Your Weekly Love Horoscope: Commitment and Security

love horoscope California Psychics

Saturn aspects throughout the week will add some stability to relationships and conversations. What’s more, the Full Moon in Saturn-ruled Capricorn on Tuesday will shine a spotlight on your feelings about commitment and security, and may trigger an issue involving those areas. This weekend socializing will have an imaginative, or confusing, vibe on Saturday while passion and spontaneity rule on Sunday. Best days for socializing: Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. Here is your love horoscope!

Aries Love Horoscope
The Full Moon will illuminate your feelings (and maybe an issue) about the commitment and patience it takes to create a successful long-term relationship. A concern about your independence may come up for you. If you’re paired, this is a good time to talk about your shared goals as a couple. A date with your sweetie or meeting someone new can ignite a spark on Sunday.

Taurus Love Horoscope
Your inner guidance is being awakened by the Full Moon. Now is the time to envision the future of your relationship or, if you’re solo, get in touch with the qualities you want in a partner. You will get a glimpse into the future when you’re in a quiet space. Romance can be found via a friend or group activity on Saturday.

Gemini Love Horoscope
An emotional issue will likely intensify around the time of the Full Moon. This influence can accelerate emotional healing by triggering the problem so you can resolve it. You’ll likely be craving a close connection with an intimate partner. Conversely, you may also need more time alone this week than usual. You’ll be in a mood to connect with friends on Sunday.

Cancer Love Horoscope
The Full Moon is energizing your partnership zone. You’ll be inspired to focus on shared activities and conversations with your mate or a close friend, and gain insights about any problems you’re facing in the relationship. If you’re solo, you’re likely to meet someone who is in tune with you. Distance or spirituality may play a role in romance on Saturday.

Leo Love Horoscope
Paying attention to the details of what makes your relationship run smoothly (and your partner blissfully happy) is the theme of the Full Moon. Expressing your appreciation to your partner and doing something nice for him or her, without being asked, are what will inspire love. If you’re solo, you may meet someone special who focuses on helping people in some way.

Virgo Love Horoscope
Your love life may soar into the stratosphere around the time of the Full Moon. It can also intensify a problem, so passion may be accompanied by tension. Still, spicing up the connection in the relationship can bring you closer together. If you’re solo, you may draw an admirer during an activity that focuses on socializing or entertainment.

Libra Love Horoscope
The Full Moon is bringing lots of energy into your home. You’ll be motivated to have friends or family over at your abode and do some entertaining. Or you may choose to enjoy an evening in with your sweetie, accompanied by scrumptious food and lively conversation, that will inspire romance. Emotional connections will be energized on Saturday—a good time for a date or to meet someone new!

Scorpio Love Horoscope
Your brainpower can make you irresistible around the time of the Full Moon. You’ll be motivated to initiate conversations so you can share your ideas and feelings, and listen to what others have to say. You’ll be more likely than usual to connect with someone on an intellectual or philosophical level. Romance can be found online or while learning something new.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope
The Full Moon is illuminating the practical side of your relationship (and yourself). You’re an idealist, Sagittarius, but even archers need to come back down to earth occasionally. Discussing your finances, priorities and other practical matters will strengthen the foundation of your relationship. If you’re solo, you may be attracted to someone who is genuine and grounded.

Capricorn Love Horoscope
The Full Moon in your sign is intensifying your emotions and motivating you to act on your desires. If you’re paired, you may feel a conflict between what you want and what your partner wants. Still, sharing your feelings will energize your relationship. If you’re solo, the aura of high energy surrounding you will be a magnet for admirers.

Aquarius Love Horoscope
The Full Moon is awakening your psyche. Your powers of intuition are strong and you’ll be unusually sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of the people around you. Be on the lookout for sudden insights about your relationships. If you’re solo, it’s important to heal and release the past so you’ll have an open space in your heart for someone special to fill.

Pisces Love Horoscope
Activities with your friends will be energized around the time of the Full Moon. Your social connections will motivate you and perhaps bring in a potential paramour. Romance can also be found during a collaborative project or community event. The exchange of ideas with people who are in tune with you will give you fresh perspective about love and other areas.

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