Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus moves into Aquarius on December 7, 2008 where the planet will stay through the holidays until January 2, 2009. It is a time for us to open our hearts and minds, and embrace this energy gift from the heavens above. As you may already know, Venus is the planet of love – the one who brings beauty into our lives and romance into our realm. This feminine energy, with all her positive attributes, helps us to find peace in our hearts and in the world.

Aquarius is the sign of the visionary – an energy who doesn’t always play by the rules, because, after all, rules are made to be broken. Aquarian energy looks toward the future, as it moves and strives to make things better for all. Inventive and intuitive, Aquarius energy tends not to be restricted by what is – it has already processed that hurdle – and is moving toward what will be.

Barriers be gone
When Venus is in Aquarius, the blending of energy is likely to help us remove some of our self-imposed barriers. We will see beauty in things previously thought unattractive, and even encourage the most stagnant spirit to venture out and take a walk on the wild side. This is a time of experience and exploration, a time to broaden our personal horizons. This is a time of creativity as well as spirituality, and an opportunity to bring balance and a sense of fairness back into the world.

Time to socialize!
Venus energy tends to be looking for love, and Aquarius energy makes friends wherever it goes. So if you’ve been playing hermit, now is the perfect time to come out of your shell! Attraction is the energy in the air, and if you need to broaden your circle of friends, chances are good, if you put yourself out there, that someone will answer your call. Friendships and family relations will experience a change for the better. People are less likely to get on your nerves. Old issues that have been up in the air are likely to be resolved, or just no longer seem like such a big deal.

Love energy
If your looking for love from somewhere other than your couch, you may just find a fascinating person or two. If online dating is more your thing, tweak your profile and someone interesting may reach out to you. If you are fortunate enough to be in a good relationship, the Venus/Aquarius energy is likely to encourage you to spice things up. Different isn’t always better, but there is a lot to be said for creativity! Now is a time of connections, a time to be open to what is new and different. It is a time for experimentations, and a time to loosen your personal criteria and be a little more accepting of the unusual, to the all-out eccentric. While not everyone you meet is going to remain in your world for eternity, you are more likely to attract people of like-mind during this time

Free to be
If you think of this time of Venus in Aquarius as a chance to change, you will – and so will the world around you. Nurture yourself and your creative side. Learn to look at life through your heart, as well as through your eyes. We are all but caterpillars in the cocoons of our lives and by changing our views, we can set ourselves free to take flight as a beautiful new being.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Your creativity is on an upswing now, and you just may be able to turn a hobby, or passion, into cash. With spring just around the corner, your spirit may be a bit restless and feeling the need to wander. It’s time to work on any “lack of patience” behavior because it isn’t going to get you anywhere. Embrace your sexuality and your partner when the mood hits. The results can be, well, explosive!

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius
People seem to gravitate your way – first enchanted by your charisma, then enthralled with your brain. If you’ve been looking to advance through negotiations, the planets are on your side. Pay attention to your random thoughts because you may just be on to something that may change your world. Whether committed or playing the field, you are likely to have some nights (or afternoons!) to remember.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Business deals seem likely to go your way, so now is the time to focus on play. You may be inclined to spend more time fixing up your home, but you’ll still find time to party. It’s never too early to start the big Spring clean, and it is a positive outlet for any insecure, or jealous, moments. Keep your stubbornness in check – the need for freedom that you feel is Venus in Aquarius energy in the air. If you must pick a fight, take great time and pleasure when it comes to making up.

Water Signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio
If you’ve been feeling left out or empty inside, those feelings are about to change. Friends and family are likely to be more supportive of you now. The creative bug may push you to try something new, and should you bite, you may discover a fresh talent or two. As dreams of love and romance fill your head, you just may discover you are exuding enough sexual energy to entice the dead. Have fun!

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