Your LOVECAST™: Try Not to Overreact to the Stress

Tuesday’s emotionally charged New Moon eclipse in Cancer can rattle relationships throughout the week, so try not to overreact to the stress. Passion and drama both escalate in the middle of the week. During the weekend, feelings are chaotic on Saturday afternoon – but love casts a rosy glow over relationships on Saturday night and Sunday. Best days for love are Wednesday and Sunday.

Week of July 20 – 26, 2009

Cancer: The New Moon in your sign brings a fresh start in your personal life, but the eclipse can make you moody as well. Access your daring side to inspire passion midweek – and look for a moneymaking opportunity as well! Creating an enticing environment or throwing a party will inspire love and friendship on Saturday night or Sunday.

Leo: The week’s New Moon illuminates your inner life, so heed your intuitive guidance concerning your direction, and strive to resolve the past. You’re irresistible in the middle of the week, when a romantic interlude gives you fresh energy – and your creativity kicks into high gear. Rash words disrupt romance on Saturday, but flirting (and other heartfelt talk) sets romance aflame on Sunday.

Virgo: Socializing escalates during this New Moon, but a friend may be troublesome. A sexy, peaceful setting lights your passion afire midweek! Also, meditation will enhance your intuition – which is especially strong around then. You’re irritated easily on Friday, and your sense of style draws admirers (and perhaps someone special) on Saturday night or Sunday.

Libra: A career opportunity may arise during the New Moon this week, but be sure it’s right for you. Networking with colleagues will bring opportunities as well. Romance can be found through a friend or during a group activity toward the middle of the week. Your charisma kicks into high gear, and inspires a romantic liaison, on Saturday night or Sunday.

Scorpio: Your future is revealed this week during the New Moon, so listen to your inner voice. Also, look for romance during a spiritual activity, class or trip. Passion is hot and complicated midweek, when your willfulness is both intriguing and troublesome to others. You’re feeling restless or dissatisfied on Saturday. A serene locale can deepen love on Sunday!

Sagittarius: The New Moon illuminates emotional blocks to intimacy or finding true love this week. It’s time to heal the past. Impulsiveness can disrupt your relationship on Friday. Your sense of adventure percolates passion toward the middle of the week, so plan a rendezvous to somewhere exotic! Socializing is weird on Saturday, but a group gathering attracts and inspires romance on Sunday.

Capricorn: This week the New Moon energizes partnership activities (and issues). It’s time to focus on improving your relationship, or on finding someone compatible. Intimacy heats up midweek, but you may need some time alone to recharge. Fine dining in a luxurious or beautiful location inspires romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Aquarius: The New Moon encourages you to focus on improving your diet or exercise routine this week – and it may provide a work opportunity as well. Also, your helpfulness will prompt a romantic interlude. A rendezvous with a lover or close friend energizes you toward the middle of the week. An exotic environment or a trip for two brings romance on Saturday night or Sunday!

Pisces: Romance escalates during this week’s New Moon – but feelings can be changeable, so you’ll want to strive to stay grounded. It’s time to work on or promote your creative project as well. Your imagination is on fire midweek, when some sexy inventiveness heightens passion. An artsy environment revs up romance on Saturday night through Sunday, so be creative!

Aries: The New Moon favors showing off your style while entertaining sometime this week. Just don’t let family stress throw you off-balance. Romance is aflame in the middle of the week, so plan an enticing rendezvous to take advantage. You may feel like relationships are too much work on Friday, and small irritations escalate on Saturday – but love blooms anew on Sunday!

Taurus: This week’s New Moon prompts you to express your feelings, which can deepen love. Just be sure to think before you speak. A trip can also inspire romance. Your wild side comes out to play midweek, when a little drama makes passion soar! Love feels irrational on Saturday – yet a mix of sensuality and artistry put romance into high gear on Sunday.

Gemini: Focusing on your values will help clarify your love life during this week’s New Moon. Also, a moneymaking opportunity may present itself – but be sure it’s reliable. Your sense of humor sets flirting afire toward the middle of the week, and a trip can heat up romance as well. Feelings are unpredictable on Saturday. Love is yours to enjoy on Sunday – so open your heart!

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