Your Money Horoscope: March 2017

A Crowning Moment for New Beginnings

Venus, the spendthrift lover of the zodiac, has planned an extended stay in impulsive, energy-packed Aries as she begins to retrograde starting March 4. This will last through April 15. Similar to a Mercury retrograde, this would be an unwise time to make a big-ticket purchase. However, unlike Mercury, Venus will tempt you to spend and make you feel like you’ve “just gotta have it.” Use all your re words during any retrograde, such as rethink, regroup and so on. However, in March resist should be on the top of that word list.

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Also, mark the 27th on your money horoscope calendar as the New Moon in Aries will set the “crown of stars” in the sky when it joins Uranus, Venus, Mercury and the Sun in the same sign. This gives the fresh-start energy of the New Moon some star-studded astrological power that will benefit almost anyone thinking of venturing into new financial territory or planning an entrepreneurial pursuit. Just don’t take any action until after Venus returns from vacation in April.

Now, let’s see what the money horoscope for March has in store for your Sun sign:


Surprisingly, Venus in your first house will likely affect your love life rather than your financial outlook. For you, the Virgo Full Moon shines a light on your house of daily work and reputation which is great news for you if you’ve been hoping someone will notice all your hard work. It could pay off nicely.


Venus, your ruling planet, continues her visit in impulsive Aries, and that could spell trouble for you and your will power. Tempting treasures and irresistible bargains vie for your attention at every turn. It’s almost too much. If you can’t resist, then at least make sure you can return your purchase(s).


Since there are two sides to you, it makes sense that Venus retrograde would present you with two pressing concerns: your personal life and your financial future. You see what needs to be done, so use this period of time to share your plans going forward. Love and money share center stage.


With all of that energy in fellow-cardinal sign Aries during March, your career house will be alight with fiery fuel. It’s your chance to shine under the spotlight and show the powers that be just what you’re made of. Demands will be plenty, but success is written in the stars as long as you remain diligent.


March will likely be a bustling month for you, Leo, ripe with invitations and celebrations. However, in between all of your social engagements don’t overlook your financial obligations. Perhaps you’ve spent more than you thought. Alternatively, it may be a partner’s spending you’ll need to check.


Your practical nature will come in handy, while Jupiter is retrograde in your house of money. The urge to splurge may seem unusually strong. In addition, Venus retrograde in Aries could point you in the direction of remodeling or refinancing. Plan now and act later.


With your ruling planet, Venus, retrograde in your partnership house and Jupiter retrograde in your first house, it’s a sure sign that spending on anything pricey is a no-no during March. In fact, a family meeting may be in order to make sure that everyone is on the same page. It won’t be this way forever, so feel free to dream. Dreaming isn’t costly.


Karmic Saturn remains in your second house, while all the planets in Aries light your house of daily work and reputation. If you play your cards right, you could end this month on a high note by making some favorable business and/or financial decisions. Let your astute intuition lead the way.


With all of the planetary action in fellow-fire sign, Aries, an impulsive need for speed, action and exhilaration may cause you to overlook all of the bright yellow caution tape wrapped around an impulsive purchase. Pump the brakes and slow down long enough to think it through or perhaps find a better deal elsewhere.


Your home and lifestyle take center stage in the month of March and anything from redecorating to remodeling may be on your mind. You want to do it right! If you’re in the unlikely position where your finances don’t meet your needs, you may consider switching jobs or taking on more work. No one can contain a goat in motion.


Circle the 12th on your money horoscope calendar for March, and get ready to have a serious conversation centered on joint finances. Perhaps you’ll decide to refinance a shared debt such as a mortgage or your partner has been spending without checking the bank balance. Try to keep the conversation cordial.


Both your house of joint finances and your house of money have two money planets (Jupiter and Venus) in retrograde. In addition Jupiter will be at a hard angle with revolutionary Uranus, also in Aries. It’s a rough beginning to March where you’ll have to face some hard truths about money. If someone’s been taking advantage, it may be time to cut the cord.

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