Your Weekend Forecast for September 27 – 29, 2013

Move Forward Into the Future This Weekend!

Deep thinking and emotional energy bring forth realizations about matters you have been pondering for quite some time. Don’t you just love it when things come together? This weekend the Cancer Moon massages our feelings and eases out the pains of love lost and sorrow. Then, we move forward with renewed plans, knowledge and vibrancy. Check your forecast!


If you get in touch with your inner self  you will enjoy what you find. Saturday is a very mindful day while Sunday eases you into a passionate experience. It’s one that you have been waiting for and wanting to happen.


There’s nothing better to soften your heart than a Cancer Moon. This weekend you are a little vulnerable and if you’re not careful, you can get your feelings hurt. Moreover, we all know there is nothing worse than a hurt bull.


You’re happy. You’re sad. You’re tired. You’re full of energy. You want to go out. You want to stay in. Well fine, darling Gemini, have it your way. Others step aside because you are just dancing too fast for the rest of us.


Filling up buckets with tears is not an event. But if you choose to make it one, you will have good company, as loved ones gather to empathize with you. By Sunday night, you will feel much better and the tears of sorrow will have dried up.


Being in the mood to talk is a very refreshing element that you bring to the table this weekend. You have put your feelings in order and now you are ready to present them to make your case. The odds are stacked in your favor.


There is a puddle of details that you need to sort out. Having a go-for-it attitude puts you in a good position to get the work done. It is the weekend, so get what you have to do out of the way so you can have some romantic fun.


This is a very exciting time in your life, everything is going well and you’re happy to be alive. A big reward is on the horizon and that fact makes this an even more satisfying time. Counting your blessings and offering thanks are two ways to show gratitude this weekend.


Burying the hatchet is never easy for you. But you need to do it this weekend so you can clear out the negative energy. By the end of the weekend you’ll find that there is good to replace what you have put to rest.


You are on fire with ideas and ways to get them off the ground. A group of talented people get together for a brain-storming session. You hit so many points that the meeting is a success and the cause you are all working for manifests with ease.


A new idea hits you like a ton of bricks and you set out to do research of the fun kind. A long drive in a vintage car that turns heads sure puts you and your partner on the map. Have fun this weekend. Your motto should be, “Don’t worry. Be happy.”


Reaching deep inside and pulling out all the stops means you play hard with loved ones. An emotional experience happens and you comfort the person most affected by it. Sunday warms up your love life, so enjoy the day.


A wonderful sense of balance surrounds you and there is a soft vibration that makes for a lovely weekend. If you are by yourself, you will get a lot done. If you plan to get out with others, it will be a very entertaining time.

26 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for September 27 – 29, 2013

  1. Bella

    Ok I’ll set up an appt 4 around the the 16rh / 17rh … Lol lol & FYI oh I know I’m a mess your a mess 2 in a cd way lol NATA but love but & FYI were all a mess 2 be honest with you & sometime in each of our own ways lol lol . BUT and / OR at least we’re ( being you & i ) were NOT i said not a HOTT mess like a lot if other folks that are out there in this crazy world lol !!!!! Lol lol … i made a funny lol lol … Haha … 🙂 thank you will do I need a reading anyway ill give myself an early b-day present WHY bcz this BS is taking my attention away from what my butt needs 2 be doing … Ok 2 birds with 1 stone you talked me into it haha lol 🙂 😉 love ya ms Quinn … Xoxo Bella

  2. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    Bella October 2, 2013 at 2:20 pm
    Love u miss Quinn thank you that’s what I needed 2 gear from you . How long does it take 4 you 2 do a detailed love reading ON & 4 me plz let me know asap lol lol … Thank you , love ya bunches .. … 🙂 🙂

    BELLA YOU MAKE ME LAUGH…. lets see a reading for you would probably take me a few days… only kidding. if you want details, I could pull up your chart, and whoever *wink* you want to know about, if anyone and that could take about 30 minutes.

    im glad you are feeling less stressed.

  3. Bella

    Love u miss Quinn thank you that’s what I needed 2 gear from you . How long does it take 4 you 2 do a detailed love reading ON & 4 me plz let me know asap lol lol … Thank you , love ya bunches .. … 🙂 🙂 Bella

  4. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    carmella September 30, 2013 at 10:36 pm
    Hey quinn, relationship issues after five yrs we are becoming more distant.I’m a taurus it takes a lot to give up but he is a libra.will this love last or should I move on and join the military.

    hi Carmella,
    well, the military is not lacking for men – and what comes to mind is why give him up at all, if you join the military you can have both, man and great future.
    he has to find his balance – you are his rock, the distance is from knowing each other for so long. complacent energy seeps into relationships after a while.
    I sure hope that helped.
    let me know on the next weekend forecast how you are proceeding.
    whatever you do, do not sell yourself short.
    all the best,

  5. carmella

    Hey quinn, relationship issues after five yrs we are becoming more distant.I’m a taurus it takes a lot to give up but he is a libra.will this love last or should I move on and join the military.

  6. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    sandy September 27, 2013 at 4:48 pm
    Scorpio says that by weekend end I will be glad I let things go. Are we talking about finally letting go of my husband. He wants a divorce he says but he want talk to me about it. I still
    love him, what should I do.

    ANSWER FOR SANDY – talk to him, try to work it out, let go of the negative feelings, he is bluffing or he would have the paper work by now.

    silva September 27, 2013 at 7:01 pm
    I would like to know if Alex and I getting closer together soon. I love him very much.

    ANSWER FOR SILVA – oct. will be a good month for the both of you. when you get closer and you will, then you will know if you really love him or are just star struck.

    Richard Forrest September 27, 2013 at 7:49 pm
    I am a Gemini. I bet you maybe knew that. Sorry for that. There are a whole lot of us Geminis out there. More and more every day. How do I know if this reading is meant for me?

    ANSWER FOR RICHARD – you are funny 🙂 if you feel it relates to you than it is for you. take what works leave the rest.

    Tia Mitchell September 27, 2013 at 11:40 pm
    And I was reading our horoscope and it’s so right on point, im a cancer and he is a scorpio….I have been going thru alot with harassment from the detectives and been depressed because my happy family is broken up and the kids are so sad too…and I can’t ease their pain and I don’t know what to say or do to full the void we r suffering….please give me some words of advice

    ANSWER FOR TIA – girlfriend you got some heavy stuff going on. what comes across is that you need to move out of that area. I will keep you in my prayers for peace of mind and to find balance, for the suffering to stop and you and your family to find happiness.

    kesha September 28, 2013 at 8:14 pm
    When will i find a job? I have been without a job for two years. Im really looking for a job to stick with.

    ANSWER FOR KESHA – by the end of this year you will be working, maybe not in the exact position you want, but a good job.

    darlene September 28, 2013 at 10:48 pm
    Is this the right time to quit my job and start a new one….i feel that i so stressed!!!

    ANSWER FOR DARLENE – next month oct. will be a better month for you to start looking for a new job, do not quit until you have a new job lined up. do some meditation to relieve the stress.

    have a great week everyone – many blessing

  7. Tia Mitchell

    And I was reading our horoscope and it’s so right on point, im a cancer and he is a scorpio….I have been going thru alot with harassment from the detectives and been depressed because my happy family is broken up and the kids are so sad too…and I can’t ease their pain and I don’t know what to say or do to full the void we r suffering….please give me some words of advice

  8. Tia Mitchell

    Hello Quinn,really need your response,my fiance Rodney Lovett born 11/13/87 have been incarcerated since December 8 2012 because his evil and crazy ex called our local police department and lied and told a detective me and him murdered and set a man on fire and she have them good details of the murder and they found probable cause to arrest him because he was supposedly seen in the area of the murder but they didn’t arrest me because it was no evidence it probable cause in me but we can’t afford a lawyer but we are getting treated like crap because of her being vindictive can u tell me if you see our family coming back together again our four kids have been suffering as well we really miss him and want this nightmare to end….will it???? Where we live money talks and if you can’t afford a attorney you get a public defender that works with the state to convict u what can u tell me?? So tired and sad…

  9. Richard Forrest

    I am a Gemini. I bet you maybe knew that. Sorry for that. There are a whole lot of us Geminis out there. More and more every day. How do I know if this reading is meant for me?

  10. sandy

    Scorpio says that by weekend end I will be glad I let things go. Are we talking about finally letting go of my husband. He wants a divorce he says but he want talk to me about it. I still
    love him, what should I do.

  11. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi Tanuja – there is an excellent opportunity coming up in the next three weeks.
    I will be looking for you to tell me about it.
    have a great weekend.

  12. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    BELLA. BELLA. BELLA…. Girl you better calm down or you are going to wear yourself right out.
    I want you to focus on all the good in your life. all the love – from me and your other people that adore you.
    life on life’s terms is a hard lesson to learn but I think you are right at the point of realization. first we learn life’s lessons than we wake up. “realization”
    know I am with you every step of the way (how whitney of me) lots of singers on the x factor sung whitney, made me cry and think about old loves. sometimes the old loves are good for our souls and memories.
    you know im a cappy too, one of zillions, horoscopes are sun sign based and take into consideration the big picture. for a detailed love read you have to do a chart and see what is really going on. moon energy venus energy…
    take what works and leave the rest.
    Buddha bless Bella –
    all my love,

  13. Bella

    Last thing I don’t know who’s been doing the Capricorn daily weekly love forecast bc they have been all wrong especially this weeks love forecast .. Love ya ms Quinn xoxo Bella …. 🙂 🙂

  14. Bella

    Psps I have a ????? How can u be so right about everything ELSE except 4 jc ??? I’m still not seeing nor feeling the love PLZ ask me why ??? Well we finally finished up his legal mess PLZ ask me what I got in return , I got BS attitude excuses BS speech AND BS sex ???? ‘S … Then he made a comment about how gd looking the mediation woman was , & wait there is more … My puppy broke my NEW iPhone so I texted him from my work phone which I have text – called him b4 on bc I have text / calls saying i DID a llong story short he did not recognize it after I told him it was me about 1 hour later jc texted back me back & jc asked me if I could send him a picture if me WTH I guess jc thought I was some 1 new OR a new female person again WTH ms Quinn ???? Ummm humm ms Quinn sure he loves me 2 ah & NO he don’t & NO he does not said he is my friend NO he’s not if so here’s my response 2 his friend thing “” GET bent “” !!!! Oh there is more his ex got engage FYI I’m almost sure he’s mad about it bc she moved on / dumped he’s ass no it’s called ” KARMA” !!! Honest 1 day he’s gonna text me back SOON & I 2 will be gone .. Im just waiting 4 the day 2 come … OMG & umm humm this is my thank u 4 loving him & standing by his ass 4 over 3 years …. So NO ms Quinn jc does NOT love me , used me yes 2 protect his ass YES he did . But u know me i would still do it ALL again bc IT was – IS the right thing 2 do .. By him … Well u love who you love = “” it is what it is “” like I said u have been right on about everything else but no jc does NOT love me ….. If he does well its very jacked up IF he does .. Love ya ms Quinn xoxoxo your dearest Bella …. 🙂 🙂

  15. Bella

    Hey ms Quinn I hope ur doing gd .. I’ve still not done my surgery I might not need 2 have it done bc my body responding well 2 my new medication … FYI I’ve made a comment recent that maybe next spring u can come 2 see me / with some of my friends in action by 1st hand 2 see what we been up 2 / our success in reconstruction of our juvenile laws changing with the help of ur guidance – wisdom maybe u should come see what we’ve been up 2 we’ve gone nuclear OMG lol lol … Yea were Going 411 world wide 2 as I look back now I do realize it s been a tall order 2 fill … FYI it’s been over whelming / scary @ times , u know the saying “” sometimes u need 2 be the 1s 2 make the differences however here IS my thought process “” sometimes u need 2 BE the difference 2 BE able 2 MAKE the BIG difference lol lol watcha think about this ms Quinn , love ya ms Quinn ur dearest Bella … Xoxo .. 🙂 🙂

  16. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    Hi Lily M. glad you like our blogs – and our weekend forecast. you have a great weekend.

    Hi Marilyn – carlton is certainly a good man to partner up with. the holidays will bring more love your way.

    Hi Kristie – I take no offense – there are zillions of Libras on the earth – im so sorry you are not one of the ones to benefit from this weekends wonderful energy. all the best to you.

    dearest Leonard – trouble trouble trouble – let it go… I send blessings your way,
    prayers for peace of mind and financial rewards.

  17. Psychic -Quinn ext. 5484

    hi Faith,
    yes fast than a speeding bullet – im still celebrating new years eve lol…
    have a great weekend.
    see you in cyber space.
    metta waves ~~~~

  18. Kristie

    This is a very exciting time in your life, everything is going well and you’re happy to be alive. A big reward is on the horizon and that fact makes this an even more satisfying time. Counting your blessings and offering thanks are two ways to show gratitude this weekend.

    No offense,but you’re wrong on this one

  19. Leonard Morgan

    I’ve been Honest all my life, but I have been Cheated many times. Especially by the New York City V.A. Board Chief….cheating me out of my USAF Disability Funds Case for Compensation. He made 4 important Documents Disappear on Purpose in order to Cheat me out of my half million dollars compensation owed to me for USAF DISABILITY, HEARING, TINNITUS, INNER EARS DAMAGED BADLY TOO… WISH TO GOD….THAT MY USAF COMPENSATION FUNDS WILL COME TO ME, SO THAT I CAN HELP MY FAMILY OBTAIN A HOME OF OUR OWN FOR THEM.

  20. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    Hey Quinn – the last weekend in September 2013! Already?! Whoosh! This year is going fast! Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to All!

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608 🙂


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