New Moon in Sagittarius

It could be argued that there is no better opener than a Sagittarius New Moon. It’s the perfect energy to set the stag. The Moon in Sagittarius signifies that all of us will be inspired to reach for the dreams that emanate from our truest selves. So, if you’ve been determined to live life fully, to discover your true life’s purpose – now is the time.

As you may remember the Sun is also in Sagittarius, magnifying this effect. The Sun in Sagittarius means that in the seasonal cycles, this is the time of hope, of generosity, and of sharing.

Adding enormous power to this is Jupiter who has also just come to spend a year in Sagittarius. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was the symbol for the Greek god, Zeus, then became the Roman god, Jupiter or Jove. He was the greatest of the gods, the father of gods, men and the Roman Empire. It was said that all things came from Jove, both good and ill. Yet, over time he came to be symbolic of luck, fortune and optimism. The word ‘jovial’ has its root in the name of this god and means warm, jolly, and buoyant.

Jupiter has begun its reign in the sign Sagittarius, its only homecoming here for the past 12 years. Since Jupiter rules Sagitatius this amplifies its power and magnificence. Astrologically, this heralds a cycle of great positive growth; it’s a time to delve into education, travel and adventure. It’s time to seek your own personal truths, to set down and achieve your goals. Right now, any goal that involves education, foreign cultures, languages or beliefs will have unusual ease and momentum associated with it.

If you think it couldn’t get better – well, you’d be quite mistaken. Mars also entered Sagittarius this month, so it brings to bear its active, forceful and energetic and motivating energies to you. This will heighten any urges you’ll feel for learning, travel and adventures of all sorts (just be careful to rein in any impulsiveness).

Then the life of the party, Mercury, also enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the god of communication and information, so he’ll bring all his gifts to you. You’ll find yourself to be unusually loquacious and perhaps uncharacteristically blunt. Yet, the heavens are demanding that you seek after your personal truth, and Mercury will help you gather all the information you need to develop a comprehensive plan.

And finally, the darkest and most powerful god, Pluto is on the scene. If you’re determined to discover your own unique path through life, to unearth your hidden potentials and your untapped potential, Pluto is here to help. Yet, beware – if you avoid this truth-seeking quest with Pluto around he’ll violently force the issue – it’s either jump or be pushed.

Yet from an optimistic perspective, change – positive change is on the wing. You can no more hide from it than you can avoid air, so now’s the best astrological time in many years to effect change that allows you to live fully and to bring your gifts out into the world.

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3 thoughts on “New Moon in Sagittarius

  1. Michael

    Having been born on November 27 this appears to be my year, I certainly hope so as I was diagnosed with ALS on January 9, 2013.

    I’m hopeful a new drug is found or any other cure.


  2. Michael

    Born on November 27, can only hope that this year is my salvation, as I was diagnosed with ALS in January 2013.

    I am forever hopeful a new drug will come forward or cure found.


  3. Pam

    wowowwowowowowowwow!!!!! I have done everything that is needed, to date, to quit smoking on Tues. May 7, after 45 yrs!!!!!! I am a pro at quitting, and I now am FINALLY READY TO DO THIS FOR ME!!!!!!! Time couldn’t be any better!!! Thank God! Truth seeking quest with Pluto Seek my personal truth and Mercury is helping!!! o man, I can go on for each of the planets,,,finally Jupiter is with me!! but they all tell me the same thing,,,,, clean up my act, find my with in (again!) and I also just purchased a wonderful program with the Silva Academy… very excited about it!! 🙂


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