Open the Channels for Communication in 2012

Born With Uranus in Scorpio: You Are the Communication Bridge for 2012!

Uranus in Scorpio, you were born between September 1975 and December 1981—and you’ve probably done a brilliant examination of your depths by now and know something of what you have to offer during and after 2012. Some of this may sound familiar, but you have some pivotal opportunities arising to show your detective abilities as well as your transformational role in this world that you will want to seize.

Your Uranus is in a sign ruled by the planet Mars in traditional astrology. This gives you a familiarity with the speed of Uranus in Aries, the other sign ruled by Mars. You will welcome fast transformation but may feel attached to certain familiar parts of life. Also, Scorpio loves Pluto, who is the other major “player” these days with our very active Uranus and Saturn. So, by nature, your love of the well-being of people in general and their necessary transformation are simply natural for you. You are perfectly adapted, focusing on these qualities, to ride out the unsettling times around 2012 and to provide healing to others.

You are, in your realm of expression, a “shaman” – healer, educator and mystical guide – to others. Whether you lead the way through confusing times at the office, treat others through medicine or pure compassion, or teach others the advantages of addressing fear and crossing into the unknown, you are just that healer who is needed.

You are naturally inclined to want to break through obstacles, both personal and social, to a greater depth of understanding. If your partner finds it difficult to face your or their personal “monsters” (really human traits that become demonized and buried in our subconscious), remind them that these feared thoughts and feelings dissolve once exposed to the light. You may need to move on to someone also focused on digging out the things that don’t support you, or anyone else if it’s too frightening to a current partner. You will be happier, and the old partner always has the opportunity to engage their own fears in order to overcome them.

You are here to guide others through the darkness of their own souls with your flashes of brilliance, whether it be a partner or a group – absolutely essential to these transformational times. Go for it, healer!

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4 thoughts on “Open the Channels for Communication in 2012

  1. Debra Keil-LeavittDebra Keil-Leavitt

    Dear Deborah: The Uranus in Leo article is for you if you were born in July 1956.

    Heidi: The Uranus in Scorpio article is about you.

    The dates are at the top of each of these articles so that you will know if it is about you…

    Debbie Keil-Leavitt

  2. Deborah

    This article state I was born between Sept. 1975 and December 1981, I was born in July of 1956…..make me have to go mmmmmmmmmmmm!


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