Your Weekend Horoscope: Restrictions to Self-Expression

Restrictions to Self-Expression

Your Weekend Horoscope

A tough pair of planetary oppositions pits personal desires against the powers that be. Sun vs. Saturn brings restriction to one’s freedom of self-expression while Venus vs. Pluto brings power struggles to matters pertaining to love and money. Under this influence, it’s best not to push. Find a way to go with the flow. Here’s your weekend horoscope!

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Just as you are all set for a cozy weekend in, you may find yourself having to deal with an overbearing boss, parent, or another figure. Stating your case won’t help, as he or she is likely to find flaws in your argument. Do your duty first, and then do your own thing.


Your ruler, Venus, opposing potent Pluto, may bring you toe-to-toe with a self-proclaimed authority who wants to squash your enthusiasm for something that you are doing now. You don’t need to be an expert nor do you need to understand every detail in order to enjoy yourself.


Your weekend horoscope indicates that the Sun in your sign challenging stern Saturn can bring relationship problems. The more you try to exercise your independence and do your own thing, the more a partner attempts to curtail your freedom. Find a way to give him or her attention without compromising too much.


When it comes down to it, you just want to love, so it can be frustrating and disheartening when others don’t know how to receive what you have to offer. Save your efforts for those who appreciate them and shield yourself from people who just want to give you a hard time.


A pileup of planets in your social sector indicates that your energy is geared toward spending time with friends and participating in group activities. However, an obligation to children or to a romantic partner may demand your immediate attention. Following through on commitments first will free you up for guilt-free fun.


Your weekend horoscope shows that you are super ambitious and eager to get moving on a career-related project or goal. However, obligations to family and other domestic duties may distract you from focusing on your objectives. Decide where your priorities lie and act accordingly, but know that there may be consequences.


Your ruler, Venus, in your house of career and reputation, demands public recognition, but a challenge from Pluto points to an inner struggle regarding your emotional foundation and issues of self-worth. Seek to shine from the inside out. When you recognize your own value, so will everyone around you.


A conflict between Venus and your ruler, Pluto, activating your houses of knowledge and information may bring a war of words or a battle regarding who is right and who is wrong. Even if you are right, you shouldn’t expect the other party to just give in. Know when to give it a rest.


These days you are pretty disciplined, so it’s no surprise that you might be overly demanding of others. Expecting people to conform to your strict standards is likely to cause problems in a partnership, either personal or professional. Exercise gentleness and patience with yourself and with others.


No one is harder on you than you are on yourself. You set the bar really high and refuse to accept failure as an option. Be kinder to yourself. You don’t need to be a superman or superwoman. All that is required is that you show up and do your best.


A meeting of planets in your house of pleasure puts the focus on having fun. Both romance and creativity will be big sources of joy. However, an obligation to a group or friend may require you to put your own desires on the back burner while you honor your commitments.


Your home may be a center of activity this weekend or there may be big family plans on your agenda. This could conflict with a career obligation that you really need to fulfill. Strive for balance between your personal and professional lives. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

2 thoughts on “Your Weekend Horoscope: Restrictions to Self-Expression

  1. Gemini6

    Hi! Krishni, thank you for the weekend horoscope. But, my horoscope does not make sense to me since I do not have a partner. Can you tell me why it does not pertain?

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    As always , a thorough and fun astrology report from Krishni ! Thank You Krishni !

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to everybody out there….make it a fun holiday and stay safe if traveling.

    ( especially if you are around any fireworks ). The fireworks part is especially for my brother , who typically burns his eye brows off this time of year hosting a fireworks display for friends and neighbors in his backyard…lol ).

    Please take a moment to remember what this holiday is all about…our brave and honorable military people who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, to keep us safe here at home.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500


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