New Moon in Leo

Whether you’re attached or solo, get ready for a romantic tidal wave from the New Moon in Leo on August 20, 2009. During the next two weeks or so, love will be the cosmic focus because Leo rules the heart. It’s time to initiate some sexy fun with your sweetie – or be open to meeting someone new (and fabulous!).

What’s more, the heightened creative energy makes it an ideal time to start an original venture, or promote a project that’s ready to launch. With the Sun as its ruler, Leo ignites the creative fire – romantic and otherwise – that’s inside us all. You don’t have to be an artist to take advantage of this influence, just the desire and determination to live a more joyful, creative life.

To see how the passionate New Moon may affect you, read your Sun and ascendant signs below.

Leo: The New Moon in your sign fires you up for a fresh start! You’re ready for more love in your life, and you’re willing to share your heart with someone special. It’s time to get clear about what you want in love, work and other areas in your life – and take some steps to pursue your dreams.

Virgo: Your inner life is illuminated by the New Moon, and that means it’s time to do some inner housekeeping. What issues from the past need to be examined and swept away? You’re especially introspective now, and your intuition is a powerful guide. In romance, creating a peaceful environment for two will deepen intimacy!

Libra: Socializing kicks into high gear during the New Moon. Friends will be especially important to your life. If you’re solo, a friend may match you up with someone fabulous. Or you may meet a prospective partner during a group gathering or community event. Be open to getting involved in a cause that’s close to your heart, as well.

Scorpio: Your career gets a boost from the New Moon, so seek out opportunities for advancement. Networking will bring in people who can assist you, and promoting your projects will pay off – or at least point you in the right direction. Solo scorpions may hook up with someone intriguing through a work-related activity.

Sagittarius: The New Moon gives you the urge to explore new territories, whether they’re physical (a trip abroad), mental (taking a class) or spiritual (examining your beliefs). Your future is illuminated now, so heed what your inner voice says about your direction. Solo archers can find romance from afar, or during a spiritual activity or class.

Capricorn: Passion sizzles during the New Moon, when emotional and sexual intimacy can be especially satisfying. But first you may need to heal some inner blocks that keep you “safe” from love. You may also need some time alone to recharge your batteries. Reevaluating your finances, especially debt and investments, is the focus now as well.

Aquarius: The New Moon brings a fresh start in your partnership sector. If you’re attached, activities (and issues!) with your sweetie will be the focus. It’s time to plan something fun together and talk about ways to improve your relationship. For solo water-bearers, spending time with close friends will bring satisfaction, as well.

Pisces: Look for work opportunities and ways to promote your projects during the New Moon. It’s also a great time to start a diet, and rev up your exercise routine. Solo fish can find romance through work endeavors, coworkers, charity events and flirting at the gym. Lending a helping hand may inspire love as well!

Aries: The New Moon lands right in your romance sector – lucky you! Mixing love and artistry, like creating an alluring bedroom ambiance or taking your sweetie to a play, will enhance your love life. If you’re a solo ram, focusing on compatibility will heighten your chances of attracting a partner who’s in tune with you.

Taurus: Normally serene bulls will find their dramatic sides emerging during the New Moon. It’s time to express what’s in your heart through actions and words – with a dose of daring! Creating a stylish but cozy environment for entertaining will bring satisfaction as well. Single bulls may find love through a family member.

Gemini: It’s all about your way with words during the New Moon. Promoting your ideas will bring professional opportunities. In romance, texting, emailing or flirting in person will heat up the passion and make love bloom. Single twins can find love online, or by networking with friends and colleagues. Look for love while traveling, too.

Cancer: A loving gift or gesture is a sure way to get your sweetie’s attention – and perhaps their devotion as well. It’s time to connect with people who share what’s important to you. Look for moneymaking opportunities during the next two weeks. If you’re a solo crab, you can meet someone special during an artsy activity.

Maximize the new moon’s energy to enhance love. Get insight in a psychic reading today. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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