Your LOVECAST®: A New Cycle of Love Energy

 Your Love Horoscope

The New Moon eclipse in Taurus on Thursday brings a new cycle of energy for love (and physical pleasure) during the next two weeks. Venus transits into Gemini on Thursday (through June 1), which can evoke some brainy, flirtatious or fickle encounters. Moon in Gemini intensifies this sociable vibe from Friday afternoon through the weekend. Best days for socializing: Any day except for Monday (stressful) and Wednesday (stodgy).

Aries Love Horoscope

Focusing on steady progress in romance may test your patience, but will improve your chances of attracting a long-term relationship. If you’re paired, taking care of practical stuff will leave you time to enjoy more sensual delights together. A class, trip or online source can bring a romantic encounter during the weekend.

Taurus Love Horoscope

The New Moon in your sign is sure to start a new cycle of activities. Knowing what you want, in a relationship and other areas, will accelerate your ability to manifest your dreams. Tuesday is a good time for networking to attract romance. Expressing your desires in a playful way will draw admirers (or arouse your current partner) this weekend.

Gemini Love Horoscope

Getting in touch with the deeper, instinctual side of your emotions will help you attract someone who is highly in tune with you. Pay attention to your intuition when meeting new people. Romance accelerates after Venus enters your sign on Thursday. Friday is a great time for a tryst. Your charm and wit inspire romance this weekend.

Attract someone who is highly in tune with you. Get love advice from Psychic Venus ext. 9463

Cancer Love Horoscope

The New Moon shines a light on friends and groups, so seek to explore new activities with others to attract romance. A community project can bring a potential paramour as well, or a friend may match you up with someone special. Sharing your unique (or wacky)  sense of humor makes you a magnet for romance during the weekend.

Leo Love Horoscope

Your talent for leadership puts you in the limelight. Directing a group project or initiating a social activity will heighten your powers of attraction, especially from Friday through Sunday, when you’re likely to meet someone who admires your strength and expertise. Romance can also be found during a work-related activity or public event.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Exploring your spiritual beliefs and/or intellectual interests is the key to finding romance now. As such, looking for love during activities that focus on spirituality or learning can bring in someone special. You may also meet a potential paramour through a faraway contact or cultural event. Sharing your brainpower ignites passion this weekend!

Libra Love Horoscope

You’re likely to attract an intense connection that can both energize and irritate you, depending on how clear you are emotionally. In other words, expect to meet someone who mirrors the feelings inside you. An admirer from another culture or who inspires you intellectually may enter your life sometime between Friday and Sunday.

“What we attract tends to be what we are at the moment.” – Psychic Venus ext. 9463

Scorpio Love Horoscope

The New Moon illuminating commitment during the next two weeks will help you meet a potential partner. At the very least, it will clarify your relationship goals and thus help you attract someone compatible. If you’re paired, focusing on shared activities can take your relationship to the next level. Spontaneity fires up passion this weekend!

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Sharing your helpful side or expertise inspires love now, so look for romance while on the job or volunteering for a cause you believe in. If you’re paired, completing tasks that have weighed on your mind will free up your energy for pleasurable pursuits, especially toward the weekend. Friday is an especially good time for a sexy rendezvous!

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Get ready for some fun as the New Moon energizes romance and recreation. A potential paramour can be found through networking or an online source on Tuesday, or through an entertainment activity during the rest of the week. A healthy endeavor that blends fitness with pleasure makes passion sizzle this weekend!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Using your unique creativity to throw a party for friends will bring satisfaction. If you’re paired, getting cozy with your sweetie and/or focusing on family fun will bring you closer together. A romantic interlude is nearly assured between Friday and Sunday, when you’re especially magnetic and likely to meet someone enticing at a friendly gathering.

Where will you meet your next love? Psychic Dylan ext. 5495 knows.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Your way with words, in a humorous or heartfelt message, can bring love, especially on Tuesday, as long as you’re genuine. Romance can also be found while traveling or learning something new. A date at your abode will bring delight on Friday, while hosting a friendly gathering will energize you on Saturday or Sunday!

2 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: A New Cycle of Love Energy

  1. bella

    Ms. Courtney (even though I AM Ms. Quinn’s girl LOL LOL) & YES I have A NOTICE THAT LET’S ME KNOW WHEN you have posted IT ASAP 🙂 like I said I adore YOU & I LIKE reading YOUR weekly love forecast PREDICTION’S VERY MUCH BUT I DO have A ?????? I might BE the 1ST person who is willing 2 ADMIT/mention this, I personally do NOT think there is NATA wrong with a PARAMOUR situation whether YOU are STILL single OR IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP, because A PARAMOUR encounters, well let’s JUST say, IT keeps things spicy & DIFFERENT if some married folks MIGHT TRY THIS PRACTICE OUT it JUST might same some of their OWN marriages !!! BUT MY ????? is THIS, how can/OR how ARE US CAPRICORN’S, GOING 2 MAKE A SOLID COMMITTED/MENT 2 a relationship & takes THINGS 2 the next LEVEL, IF WE ARE BUSY LOOKING 4 A “” PARAMOUR “” situation ENCOUNTER 2 HAPPEN THIS WEEK “” ??? ((OH dear, US POOR EARTH/water signs FYI US EARTH SIGNS ( especially 4 ALL CAPS FYI WE don’t work like that & 4 THE water signs WELL you CAN SWIM @ YOUR OWN RISK IF YOUR SEEKING AFTER A ” PARAMOUR situation, I have NATA BUT love 4 ALL you water signs, lol )) !!! I DO realize this is/GOES OUT 2 a VERY BROAD BAN OF folks/PEOPLE, but IT sure seems like this 2 me LOL lol, IF your looking 4 a COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP & IT has been forecast 4 YOU , FYI YES I can feel the tide IS turning 2 THIS WAY 4 MY OWN SELF, however I PERSONALLY think YOUR asking 4 trouble 4 1’s OWN SELF a bit, UNLESS when/ OR IF YOU do GET yourself INTO A “” PARAMOUR “” situation that does TURNS OUT 2 BE LOVE, FYI most OF THEM do NOT turn OUT 2 BE ” LOVE ” I AM NOT saying it is NOT possible BECAUSE IT IS, because I DO know this BY/@ 1st HAND, just 4 1’S OWN self, but I DO think your asking 4 trouble IN a PARAMOUR situation IF you do proceed BEFORE SOME VIP GROUND RULES ARE NOT 1ST ESTABLISHED @ 1ST HAND being IT NEEDS/MUST BE done 1ST, that IS ALL I am saying BUT @ THE SAME TIME YOU CAN’T DO BOTH you can either DO A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP/ or HAVE A PARAMOUR relationship SITUATION GOING ON, but SORRY 1/you CAN NOT HAVE BOTH OF THEM !!!! (((Ms. Courtney))) thank you AS always, Bella 🙂 🙂

  2. Htun Lynn

    Hi, Venus

    Nice to hear for the great & cozy Love relationship advice!
    O.k, let me see & enjoy the situation first & I will honor to you with grand present later on!
    Hope everything will be fine & delight for me ahead for coming weeks!

    Thanks & warmest regards,
    Htun Lynn


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