Your Weekend Forecast for July 5 – 7, 2013

Something is Bubbling up this Weekend

There is heat in the pit of our stomachs—a feeling like lava is bubbling up and getting ready to explode like a beautiful volcano on an island far out to sea. As it begins its way up, our bodies feel the heat and we think, “This is the process of letting go of all the pain and suffering from past loves.” We take to writing about our lives; forcing out the old to make room for the new. Welcome to a new world and a new time in your life and enjoy this weekend because it feels like a long one.


Your fire cannot be put out, although you are being tested emotionally. Slow down and do the work to process the reasoning behind this feeling and you will find that you are finally free of hurt from old love relationships.


The depth of your soul is embedded in the earth, making passion run deep. In order to bring it to the surface and let it go you need to take a good look at who you are and like what you see. Appreciation is one of your strong points and being calm is another.


Keeping your cool is not as easy as you would like it to be. This weekend you are very wound up and if anyone pushes the wrong button, you might go off on them. Keep the mantra “love and peace” in mind before you spin out of control.


This is your time of year and as much as everything is lined up for perfection, you are just not feeling right about your life condition. Improvements are on the horizon. A new home or a new love are there for the taking. Let the old go—clear it all out and the new will fill the space.


The Gemini Moon on Friday and part of Saturday makes for a glowing start to the weekend. When the Cancer Moon moves in Saturday afternoon your feelings die down. It is time to rest and reboot for the burst of midweek energy.


Having the gift to help others puts you right where you need to be to work off some old karma. Lending a hand to a loved one gives you the opportunity to receive a reward of the most loving kind.


Finding the right place to share your thoughts and feelings takes a GPS. It seems like wherever you go there are prying eyes and big ears looking and listening to what you have to say. Hold off until Sunday and you will accomplish your mission.


Emotions are eating at you and all you want to do is share your love. Being frustrated is not a happy feeling, but you are able to unburden yourself without hurting anyone and this leaves you feeling lighter and happier.


Thinking has become an obsession. You are kept busy by your thoughts being pulled in different directions. Sunday will be a day of intellectual togetherness and a feeling of moving steadily ahead prevails.


This post-holiday weekend complements your creative and organization skills. Putting the big bash together on your perfectly manicured lawn puts the question “How can it get any better than this?” in your head. You host the rest of the zodiac with pleasure.


Drama is your middle name and more than ever the dramatic vibrations are ringing your doorbell. It is okay to open the door. Passion and love will enter, making for a wonderful weekend. Everyone loves when you show off your talents.


It is a wonderful thing never to feel alone. You always seem to have a strong spirit in times of high energy. Staying focused brings clarity to the home front. If you need to make a big move it will all come together this weekend.

13 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for July 5 – 7, 2013

  1. Nancy

    How accurate for me. I am still grieving the end of a relationship and am trying, desparetly to move on.

  2. christina de la cruz

    Feeling really distant from my the man i have been in a relationship with for 3 1/2 months but known him for 2 years. Communication is terrible with him and I don’t know how much more I can take. I hate texting all the time and have expressed it many times. But nothing changes. Great guy, great person but the wondering if he is the one for me. Do I just be patient? Are we going to make it.

  3. christina de la cruz

    Feeling really distant from my the man i have been in a relationship with for 3 1/2 months but known him for 2 years. Communication is terrible with him and I don’t know how much more I can take. I hate texting all the time and have expressed it many times. But nothing changes. Great guy, great person but the wondering if he is the one for me. Do I just be patient? Are we going to make it.

  4. c.wright.thru.u.

    Infinite Divine Blessings of ever-increasing love, light, joy, peace, abundance, wellness and ascension to you and ALL.

  5. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    dear salita,
    thank you my dear for being a California psychic friend.
    all the best,

  6. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    dear LJ,
    you are too kind. 😉
    enjoy your new digs…and the rest of the weekend.

  7. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    dear anat,
    this is a man who is scared to move forward and not because of you, but because of his insecurities. you did what he asked you to do and now he is being just plain rude. what is there to think about, honestly, before all the tests he had a plan. rethink, I don’t think so.
    keep moving forward, now you know your truth and can present that straight away.
    blessings come in strange ways –

    all the best,

  8. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi malena you wrote

    >>>>can you tell me why I have this anxious feeling when things are finally coming full circle in my life. scary feeling. cannot shake it. thanks.<<<<

    when life comes full circle we know we are finishing up and then what???? it is what's to come that can make one anxious. as long as you finish your cycles and complete your goals and plans, hey it is all good.

    quiet your mind – relax – look at your full circle and know it gets better from here.
    have a great weekend.

  9. malena

    hello, can you tell me why I have this anxious feeling when things are finally coming full circle in my life. scary feeling. cannot shake it. thanks.

  10. Anat

    Yes, it does feel like it is going to be a long weekend because I am waiting to hear from a man I dated, about his decision if to continue our relationship; Not because he does not love me but because he asked me to take the STD tests, which came all negative accept the cold sores antibodies I have but no symptoms. He said that he now need to rethink our relationship. I feel I am being punished for something I did not do. I did not hear from him over a week now.
    Will he call me back? Will he be back in my life, loving me and wanting me? Can you advise?

    Thank you so much.

  11. LJ

    Quinn – as usual the synopsis of the week as well as my Sun (Cancer) and Rising Sign (Capricorn) forecasts are dead on – I’m all about letting going of the past, moving forward with a smile and enjoying organizing my new apartment … (which you’d probably be awesome out Cappy) and in my spare time – I am writing about my life … you never cease to amaze me!
    xxo LJ

  12. Selita

    Thank you California psychic. always enjoy a great reading and wonderful advices attached.
    Much appreciated


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