Your Money Horoscope: August 2017

A Mixed Bag of Tricks

It’s a busy August money horoscope starting with Uranus going retrograde in Aries on the 2nd and the final in a series of three Jupiter-Pluto retrograde squares on August 4. As outer planets, this speaks more about the economy in general but it can also affect personal matters. To get an idea of how this square may affect you personally, look at what happened on March 30, 2017, and/or November 24, 2016. The energy surrounding this event could be better, but at least we won’t see this configuration again until 2023. It’s always best to prepare as much as possible, so make sure your accounts are in order.

Wondering what the future holds for your finances? A reading with an astrology psychic can tell you!

You’ll roll your eyes when you realize that August has yet another Mercury retrograde in store on August 12. This time it’s in neat and nitpicky Virgo. This retrograde falls right in between two eclipses this month, so be sure to act upon your money horoscope as soon as possible to know what to expect and how to prepare. Beware of impulsive monetary behavior around the 16th when Venus in Cancer squares Jupiter in Libra; both signs like to get things going and both planets have few boundaries when it comes to spending.

Eclipses Change Lives

As for the eclipses, both have good planetary vibes around them, so don’t expect the worst. However, eclipses are life changing events that can bring some surprises to the mix. The first is a Full Moon (partial) lunar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius on the 7th. On this same day, Jupiter is at a great angle to the Moon which is fortunate. The second eclipse is a New Moon solar eclipse in Leo. Again, Mars, the Sun, and the New Moon will lend Leo magnificence to the picture. Solar eclipses always triple the effects of a New Moon which signifies new beginnings.

Let astrology be your GPS. It will help you avoid obstacles on the road ahead and assist you in finding the best path towards financial awareness and control. Read your Sun Sign’s money horoscope for August to see where the planets may benefit your financial picture.


On August 4, you can blame the Jupiter-Pluto (retrograde) square if there’s a conflict between work and your personal life. Jupiter is in your house of committed relationships and Pluto (retrograde) is in your career house. If this happens to you, rest assured that putting your efforts in at work will not go unnoticed. You’ll receive some perks for your dedication that you can share with your significant other. It could be overtime money, a raise or tickets to a sporting event. Venus, who reigns over the worlds of love and money, will be in home-centered Cancer until the 26th of August. With Venus in your fourth house, you’ll have some financially related occurrence around the home. The possibilities depend on your personal situation, but you could be moving or buying a home, getting a roommate or new tenant, or you may invest in the beautification of your surroundings.


Thanks to two eclipses in August in Leo and Aquarius, your patience for money mix-ups is tested. Then, the often-dreaded Mercury retrograde on the 12th reminds you to take a break from high-end purchases. However, if you can keep your cool and get through August without busting up the “china shop,” you’ll have less to clean up when it’s over. Friendly and expansive Jupiter is now in forward motion in your sixth house of daily work and routines. This gives you an overall feeling of well-being and less stress related to money. In addition, Saturn is still in your house of shared money. On the 25th it will end its retrograde phase and move forward again, lightening the load of money burdens. If you can keep all the positive news in the back of your mind throughout August, you’ll weather any minor money-related pressures with ease.


Venus will be in the home-and-family-loving sign of Cancer, highlighting your solar second house of cash until the 25th. You may need to shell out some money towards a home- or child-related matter, and it looks like there’s no way around it. If possible, take care of any unique financial obligations before the 12th when Mercury, your ruling planet, turns retrograde in Virgo. With generous Jupiter about to move into your sixth house of daily work and lifestyle in two months, now is the time to start thinking about the direction of your career and to make sure that your finances work for you versus the other way around. In other words, you’re too smart to work hard at reaching your financial goals. Instead, grab that one big money-making idea and prepare a solid plan now so you’re ready to enact it before year’s end.


We’ll all be experiencing two eclipses this month, but when it comes to money, you (and your opposite sign of Capricorn) will probably feel them the most since they will occur in your second house of cash and your eighth house of shared money. This month will not be your favorite of the year when it comes to financial stability. But if you keep in mind that you have abundance-attracting Venus in your sign through the 25th, then you can weather just about any financial surprise. You’ve achieved expert status when it comes to creative financial juggling, and this month will put those skills to the test. Take care of your most important obligations first. Show the universe and the world that you’ve got what it takes to turn any negative into a positive.


There is one day in August that may prove to be a little trying for you when it comes to finances, and that is August 4 when Jupiter in your communications house squares with Pluto in your sixth house of daily work. Scheduling any type of presentation, asking for a raise or lending money to a coworker are all things to avoid around this time. Even if you’re adamant about your stance on the matter, your words may be misunderstood. On the 12th of August Mercury begins its retrograde phase in your second house of cash on hand. Remember that retrogrades bring out the energy of all the “re” words, such as “review” and “rethink.” Leos have a fair shot at “renegotiating” a financial obligation so that it works more in their favor.  If this sounds like something that could benefit you, then don’t be afraid to speak up.


Mercury retrogrades in your first house of self. This causes you to reassess your life. Now, jump back to August 7 where a Full Moon partial eclipse in your house of daily work and personal well-being causes you to rethink how you make money. If you’re not happy, try something new, even if it means less money, to begin with. Eclipses can be life changing events that can bring unexpected surprises. Needless to say, if you’re uncomfortable with these parts of your life, the second week of August will be a game changer for you. Don’t worry about money too much as Jupiter and Saturn are at an awesome and supportive angle on the 27th. Therefore, if you need a financial boost, someone will come to your aid. This aspect can bring growth and happiness to your life, so take advantage of what the stars offer.


You’re still enjoying expansive (and sometimes excessive) Jupiter in your Sun sign but on the 4th Jupiter squares Pluto for a third and final time in a series of three standoffs. This may manifest itself in a little pressure coming from the boss or a client. Just remember that accepting challenges often brings us the fame and perks we feel we deserve, so think about it before answering. On the 16th don’t hesitate to splurge a little on yourself. Venus squares Jupiter and an investment in your looks may be costly, but it makes you look like the Hollywood star you are. Save the 27th for any financial pitches—personal or professional. Jupiter sextiles Saturn on that day, lighting up your communications house. Your powers of persuasion will be unmatched, and you’ll talk your way through any deal and get just about anything you want—a raise, a lowered interest rate, etc.


Your money horoscope will ask you to be resilient. This month’s eclipses on the 7th and the 21st occur in your fellow fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius. This puts a spotlight on your home and work, and you may have to sacrifice one for the other. Perhaps you’ll choose work over a family function. Because this axis relies on your income, it won’t be easy to juggle, but you can and you will. You’ll know you’ve made sound, solid decisions that benefit all involved by month’s end when Venus moves into Leo on the 25th and beneficent Jupiter forms a cozy angle to stern Saturn in your second house of money on the 27th. The Mercury retrograde will move to your house of careers on August 30th, so when it’s over on September 5th you’ll ask for that raise or promotion you earned in August.


Your money horoscope has a lot of interesting energy. Mercury retrograde on August 12th begins in Virgo, your house of careers. Be prepared with facts and figures when it comes to a work-related matter as Virgo can be quite meticulous. However, we are talking retrograde here, so that meeting you’ve worked yourself up over may get delayed. Don’t feel frustrated. Instead, feel glad that you have more time to prepare. You can’t be too on-point when it comes to Virgo. The next thing to look out for is the 16th when Venus squares Jupiter, both big spenders. Your friends and/or family may try to coax you into doing something impulsive (like spending money). You should resist that urge. Sorry if that sounds ultra-practical, but timing is important. Why blow your money when you can spend it on something important. By month’s end, all of your sacrifices will pay off.


Although the Jupiter-Pluto square on the 4th might seem difficult on a financial front, for you, it also means taking time away from work to reconnect with your partner. Make sure you enjoy it because the two eclipses in August will affect your money houses. First, the August 7 lunar eclipse in Aquarius spotlights your second house of cash coming in and going out, and the second, a solar eclipse in Leo, shows up in your eighth house of shared money. All of that means you’ll be focusing more on work than home. You enjoy being with friends and family, but you also enjoy the finer things in life and know what you have to do to get them. You will love August 27 when bountiful Jupiter in your career zone cozies up to your ruling planet, Saturn. Also, you could receive a bonus for all your hard work.


The two eclipses this month will focus on your personal relationships rather than your finances. However, the same cannot be said for the Mercury retrograde which begins on August 12 in the sign of Virgo, representing your house of other people’s money and/or shared finances. If you’ve been having trouble refinancing or finding suitable money solutions, you can expect much of the same for the next three weeks. Try to put a positive spin on this delay by doing a little more research into your financial choices and opportunities. When the Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd, it signals the start of a new financial outlook which comes more into focus next month. And by October you’ll have lucky Jupiter in your career house, so try to focus on what’s to come rather than your current financial situation. Nothing stays the same forever.


With Mars in the sign of Leo throughout August, your sixth house of daily work gets a boost. Your reputation is growing and you’re not shy about promoting yourself. If you feel like you deserve a higher status or a raise in pay, it’s time for a little recognition. Do this before the 12th when Mercury will turn retrograde in the sign of Virgo. You may not get a response for a few weeks, but that’s just Mercury in reverse. After it goes forward again on September 5, you’ll get a positive response as long as your work warrants it. However, if you are self-employed, it may be time to raise your rates. Also, the New Moon solar eclipse in Leo on the 21st will bring long-needed change and professional recognition—a promotion or an assistant. Anything’s possible during an eclipse.

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