Your October 2013 Horoscope

Your October Horoscope: Some Tense and Tender Moments

There’s a lot going in your October horoscope. For instance, the oddly tense New Moon in Libra, A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries and the last Mercury retrograde of 2013, just to name a few. Also, the tension of the upcoming Uranus-Pluto square (the last of this year) is not yet exact. However, the energy is building and it will be at odds with the New Moon.

But it’s not all bad. While outside forces may push and shove us at times, there will be plenty of reasons to celebrate romance and flirtations, innovative and original ideas and, of course, Halloween.

Now let’s preview your October horoscope!


From the 1st through the 15th any tension at work will be diffused by close moments with friends and family. After the 15th, work picks up again and some financial matters will require attention. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign motivates you.


Work will continue to push your buttons, but avoid clashes with co-workers. Kids are your inspiration as well as some socially fun moments. Use the Full Moon for a little alone time—you’re worth it. Friendships either strengthen or loosen ties—it’s all for the best.


Work could be a drag and you might even be tempted to find another job. Make financially sound decisions. Socially, the second half of October is made for you—friends, kids and plenty to do. One friendship could change as the month begins, but you’ll be too busy to dwell on it.

What’s the best way to approach your financial situation? Get insight from Psychic Reed ext. 5105!


Venus leaves your house of true love on the 7th and enters your house of reputation, giving your career a boost as does the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Mercury retrograde urges you stick to a schedule and double-check appointments. Love and friendships cool a bit as family begs your attention.


It’s a wacky, mixed month for you but thanks to Venus it’s a great month for relationships or meeting new lovers as well as spending time with friends. Travel locally if traveling at all and if during the Mercury retrograde—expect family-related hiccups and budget concerns. Work is busy, but there’s plenty of joy as well.


Home is where the heart is in your October horoscope. Venus encourages lounging about and possibly even redecorating. There’s just two things to look out for—spats with spouses and overspending. Once Mars enters your sign on the 15th, your engine is revving with energy. You can slow down a bit and still get it all done.


Your charming sign is ruled by Venus, and when she enters your house of creativity the world seems made for you. Innovative ideas and socializing all join to ease some otherwise tense moments at work. Also the Lunar Eclipse will affect your relationship house, and over the next few months you may see many changes in this area.


Mercury fills your mind with ideas and inspirations, and the retrograde will actually work for you by helping you prepare for next year. Work is fulfilling and you seem to go with the flow, mostly. Mid-October, your birthday is close at hand, and you’ll enjoy being a bit more social.

“Astrology reveals your aspirations and goals, talents, hopes and wishes, as well as your challenges en route to your goals.” – Psychic Sonja ext. 5071


With the influence of Venus in your sign after the 7th and also the Full Moon in your house of fun and romance, your October horoscope is not too shabby. After the 15th, Mars gives you yet another career boost (you’ve been lucky)—just don’t get into any tiffs with co-workers.


Ever mindful, you may experience a bit of tension in the workplace, but you know how to play it cool. You might meet a potential client during the New Moon, and when Venus enters Sagittarius after the 7th, you’re brimming with ideas–jot them down. Otherwise, when Mercury turns retrograde, you may be preoccupied and forget them.


The New Moon in your house of self-improvement may prompt you to make personal changes. Meanwhile Venus moves into your house of peers and associations and you could join a book club or a bowling team. Mercury will retrograde in your career house–if plans stall, just be patient. In-laws and neighbors fit prominently in your world.


The New and Full Moons remind you to keep an eye on your wallet and your spending. On the 7th Venus enters your career house. You’re in demand–just keep it professional. On the 15th Mars moves into your house of partnerships. If you squabble with your lover, at least the make-up sex will rock.

Astrology can open doors for both career and relationships. Get an in-depth look at your future with Psychic William ext. 5131!

24 thoughts on “Your October 2013 Horoscope

  1. LJ

    Dear Len: It’s a month after the fact, and I had a thought to look at comments and there you were. Try not to let worry surround you – it will not help anything especially your health. The only power words have over us is the belief we put in them. If your brother tried to hurt you, it will only hurt him in the end. Concentrate on your health, seek alternatives to what you’ve tried – meditate and pray for good health to come your way – every day and believe that it helps. Though you would like to buy a house, that’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself right now, and I have a feeling that your wife and daughter would be happy living anywhere as long as it was with you – a healthy you. Turn it around Len, I know you can – I don’t see any reason why age should matter – it’s what’s in our hearts and in the way we feel and act that shape our lives. Peace you my friend.

  2. hetal pandya

    Hello dear I was born 10.30.1980 my question is will I pass my board exam? I taking on October 29 2013 please answer me. Thanks for your time 🙂

  3. Sheila

    My father passed away 9-28-13. Now all my family is . Gone . I’m 55 and I’ve been single 13 years. Will I ever find happiness . Thank you

  4. LJ

    Thank you to all my readers for your readership and your comments. As usual, I’d love to answer all of your questions, but the info I’d need and the answers you want come down to having a true reading – so may I suggest 1) reading helpful articles here on CaliforniaPsychics – they’re written by psychics and writers who are true to their craft and provide tons of useful information. If you’re looking for deeper answers, why not get a reading from one of these gifted psychics – find peace, relief and answers in the truth.
    I will answer one comment – from Leonard Morgan – you would really benefit from having not only a reading about what’s truly happening in your life, but also a spiritual clearing. I think that you took your brother’s comment to heart and carried it with you – you gave him your power and you need to take it back. You create guide your life-ship, you are the captain and you can gain control of this journey and take back your free will and happiness – I know you can.

  5. c.wright.thru.u.

    Divine infinite ever-increasing blessings, praise, gratitude, appreciation, love, light, peace, ascension, joy, prosperity and oneness to ALL throughout October 2013, and ALL time and space/space-time/timelessness, eternally.

  6. rhonda rivers

    my husband committed adultery on me an he is running around with is new girl, that’s ok
    if that’s what he wants.. I never speak evil on him but I heard that he talks bad about me
    for no reason.. I will love to get into a good and serious relationship do you see me in a
    nice relationship. I look out for this person for a lot of years and receive no rewards.. so sad.

  7. Prasanna

    Its about my daughter, who is not showing interest in studies but very good in home making and concern to elders.Though she wishes to become a medical Doctor, never take attention for hard work.
    To which direction i should divert her future, to medicine or others.
    Please help. She was borne on 29th October, 1995.

  8. Leonard Morgan

    My brother told me in 1976: “You’ve Always Been Too Honest & dedicated… and ALWAYS HELPING EVERYONE…. BUT YOU NEVER LEARNED THAT GOOD GUYS ALWAYS FINISH LAST”, and Ever Since Then, That Moment Telling me with some hatred intended to me, I have not Succeeded Well at all in my EMPLOYMENT LIFE ever since…it is almost like brother placed an Evil Spell On Me…. and Financially so bad off, I do not have enough income to have any Life Insurance on myself at all, for many years now… I wanted to get into JOURNALISM career, But Never Made It into Journalism. And Yet, I Have Been HONEST, & Dedicated all my Life. Why am I having so much financial difficulty in my life? I’m 81 years old now, and in very bad health condition too…, would like to be able to buy a house for my wife and daughter’s before I die… WHY AM I HAVING SO MUCH TROUBLE FINANCIALLY WITHIN MY LIFE? NOT DESERVED EITHER, AND MY HEALTH PROBLEMS ARE NOT DESERVED EITHER… SO WHY AM I HAVING SO MUCH PROBLEMS? THANK YOU. LEN. MORGAN, PORT CHESTER, NEW YORK

  9. Lisette

    Hi. Just wanted to know if you see a new job coming my way. Can you also see if I will be going for an interview in the near future.



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