September 2009 Forecast

Change is in the air. Again! The Saturn-Uranus opposition that sent us on a roller coaster ride last fall and earlier this year – especially in the crash-and-burn of financial institutions – returns for an encore to evoke more major shifts, both in your personal life and globally. Think back to November 2008 and February 2009 – what was happening in your life back then?

You may be in for another round of changes – this month and beyond – which will no doubt accelerate your personal growth. It isn’t always fun, but it’s sometimes necessary. On a national level, this influence may not affect the financial markets as much as the ongoing debate over healthcare reform in the U.S., which could be front-and-center on the world’s stage this fall.

That’s because Saturn rules the status quo, while Uranus rules reform. What’s more, Saturn and Uranus are transiting through Virgo and Pisces, respectively – the signs that rule health. It might be time for some radical changes in our healthcare policies – and in other areas that need reform.

What about love?
So enough about global upheaval. What about what really matters? Venus is in fiery Leo until the 20th, when it transits into earthy Virgo. The Leo influence is passionate, spontaneous and dramatic. It’s the sign of romance, after all. It can also heighten your creativity and courage in whatever you’re trying to accomplish. Venus in Virgo brings out your practical side in romance. It’s time to pay attention to the little things that can make or break a relationship. It’s also a good time to get in touch with your body, through health-related and sensual activities. Helping those who are less fortunate than we are can bring some personal fulfillment as well.

In other transit news, the Autumnal Equinox takes place when the Sun enters Libra on September 22. Having a grateful heart for the blessings you’ve received this year is an excellent way to celebrate the arrival of fall.

Planets in motion
It’s that time again – Mercury is retrograde, September 6-28. Expect communication snafus, travel glitches and computer files that could go into the Twilight Zone. Because Mercury is transiting through Libra (law) until the 17th and Virgo (health) through October 8, be sure to double-check legal agreements and health-related appointments and documents during retrograde Mercury.

Even bigger news… After being retrograde for five months, Pluto turns direct on the 11th. This will accelerate progress in financial dealings (including mortgages and other loans), business endeavors and health-related activities. It’s time to put your personal power to work in a positive way, too.

Lunar magic
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 4 brings out your imaginative side. Spiritual endeavors and artsy activities are energized as well. In romance, it may be difficult to see love clearly. Dream big, but keep one foot on the ground so your expectations remain realistic.

The New Moon in Virgo on the 18th focuses on health, work and service. Analyzing where you’re headed and simplifying your life will strengthen your purpose. It’s time to de-clutter, work smarter, get healthy, and lend a helping hand to someone less fortunate than you.

Planetary highlights

September 3: Mercury Square Mars causes argumentativeness and travel irritations – especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

September 4: The Full Moon in Pisces energizes artistry, idealism and spiritual practices.

September 6-28: Retrograde Mercury causes entanglements in communication and travel plans.

September 11: Pluto turning direct helps financial, business and health-related activities move forward. Venus opposing Jupiter heightens optimism (and unrealistic expectations) in relationships and financial dealings – especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

September 15-25 (peak time): Saturn opposing Uranus breaks down the old to make way for the new, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. On the 15th, Venus opposing Neptune heightens idealism (and lack of clarity) in relationships – particularly for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

September 17: Sun Conjunct Saturn opposes Uranus, which creates a conflict between security and progress – especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Retrograde Mercury squares Pluto, which favors the purging of outmoded ideas, but can cause conflicts in discussions – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn need to make a note of this, in particular. Retrograde Mercury entering Virgo favors analytical discussions, health-related communications and networking for work opportunities.

September 18: New Moon in Virgo brings a fresh cycle of activities pertaining to work, health and service.

September 20: Sun Conjunct Mercury in Virgo favors analyzing the details of plans, projects and conversations. Venus entering Virgo trines Pluto, which favors meeting people through financial, business or service-related activities.

September 22: Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Virgo favors deep, methodical, analytical thinking and communications. Sun entering Libra heralds the Autumnal Equinox, a time for acknowledging the blessings in your life.

September 23: Sun Square Pluto can prompt jealous or controlling behavior: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in particular need to watch out for this. Mercury opposing Uranus causes progressive or extreme thinking, along with travel snafus, especially for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

September 29: Mercury turning direct untangles the communication mess left behind from retrograde Mercury.

What’s in store for you this September? Talk to a psychic for guidance. Call 1.800.573.4830 or click here now.

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