Your LOVECAST®: Motivating or Irritating?

 Your Love Horoscope

A battle involving Cardinal Signs on Monday and Tuesday will motivate or irritate those of us with placements in Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn. Things mellow out midweek as the Moon in Taurus inspires slow, sensual trysts. Retrograde Mercury in Pisces/Aquarius from Thursday until the end of the month can disrupt communications and travel plans. This weekend, the Moon in chatty Gemini encourages flirty or brainy interactions. Best days for socializing: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.

Aries Love Horoscope

A highly emotional start to the week can prompt you to push too hard for what you want. Slow down and think before speaking up. Retrograde Mercury encourages an analysis of past communications as a way to improve your relationships. Sharing your humor or knowledge can attract a romantic encounter this weekend, especially on Sunday.

Taurus Love Horoscope

Getting in touch with your needs, desires and goals is a good way to channel any restlessness that overtakes you at the start of the week. Your sensuality can ignite passion on Wednesday. Retrograde Mercury favors a review of your social skills and friendships. A lighthearted expression of your feelings can bring romance this weekend.

Gemini Love Horoscope

A friend or group project may be troublesome at the beginning of the week. An analysis of your career goals and communication style at work during retrograde Mercury will help set you on the track to success. Your words may backfire on Friday, but your sparkling repartee makes you a magnet for admirers this weekend.

Psychic Braxton ext. 5699 can tell you what’s in store for your professional future. Get an astrology reading from him today!

Cancer Love Horoscope

Being aware of how past issues play a role in the present will help you express yourself in a positive way if feelings get intense on Monday or Tuesday. Romance can be found while socializing midweek. Retrograde Mercury encourages a review of your spiritual life and education. Reminiscing about the past can deepen romance during the weekend.

Leo Love Horoscope

Distance or religious beliefs may influence romance at the start of the week. Getting in touch with your sexual needs and desires during retrograde Mercury can deepen the intimacy in your current or future relationship. Socializing can be unpredictable on Friday, but bring a romantic encounter (or just lots of fun with friends) this weekend.

Virgo Love Horoscope

An emotional issue will likely be magnified at the start of the week—a good time to analyze your dark side. On a lighter note, sharing your hopes and dreams will energize romance midweek. How you communicate with your mate, close friends or business partner will be the focus of retrograde Mercury. Taking the lead can ignite passion this weekend.

Find out if you and your partner have the same hopes and dreams! Psychic Thomasina ext. 6285 can tell you!

Libra Love Horoscope

Someone close to you may go off the rails at the start of the week, but try not to get pulled into a conflict that isn’t yours to fight. Your artistry draws admirers on Wednesday. Retrograde Mercury favors a review of your health and daily routine. Love can be found from afar or during an educational or spiritual activity this weekend.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Your energy may waver at the beginning of the week, so be mindful of food and drink. A tryst with your sweetie or meeting someone new can bring delight on Wednesday. Retrograde Mercury encourages an analysis of your love life and creative projects. A playful approach (think sexy wordplay) will set passion ablaze during the weekend!

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

Romance will likely be rocky on Monday or Tuesday. If you’re solo, you may attract someone unstable, eccentric or highly creative. Taking a down-to-earth approach will help love flow midweek. A miscommunication with your partner may arise on Friday. This weekend is a great time for a rendezvous with your sweetie or to meet someone compatible.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

Life may seem beyond your control the beginning of the week. It might be best to just let go and see where the pieces fall. Taking some time off for fun on Wednesday will energize romance. Analyzing your communication patterns during retrograde Mercury will assist your relationships. Love can be found during a helpful or healthy activity this weekend.

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Your words have the power to motivate, awaken or shock others at the beginning of the week. A cozy tryst for two or entertaining friends at your abode will energize you on Wednesday. Evaluating your earning and spending patterns during retrograde Mercury will help your finances. Look for someone special at a party, club or theater this weekend.

Your finances could use a boost. Get great tips during a money reading from Psychic Michelle ext. 5396!

Pisces Love Horoscope

An issue about money may arise with someone close to you at the beginning of the week. A class or trip can bring romance on Wednesday. Retrograde Mercury in your sign (until the 12th) encourages an evaluation of how (or if) you present your true self through your words. Hosting a party for friends will bring delight this weekend.

9 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Motivating or Irritating?

  1. Teri

    Dear UsedAbusedAnd Utterly Confused,
    I personally have always believed that people will treat you the way you Allow them to. It’s your DO NOT have to put up with anyones’ treatment. Just do not allow it. Put distance between you and don’t go back! Once you change your mindset , things will look-up. Good luck in you future. Have a wonderful life…the one you deserve!!!

  2. cendi

    Im sorry i feel for you but this is called life.the person that did this sounds like thay were in over their heads to start out with.and just kept feelings hid…regardless of her what in the heck are you allowing your self to believe what you are saying about your life you are making your own destiny for it to happen again to strong and see things how thay really are.if a friend came to ypu with the same stroie.would you tell hime the same thing you.just said to us? Of corse not see so stop that crap i know it hurts but you kids need to see you be strong and be confidence in your self…hope i helped 😉

  3. UsedAbusedAndUtterlyConfused

    Why is it that every time something good happens in my life and im finally starting to feel happy, I get knocked back and all the good things and happiness is stolen and replaced wth heartache, sadness, and despair? Why am I never allowed to have love and happiness? What have I done to deserve this horrible existance that my life has always been and will forever be? I work so hard doing for.others with no appreciation or personal gain so why do my children and myself have to suffer being mentally and emotionally abused and made to feel.insignificant and worthless on a daily basis?

  4. Jadwiga Jungk

    Please no lovecast!! I am 79 and up. Any other subject like money & finance, business outcomes, work, health, luck (specialy this one) are wellcome.

    Thank you.

  5. Irene Tron

    Dear Californiapsyc.,

    Yep it must be the upcoming retrograde Mercury. However, received the preview for your Feb. forecast but no full forecast for February and none at all for January. Has this Leo done something wrong?! Anyway, hopefully it is just some kind of high tech quirk as we are expecting another winter storm on Tuesday evening.

    Love my readings.


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