Vedic Astrology: Your Moon Forecast for September 2012

Moon Magic

The Vedic Nakshatras are the easiest form of Moon-based astrology to apply, reflecting your soul and the mood of the world. Each Nakshatra lasts 24-25 hours. All times below are PDT.

August 3, 4:59 pm – September 1, 7:41 pm: September begins after the full Moon as the Sun moves into Purva Phalguni bringing a softer energy. The Moon enters Purva Bhadrapada on this day, creating dreamy times and powerful sexuality. Having troubles finding your softer side? See what’s blocking you with a reading from Psychic Julia ext. 9131

September 1, 7:41 pm – September 2, 9 pm: The Moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada offers rich passion and beautiful, artistic expression.

September 2, 9 pm – September 3, 10:56 pm: The Moon in Revati continues the artistic and love-making theme. The outer world is full of sudden changes, yet your personal expression brings satisfaction.

September 3, 10:56 pm – September 5, 1:24 am: The Moon is in Ashwini. Travel, healing and workouts could bring great benefits.

September 5, 1:24 am – September 6, 4:17 am: The Moon is in Bharani. Social activism should be followed by a romantic bath to feel renewed, alone or with your lover.

September 6, 4:17 am – September 7, 7:25 am: The Moon is in Krittika. You may make the perfect meal or your lover may just want to go straight to the bedroom.

September 7, 7:25 am – September 8, 10:28 am: The Moon is in Rohini. Great communications can set you up for a weekend of rich gifts and lovemaking, or real estate sales.

September 8, 10:28 am – September 9, 1:15 pm: The Moon in Mrigashira could have you traveling to a lavish wedding or a concert or finding the perfect home or lover.

September 9, 1:15 pm – September 10, 3:30 pm: The Moon in Ardra is best used for mystical/artistic creations. Take time to bathe quietly in your own spirit before making decisions.

Overwhelmed by all the decisions you have to make? Talk with Psychic Winter ext. 9002 to see how your future will unfold based on your choices.

September 10, 3:30 pm – September 11, 5:05 pm: The Moon in Punarvasu is best for good decisions/actions, travel, gardening or beginning new studies.

September 11, 5:05 pm – September 12, 5:53 pm: The Moon in Pushya this evening/next morning brings relief, inspiring dreams followed by a better day for business, journeys and studies.

The Sun moves into Uttara Phalguni from September 12 – 25: A time for investors/generous supporters/new clients with best results after the New Moon on September 15.

September 12, 5:53 pm – September 13, 5:59 pm: The Moon in Ashlesha this evening could bring discomfort, but the next days you can take bold action on your own behalf.

September 13, 5:59 pm – September 14, 5:23 pm: The Moon in Magha can bring unsettling dreams early on the 14th. Use meditation/yoga or loving sex to prepare you for a high-energy day.

September 14, 5:23 pm – September 15, 4:15 pm: The Moon in Purva Phalguni indicates an intense Friday night/Saturday. If you don’t overindulge in food and wine, love-making could endure throughout this whole period!

September 15, 4:15 pm – September 16, 2:42 pm: The New Moon (7:12 pm) in Uttara Phalguni brings weddings, receiving gifts or inheritance and lovers’ interactions.

September 16, 2:42 pm – September 17, 10:53 am: The Moon is in Hasta. Direct your immense desire for freedom into writing, music, dance and handicrafts.

September 17, 10:53 am – September 18, 8:56 am: The Moon in Chitra brings a day for you to be gorgeous, gifted and a fabulous lover.

September 18, 8:56 am – September 19, 7:34 am: The Moon is in Swati. Hold steady this morning and you’ll do well with communications, technical studies and research.

September 19, 7:34 am – September 20, 5:11 am: The Moon in Vishakha offers a fiery, sexy time. Be kind to your lover and there could be a breakthrough in your relationship.

September 20, 5:11 am – September 21, 3:33 am: The Moon in Anuradha offers opportunities for brilliance, love and friendship. Be true to your word and take care with travel.

September 21, 3:33 am – September 22, 2:10 am: The Moon in Jyeshta offers gifts as long as you don’t overindulge. Start new activities, particularly studies.

September 22, 2:10 am –  September 23, 1:03 am: The Moon in Mula brings a time of intense focus and power. The evening brings challenges, transformational ideas and surprises.

September 23, 1:03 am – September 24, 12:13 am: The Moon in Purva Ashadha sees you full of energy and determination to build your reputation during the afternoon and evening.

September 24, 12:13 am – September 24, 11:43 pm: The Moon in Uttara Ashadha provides a harmonious time to begin new projects and overcome obstacles.

September 24, 11:43 pm – September 25, 11:31 pm: The Sun moves into Hasta today until October 10, bringing forward skills in the arts, including writing. The Moon in Shravana is also great for communications, studies, perception and brilliant ideas, particularly in the evening.

September 25, 11:31 pm – September 26, 11:41 pm: The Moon in Dhanishtha offers opportunities for long-distance travel followed by an evening of music and entertainment.

September 26, 11:41 pm – September 28, 12:16 am: The Moon in Shatabisha presents healing waters, herbal remedies, revitalization, music, dance and lovemaking.

September 28, 12:16 am – September 29, 12:41 am: The Moon is in Purva Bhadrapada, and this is a time for meditation with a sense of inner power emanating from feeling in touch with the universe.

September 29, 12:41 am – September 30, 2:45 am: The Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada brings “a day at the beach” with good communications and relationship building. The full moon at 8:20 pm foreshadows sexual healing. It’s also a good time for yoga.

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Not sure what the stars and the Moon are trying to tell you? Talk to a psychic and find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

10 thoughts on “Vedic Astrology: Your Moon Forecast for September 2012

  1. anna

    this is all written 4 free people having no children.4 people no too much obligations.i have 2 yearold at home and love making is not possible at all………anyway thank you.

  2. hkraig

    Hello meena,

    September 4 is included in this entry:

    September 3, 10:56 pm – September 5, 1:24 am: The Moon is in Ashwini. Travel, healing and workouts could bring great benefits.


  3. blackie

    I am glad to see everyone back and I hope everyone is felling a sense of mystery as I and I hope this has a happy ending. The old Sag.


    It’s a path planner and I’m plannning this Sept’12 as per the verdict. Most of the verdicts are coinciding with expected outcomes.

  5. meena

    september vedic forecast

    4th of september is missing in it so i wonder if the rest of the dates are quoted correctly for the predictions




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