Your Weekend Horoscope: More Than Physical Passion

More Than Physical Passion

Your Weekend Horoscope

Venus enters Gemini (and remains there through May 7), inspiring a love for learning, witty conversation, and any activity that allows you to display your clever mind and skillfulness. This energy brings a playful and lighthearted energy to affairs of the heart, encouraging a meeting of the minds rather than mere physical passion. Here’s your Weekend Horoscope!

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Venus, entering your house of communication, brings delightful conversation with your mate. This is a great time to open up and express your true desires. You don’t need to get serious and heavy. A playful delivery will be more impactful. This energy also inspires a love for reading, writing, and other communications-based activities.


With your ruler, Venus, entering your financial sector, you are practically a magnet for money. Your earnings are likely to increase under this influence. However, the more money you have, the more you are likely to spend. You enjoy the finer things in life and you don’t mind paying the price to have them.


Venus, entering your sign, highlights your natural beauty and gives you that something special that allows you to shine. This is a great time to get a new haircut or to update your wardrobe. Whether or not you enhance your physical assets, under this influence others find you more appealing.


Venus, entering your house of secrets, may take a love affair behind closed doors. Either you decide that it will be better to keep intimate affairs private, or you take a time out from a complicated romance and give things time to cool down. In either case, you are keeping it on the down low.


Venus, entering your house of friendship and group activities, turns the volume up on your social life. People want to be around you, so you can expect an increased number of invitations and opportunities to socialize. Under this influence, a friendship has the potential to grow into something more.


Venus, entering your career zone, allows you to shine in your professional world. A little charm goes a long way toward enticing others into finding out what you really have to offer. Your enhanced charisma gets your foot in the door, but your skills get you a seat at the table.


Venus, entering your house of higher learning, inspires you to expand the boundaries of love. You may be drawn to explore a long-distance romance or you may fall for someone from a different background or culture. In either case, you are looking to love to give you a different experience of life.


With Venus entering your house of intimacy, your innate sensuality gets a big boost. Be on the lookout for a lover who can meet your high level of passion and can provide the sexual satisfaction you need. An existing relationship gains greater emotional depth and enhanced passion under this influence.


Venus, entering your partnership zone, makes you eager to seal the deal on a relationship and take it to a new a level. Romantic fun and games are all well and good, but you are ready for something a little more serious. Keep an eye out for a potential, new mate.


Venus, entering your work sector, allows you to find some aspect of your work that you feel particularly passionate about. Your love for what you are doing allows you to excel at your task. If you are looking for employment, this influence may bring the ideal opportunity or working conditions.


Venus, entering the zone that rules romance, creativity, and children, brings a playful self-expression that makes you very attractive. This is a great energy for dating and getting to know new mates. Creativity is enhanced under this influence. Also, you will find it pleasurable to spend time with children.


Venus, entering your domestic sector, brings beauty and harmony to home and family affairs. This energy may inspire you to redecorate your home with sumptuous furnishings and decor that express your creativity. You might do more entertaining at home, as your loved ones will want to spend time in your space.

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