Your Saturn Horoscope for August 10 – September 9, 2013

Steady Progress Ahead—Check Your Horoscope!

While Saturn enjoys a relatively quiet month in terms of planetary interactions, the ringed one’s progress through intense Scorpio keeps things interesting.

Read on to check your horoscope and find out what Saturn has in store for you this month!


Facing your fears can be daunting, but you’ll benefit greatly by doing so. One of those may be your own mortality. Spiritual questions are worth exploration.


Loneliness is one of the toughest aspects of life. Worse still is to feel lonely in a partnership. If this is your current predicament, shift your focus to what you want to create in your relationships—with others and with yourself!


Your motivation is at an all time high (something that may fade come September). Jump on that to regiment yourself before then. This will arm you later when your reserve is not so high.

Find out where you’re going with a detailed astrology forecast from Psychic Marilyn ext. 5364.


You’re cleaning house these days, Crab. Those people and practices that have become outdated in your life seem to be falling away—or at least you’re attempting to shake them off. Keep up the good work.


While it may be hard to hear, the time to stop seeking out ego boosts is upon you. The slowdown you’re currently experiencing begs you to dig in and make real changes—not just those for appearance sake!

Need to find clarity in your career or financial future? Call Caralatta ext. 5871 to get a career or financial reading.


Your ability to assess yourself realistically is at a high. Turn that razor-sharp perception on yourself and you may find you’ve grown and changed quite a bit. If not, you’ll see where there’s work to do!


Now is the time to stabilize yourself, financially. You can see where you’ve made mistakes in the past and where you can do better. Plan accordingly and you will prosper greatly.


And here you thought you knew yourself so well! Saturn’s transit through your sign is a time of breaking down barriers— primarily the self-constructed. Look closer and be willing to shift your perspective. The results may astound you!


It’s a time for letting go. The new beginnings are still a cycle away and won’t appear until Saturn enters your sign. For now, the ringed one asks you to master the art of caring detachment.


Humility has been your lesson thus far in Saturn’s current transit. If you’ve taken time to process that, and applied it to the work you’ve been doing inside and out, odds are, you’re experiencing life’s successes on a more fundamental level.


Your health is at the fore during this time—be sure to take proper care of yourself. A tendency to run ragged is already part of your makeup. Don’t let it drive you into the ground!


You continue to crave adventure. However, you’ve been seeing it from a different perspective lately. Only calculated risks are worthwhile. Don’t jump without deep consideration, but don’t linger at the precipice of over-analysis either.

Know when you’ll meet someone special. Psychic Phoebe ext. 5231 can see when they’ll come into your life. 

5 thoughts on “Your Saturn Horoscope for August 10 – September 9, 2013

  1. Sherry

    I had to make friends with Saturn. I have it Squared at a 90 degree angle to my Natal Sun and Jupiter in my Second House of Money. Once I did though, Saturn took me under it’s wing, and my entire life transformed. It taught me astrology by living it. But I had to be disciplined and do the work. Saturn also rules time, and like fine wine that ages slowly day by day and drop by drop, what you want the most and have worked for the hardest comes at the season of harvest within the cycles of your life. We all have them. The Cosmos has a very long memory and Saturn will not forget to bless you at the right moment, and in the right way. The current Pluto Jupiter opposition in the Cardinal signs of Capricorn and Cancer squared by Uranus are setting things into motion by causing friction where ever it falls in your Natal Chart, causing something to manifest in about 18 month. Watch your words. Say nothing that you cannot take back. Uranus rules outbursts and Jupiter will add impact and amplify the reactions of other people, to what you say. If you are a Water sign Saturn will help you with restraint, but the key words here are BE ALERT, and SPEAK SOFTLY. All major transits teach us something if we are open to learning from them. The question is, “What is it the planets want you to work on?” Is it patience? Trust? Self respect? Impulse control? Therein is your answer. Blessings everyone.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    Being a Virgo, with a Grand Trine in Water in my natal chart, I found this Saturn forecast very helpful.

    And Thank You to Sherry for your input as well.

  3. Sherry

    The grand trine in water produces an unblocked energy stream poring favorable energy into your situations, giving the water signs what they have wanted and worked very hard for, often for many years. If you’re a water sign, now is a time of fulfillment. What you are seeking has either arrived or is on it’s way. The gods are smiling upon you. Pay them homage. One way or another you’ve somehow earned these blessings. Saturn always requires us to work, but if we do the work it asks of us, in the end, nothing bestows treasure like Saturn. It only chastises us if we try to avoid the life lessons it wants us to learn. So–Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces–Be open and flexible to receiving the blessings the planets are bringing to you.


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