Your Money Horoscope for November 2013

Your Money Horoscope: A November to Remember

Your November money horoscope will have moments (both astrologically and generally) when you’ll feel the constraints of budgeting and the joys of giving. There will also be moments where you learn how to find your financial groove in an ever-changing world.

One of the transits affecting us now is Mercury’s retrograde in Scorpio, which will end on the 10th. Despite warnings to avoid purchasing big-ticket items during a retrograde period, you should still be able to find some real bargains while shopping for holiday gifts during the first few days of November.

Venus will move into Capricorn on the 5th so having a list of financial goals that you can check off will help you feel accomplished and ready for the future.

In addition, the exact square of Uranus and Pluto on the 1st and the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 3rd are both events in their own right, but they will also tie heavily to mid-month activity that might throw your money horoscope a little off-center.

Need vs. Want

In the third week of November, there’s an awesome Full Moon in Taurus which shines a light on our potential to gain money (as well as spend it). If you’re worried that you’re in the shopping mood for the sake of shopping alone, try watching a movie or taking a walk instead.

Speaking of shopping, the day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. is Black Friday—traditionally the biggest shopping day of the year. As I always say, forewarned is forearmed. Shop with a list, don’t overspend, keep your eye on the budget and think long-term.

Read the money horoscope for your Sun Sign/Rising Sign horoscope below to get a taste of what November holds for you:


People will be amazed at your ability to find the perfect items for your home or for gifts, and you’ll happily (secretly) revel in the fact that you didn’t spend as much as they think you did. Changes at work may improve your savings.


After the Full Moon in your sign on the 17th, you’ll be looking forward to the coming holiday season when you find some great bargains and maybe even a reason to do something nice for yourself.

Do you often put others’ needs before your own? Learn to take time for yourself during a chat with Psychic Rianne ext. 9423!


The New Moon Solar Eclipse may mean a change in your working life that will hopefully mean an increase in salary as well. But eclipses can also make you wait a bit—a reminder not to spend your money before you have it.


With certain mid-month planetary alignments, you spend on things you need for yourself or others before the Full Moon in Taurus and that includes paying the bills. You’ll be glad you did.


Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? Can you wow the crowd while still staying within budget? If the first answer is yes, than so is the second. Planning ahead in any matter, especially when it comes to your money, will keep you on solid ground.


Travelling, family and friends all speak of a good time and a well-deserved break for hard-working Virgo. I don’t need to remind you that when you’re not making money, you’re spending it—but some moments are priceless.


The time around the Taurus Full Moon signals a raise in income for your or your significant other. For some, a family matter may spark a discussion that may require your financial commitment.

Find out when you will be getting that well-deserved raise! Psychic Burke ext. 5655 can tell you. 


The Solar Eclipse in your sign is your annual New Moon gift times two. Once Mercury completes its retrograde period, you’ll be amped up to make every money horoscope in the future better than the next.


After the retrograde, finances should run fairly smoothly, but towards month’s end you may have a few unexpected events or surprises and you’ll want to have cash available to take care of matters quickly.


Venus enters your sign on the 5th and that’s a great time to get noticed at work for all your contributions. In fact, networking of all kinds will pay off monetarily soon enough.

Your networking skills need improvement. Psychic Maryanne ext. 9146 knows what else you should be doing. 


You have the support of the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio gracing your career house. This can only mean big changes in your career that will most likely affect your money horoscope for a while.


It will hardly be a few weeks between Venus’ time left in Sagittarius and the Sun’s entry into that sign. Both will shine on your career house, giving you continued work and a steady flow of cash.

20 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for November 2013

  1. LJ

    Dear MARIAANGLADA: It’s hard for me to write everything I want to in a short article never mind in a short description of your Sun Sign reading – if something doesn’t resonate with you one week, just keep reading the weeks that follow. Sun sign readings are for everyone of a particular sign – no matter if they’re retired, working or just born 🙂 … and not many newborns are making money – try to make it relevant to you. Thanks for reading my horoscopes.

  2. LJ

    Dear Lucky Numbers requesters. I wish I could help you there, I say why not have someone do a numerology reading for you – the answers to unlocking the numbers are in your name and date of birth. Thanks

  3. LJ

    Dear Quinn – You Caps are so hardworking – it’s a part of who you are to the core, so it’s always my pleasure to do your forecast. And you’re not so bad at this yourself LOL

  4. LJ

    Dear ChakraW: I always put a positive spin on my forecasts, being negative does nothing for us – maybe it’s in the way you’re interpreting the forecast – because actually, your Sun Sign is due for some recognition on the work front – and that usually means more money. There are monthly readings and weekly – look at it as a series that you can follow – feel free to read them in succession and you’ll see it unfold in a better light. .

  5. LJ

    Dear Hilaria: Your contract may not have been renewed but don’t close yourself (or your thinking) off to new possibilities. I can only read what’s in the stars for your sun sign – it’s a broad stroke of paint – the details are in your individual chart. Let someone do your chart and it may guide you in the right direction – for you specifically.

  6. Hilaria Morales

    It’s funny u say this about Pisces because I didn’t get a contract renewed…that means NO MONEY. Soo…shine on me!

  7. ChakraW

    You seem to have nothing by negative for Aquarius or a diluted comment. Do you HATE Aquarius so much that just ONCE you can’t bring yourself to say that something GOOD might happen?!

  8. Pingback: Your Money Horoscope for November 2013 | Articles, Advice and More

  9. caridad fonseca

    i wanted to know if im going to progress forward and be happy with my finacial and to buy a house in the middle of next year


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