Your Venus Love Horoscope for November 2013

 Venus Reflects on Love

As November begins, Venus is enjoying her last few days of frolicking in nature. Venus has been on a sojourn—enjoying the company of friends and the social side of life, while also taking the time to reflect and philosophize about the mysteries and gravity of love. She has been soul seeking, and now, she’s ready to embark on her journey into Capricorn where she will stand on her ideals and enact the changes she wants to see in love and in the world around her.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus will occupy Capricorn for a very long time, due to her retrograde period next month, so you can take your time getting comfortable with Venus in this sign, knowing she will only leave once her desire, reflection and implementation have taken anchor in our hearts. At first glance you would not think Venus would be comfortable in Capricorn, yet she always finds a way to translate her message into the personality of the sign she occupies and in Capricorn, Venus is grounded in love, making bonds stronger while not being too outwardly mushy or messy about it. Here, she is not all about appearances in love—she seeks substance as well. She’s surprisingly romantic while remaining traditional in her beliefs, and if you have a bond with someone presently, it is likely to strengthen while Venus is in Capricorn, as long as you’re holding your weight in the relationship.

I often think of Venus walking into the halls of Capricorn, dressed to kill but understated. Here, she understands the value of forming meaningful bonds and finds comfort in the reliable side of love—unfailing and all-giving.

So what does Venus have in store for your love horoscope this November? Let’s see:


Venus in Capricorn will be an adventure for you, showing you the ultra-importance of a love relationship and how it provides you with the security you secretly crave.


In addition to the desire to get away with your honey for a romantic vacation, you might also rediscover the benefits of having extended family in your everyday world.

Learn to get along better with your family. Psychic Winter ext. 9002 can show you how!


Venus in Capricorn puts her full focus on your most treasured relationship and the things you share as a couple—you are stronger together.


Venus is about to enter your house of “partnerships.” You’ll realize that love exists in all of your relationships and connections and that no man (or crab) is an island. Make time for romance.


You will soon come to an even deeper understanding and respect for the traditions and rituals of love and how it plays a part in your romantic life and in your everyday life too.

Let more love into your life. Psychic Rianne ext. 9423 knows what’s blocking you.


You’ll love Venus in (fellow earth sign) Capricorn. You may find that your true love lies within the walls of your home and that not all of your passion should be directed towards work.


Venus, your ruler, is about to enter your home and make herself cozy for a while. Renewing your deepest bonds will leave you feeling fulfilled and more balanced overall.


Venus, once in Capricorn, will enhance your skills at communicating outwardly what your heart feels in its deepest depths. There’s a lot of emotion in there, so it’s good that she’ll be here for a while.


Your Venus love horoscope for November will be all about the alignment of your actions with your values. Couples will work on building a brighter future and singles may find love at work.


After the 5th when Venus enters your sign, you will remember how important it is to love yourself so that you can better love the ones you love. Try adding some “me time” in to your schedule.


Your Venus love horoscope may have enlightened you over the last month, but after Venus enters Capricorn, it will be time to act. Unlock inner mysteries and rely on your intuition in love.

What is your intuition really telling you? Psychic Brendalynn ext. 5173 knows what it all means.


Venus in Capricorn appeals to your social side. While you need and want love in your life, you realize that love comes in many forms and that you have more than enough to share with everyone.

10 thoughts on “Your Venus Love Horoscope for November 2013

  1. A girl

    why do i think that i am like the yungist person on hear. everyone else is like married and hase kids this is crazy. … but i really cant wait to find the love of my life hopefully that will hapin sometime very soon i like waking up and knowing that sometime druing the day today i will be toled that he loves me

  2. Bella

    Thank you 4 my Capricorn Venus love forecast , I’m hoping she will be kind in return 2 me lol lol 😉 .. so I will bare that in mind with my grueling hectic schedule this week , thanks again , happy early holidays .. 🙂

  3. E. Lee King

    You have really hit on what is happening between my Aries boyfriend and my Pisces-self as of late, Brendalynn. Thanks for the encouragement I needed. 🙂

  4. Pingback: Your Venus Horoscope for November 2013 | Articles, Advice and More

  5. angelina

    … my venus is in capricorn, how it affect me since I still feel I have not found my soul mate and being on a anusual relationship(toogheter for financial dependings) will I feel free or I will be off of this relationship, we argue all the time for finalcial situation and our and special hi indioendence and I am not capable of give him a trust! i was boen on the 9yh of february 1952 about 11.00PM many thanks dear


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