Uranus in Aries: 7-Year Reign of the Trickster Warrior

Remember the old Chinese curse, May you live in interesting times? It’s an accurate depiction of what’s coming astrologically. While Uranus the trickster’s entry into impetuous, headstrong Aries might not have an immediate and powerful effect on you personally, you can be sure you’ll see symptoms among friends, family, coworkers and in global events. And those symptoms will intensify when Uranus clashes with Pluto throughout 2012 and 2013.

Personal Impact

What could this mean for you personally? For starters, if you have any planets or points (such as Ascendant or Nodes) in your astrological chart between 0 and 5 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn, then you will definitely be affected by the surprising, often chaotic, awakening influence of Uranus this year. Since you would already have spent a bit more than two years (since November 2008) under the polarizing, transmuting influence of Pluto, you’ll already have developed the spiritual muscle to deal successfully with the intensity, if not the style, of Uranus’ influence.

On the other hand, if you have points or planets in those same signs, but between 5 and 10 degrees, then you will be working with both Uranus and Pluto all throughout 2012 and 2013.

And even if these planetary influences don’t trigger specific things in your chart, you will be indirectly affected, because the slower moving planets affect global events and the evolution of entire generations of humans.

Meet the Trickster

There’s a special place in almost every mythology for the Trickster, whether it’s the Pueblo Indians’ Coyote, the Norse Loki or the downright scary Yoruba trickster god Eshu. As part of his unpredictability, the Trickster can be a funny, engaging buffoon one moment, and an amoral troublemaker the next.

Eshu often says, “Bringing strife is my greatest joy.” Mythological tricksters often create trouble just to see what will happen, and are perfectly willing to be the butt of their own jokes. A perfect trickster’s motto is: “Nothing is true, and everything is permitted.”

Uranus, however, has a greater purpose for his chaos and capriciousness: to make you grow. Like the lightning bolt in the Tarot’s Tower Card (XVII), his aim is to reduce your outmoded beliefs and life structures to rubble, to free you to move toward your dreams and highest aspirations – even more, to free you to realize what they truly are, possibly for the first time in your life.

Among the remarkable gifts which can be conferred by a successful encounter with Uranus is the full, permanent awakening of your kundalini energy, a most powerful force for triggering spiritual transformation, awakening psychic, channeling and healing gifts, and powering sexuality as a sacred path.

No Pain, No Gain?

Encounters with Uranus have the reputation of being difficult, and the addition of Aries’ warrior impulses add a scary (for some) urge to throw typical caution out the window. But the only time that Uranian experiences are truly difficult or painful is when you fight against the cosmic mandate to change.

If you can relax and open your heart and mind to the inevitability, and then to the possibilities, your Uranian encounter will leave you clean, clear, vitalized, refreshed and excited about life … although perhaps a bit worn out initially.

The best way to deal with Uranian shifts is by imagining that you’re an expert surfer of the cosmic waves of change, that your focus and intent are your surfboard, and that you know just how to ride the awesome power that would capsize most people. With a little practice you can learn how to spot the swells, and time your responses to get a good, long, exhilarating ride along the crest toward your destination, as the wave curls and crashes behind you.

For Example

If you want to really set your imagination loose on the incredible possibilities that these planetary influences are offering you and our global community, re-watch James Cameron’s 2009 movie “Avatar.”

The characters of Jake Sully and Dr. Grace Augustine are wonderful examples of Aries personalities, and the unpredictable twists and turns that led Jake to his profound transformation were, every one, outstanding metaphors for The Uranian Experience.

Even further, the powerful and self serving corporate juggernaut which tested Jake’s beloved Navi to their limits, and inspired them to break their fetters, is an accurate illustration of Pluto in Capricorn, and the outcome of their clash a hopeful prediction of what could happen when Pluto and Uranus meet beginning in 2012.

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25 thoughts on “Uranus in Aries: 7-Year Reign of the Trickster Warrior

  1. dave

    i really enjoy these forecasts, is spooky how dead on this is, i am an Aries who has been held down by a big boot trying to crush my throat for years,but continued to fight harder and harder till suddenly everything lightened and seem to have everything I touch work out in an excellent outcome it seems my lead is finally turning to GOLD! good luck to all!

  2. Lenl

    born 3/25/55 , after ready your article im feeling like ill survive this storm , ill be looking in here more now , thanks

  3. Jennifer

    After reading this article, I have to say that it’s been extremely accurate. I’m an Aries ascendent Cancer and since 2009 my life has been an absolute roller coaster of trials, tribulations, revelations, sadness, and happiness. I’ve met so many people who have had an enormous influence/impact in my life. The lessons learned and still learning have been enlightening. At the beginning of 2012 I met my “twin flame”. The realization of who he was to me was overwhelming. I’ve known him since high school (I am presently 44 years old) and we have finally come together. We have always liked each other, but we never quite connected. I now realize that we both had a lot of experiences to go through individually and this is why we are now together. Within three months of dating each other, we bought a house and combined our families. I can honestly say that our relationship is the most harmonious and loving relationship that we both have ever experienced. I am so happy that our paths have crossed and are now joined. I cannot imagine my present life without him, and that is saying a lot coming from an Aries. I’m happy that we are together to face these upheavals/life lessons that are coming our way over the next few years.

    As hard as this journey was (of course there were good times in-between), it definitely was worth it to get here. I feel truly blessed to finally be with my twin flame.

  4. Lena

    I wish I saw this article in 2011, I would do so many things differently. I am trying to keep my husband Aries, but he is looking elsewhere. I am Gemini and I love my Arias. Who can tell me if he’ll stay with me. I want it so badly.

  5. Pingback: Your Christmas 2012 Forecast — LJ INNES

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  8. Robin

    Thank You for the Great Journey coming soon and over the next 7 years. I am a Aries through and through, and the indication’s of extreme changes in my near future are Right On!

    I have been making many changes in my lifestyle and life’s goals over the last 2 years, and have great hope for all the positive changes coming my way 🙂

    Thank you for all your Predictions, and I’ll keep you posted :0)

    Best Regard’s & God Bless Us All …

  9. Juan Rivas

    Thank You ; that’s awesome , I Had followed this transit very close ;and to tell truth I have accuared very much of my own in the last FOUR YEARS ;I have developed more than psychic abilities ,and Healer skills, and I am satisfied of my own. because I now can help others as well. AM Blessed. by ” THE SUPREME BEING”

  10. Mathildas Mitjar

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  11. Yvette

    Oh this is so true! I am in transitioning now as we speak. I am an Aries female and in the process of a divorce, which to me, is taking me down the long road. We are not Spiritually connected and I sing gospel for a living. Things have been happening in between music, plays and interviews, he found comfort with someone else. It’s been hard for me to try and move on, but enough is enough. I know that I have to let go and move on in order to be truly blessed the way God intended for me. Reading this has helped me some.

  12. Larissa

    Thanks for the article! I am Aries-Taurus cusp (April 19th, 1961). I would love to meet my 2nd half, will it happen?

  13. arvind pahal

    hi i read some time this forcast of aries but i dont know my sign my name arvind kumar but market people know me mr. pahal ,in document my d.o.b. is 25th sep 1977,but according my parents i born 13th aug. 1976 11.45 to11 .55pm,pls tell me my carier and money

  14. Juan

    All of this Revelations , to the best of My knowledge it’s accuurate….Because I had been Influenced by this Cosmic Transition . Aries

  15. rhonda

    i have develpoed such a respect a deep burning with my sign aries in the past year.i useto read my daily and think thats it.wow its not.im looking forward to the comming year too.

  16. Jacqueline

    Wow Verbena,
    Great stuff.. lots to look forward to, I enjoy your articles they are so detailed and full of information.

    Blessings and Big Hugs!
    Jacqueline x9472

  17. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    HI Verbena,
    Timely and informative article…. my Uranus is at 5 degrees & is in the first house ( direct) …sits above my rising sign of Cancer….next few years should be interesting.

    Thanks for the info……Neptune is showing very active in my chart also thru 2012, Neptune is trining Neptune in my chart

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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