reputation a positive vibe. A crown of stars in your career house on the 23rd will set off the remainder of June as a time to advance your professional life—providing you with the financial stability you love but which can often elude you. When Mars in Cancer squares Jupiter (now in forward motion) in your sign on the 24th, you may feel an urge to splurge. Fun will probably win out over practicality, so make sure you enjoy your adventure to the fullest.


For your June Money Horoscope, let’s start at June 9 where you experience a Full Moon in your second house of cash and possessions. Full Moons symbolize endings and the extreme spotlight of this Full Moon is likely showing you where you could make some cuts in your expenditures. This Full Moon will conjunct with the taskmaster planet, Saturn (retrograde) that has been in your second house for quite some time. Following the lead from this Full Moon will somewhat appease sometimes strict Saturn. In a few short months, Saturn will leave your second house and you’ll want to show it you have learned your financial lessons. Neptune retrograde on the 16th will add a little fun and relaxation to the hardworking vibe you’re under, so make sure you take a few minutes, hours or even days to recharge your batteries.


At the beginning of your June Money Horoscope you’ll love the Gemini vibe. Mars, Mercury and the Sun will urge you to spread your wings and take a spur-of-the-moment trip. The Full Moon in your Sun sign will conjunct with Saturn on the 9th and with Jupiter going direct on the same day, it will be hard to resist enjoying the moment. Mercury, Mars, the Sun and the New Moon in your eighth house of shared expenses present you with a family-related monetary decision during the week of the 19th. A family member may be in need of financial assistance. Of course you’ll want to be there for them, but first make sure a true need exists, especially if you’re going to ask your other half to help. Avoid signing agreements when Mercury in Cancer opposes Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and your second house of money on the 29th.


June will be a wonderful month for you, Capricorn, where you finally get to enjoy the fruits of your labors in and around your home and centered around your relationships. You’ll want to do a little entertaining, a little relaxing and perhaps some travel. You’re a sign that works hard but also appreciates playtime, and June holds many great moments. There is a tremendous amount of cardinal energy in the air, especially during the week of the 19th when four planets will grace your house of relationships. You may quickly plan a spontaneous getaway vacation with your other half. The best day of your June Money Horoscope is June 24 when Venus, in fellow Earth sign Taurus, trines Pluto retrograde in your Sun sign. Money will be no object as long as you can trade it for great memories and a little time off from all your hard work.


Your June Money Horoscope points to June 16 when Neptune begins its retrograde in Pisces and your second house of cash-on-hand. If you’re not on top of expenses, bills or even payments you’re owed, your financial life gets confusing. Don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from someone who is a savvier than you. Even if you’re good with money, asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a smart move. Fast forward to June 23 when a crown of stars—Mars, Mercury, the Sun and the New Moon—will take up residence in your sixth house of daily work and reputation in the sign of Cancer. Since Cancer represents the home, you may consider working from your home or adding an office to your floor plan. The freedom of working from home or for yourself is something that suits you, so see if you can swing it.


For the first six days of your June Money Horoscope Venus will be in Aries, your solar second house of cash. Seek advice on a business or money matter, especially on the 1st of the month when Venus trines Saturn retrograde in your career house. A Full Moon in your career house on the 9th could illuminate a new way to make money or add to your already thriving career. Saturn will conjunct this Full Moon, making any changes regarding career feel like a destined move—and it is. Your ruling planet, Neptune will go retrograde in your first house at which time you may decide to help a friend financially or rescue a pet. This is a feel-good moment for you that will only aid in your creativity and inspiration when it comes to work and making money. Life will have that well-rounded feel that makes you happy.

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4 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope: June 2017

  1. Julie Ann Romines

    I never did get my question answered My question again is will I win the Publisher’s Clearinghouse ?

  2. Cinnamon ext 6895

    With Jupiter going direct on June 9 in Libra, which is ruled by Venus, and Venus now in Taurus, also ruled by Venus, expect people to attempt to make amends for their bad behavior while Venus was retrograde in Aries, back in March and April.

    It’s delicious to be swept off your feet, but has there been a true change of heart? Is that apology followed up by action? The angle between Jupiter and Neptune indicates that it’s still wise to take your time and let the truth reveal itself.


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