Your LOVECAST®: Meet People and Initiate Change

Your Love Horoscope

If you’ve been antsy for a change in your social life, Venus entering progressive, friendly Aquarius on Wednesday (through April 4) will help you meet new people or initiate some changes in your current relationship. Social networking can bring opportunities. During the weekend, the First-Quarter Moon in Gemini on Saturday fires up conversations, while socializing has a sensitive vibe on Sunday. Best days for socializing: Wednesday through Sunday. Want more love in your life? A relationship reading with one of our love psychics can tell you when your true love will come knocking! Here’s you Love Horoscope!

Aries Love Horoscope

Getting involved in a collaborative project during Venus in Aquarius is a great way to meet new friends and perhaps attract a paramour. You’ll likely be drawn to unusual, eccentric or socially aware people who support your hopes and dreams. Your brainpower will be highly activated this weekend, so share your ideas to attract romance.

Taurus Love Horoscope

Venus in Aquarius lighting up your career sector favors networking with colleagues to advance your career and attract admirers. If you’re paired, discussing your aspirations for the relationship can strengthen your bond. Wednesday is a great time for a romantic tryst. A sexy, witty or appreciative message will inspire romance during the weekend.

Find out if you and your partner are really on the same page. Psychic Anasela ext. 5154 can tell you!

Gemini Love Horoscope

Sharing your love of learning, adventure or culture can ignite romance during Venus in Aquarius. You’ll likely attract someone who is highly knowledgeable, spiritual or from a distant land. If you’re paired, focusing on your intellectual or spiritual connection can bring you closer together. Thursday and Saturday are excellent times for a romantic rendezvous.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Venus in Aquarius can sweeten sexy encounters but also reveal some relationship challenges concerning sex, power or closeness. If you take some time for reflection about your inner life, this influence can help free you of blocks to expressing intimacy. This weekend, your allure soars on Sunday, but you may be overly sensitive too.

Are you relationship challenges getting out of hand? Psychic Burke ext. 5655 can help you get past them. 

Leo Love Horoscope

Venus in Aquarius energizing your partnership sector encourages you to spend time on shared activities with your sweetie. If you’re solo, you’ll attract people who are compatible with your needs and interests. A close friend may match you up with someone special. Socializing will be highly energized on Friday and Saturday.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Activities that focus on health and fitness or helping others can bring romance during Venus in Aquarius. You may also meet someone special through an activity connected to your work. A rendezvous can bring delight on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sharing your expertise or taking the lead while socializing makes you the center of attention this weekend.

Libra Love Horoscope

Venus in Aquarius jaunting through your romance sector heightens your ability to attract and enjoy romantic interludes. You’ll likely meet people who are highly creative, generous and/or charismatic. If you’re paired, now is the time to focus on fun (vacation, staycation, etc.) with your sweetie. Your powers of attraction skyrocket on Thursday and Saturday!

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Your home will likely be social central during Venus in Aquarius. As such, revamping your décor and hosting a party for friends or family will show off your panache. If you’re paired, an intimate tête-à-tête with your sweetie can ignite a sexy romp, especially on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sunday is a good time for an exotic tryst.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

As Venus in Aquarius sweetens your way with words, verbalizing your feelings will attract someone special or deepen the love you share with your current partner. Romance can be found during a class, online or while traveling. A date will with a close friend or paramour can be fun but perhaps a bit chaotic on Friday or Saturday.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

You may feel the need for more variety in your social life as Venus exits your sign and enters Aquarius this week. You’ll likely value the talents or aspirations of the people you meet now. Romance can be found toward the end of the week while working or volunteering. Revealing your sensitivity will inspire love on Sunday.

Are you too sensitive? Psychic Shauna ext. 9010 can tell you if you’re letting your emotions get the better of you

Aquarius Love Horoscope

You’ll be a magnet for admirers as Venus travels through your sign, so share what’s in your heart to attract romance. If you’re paired, a shared activity that brings out the fire in your relationship can reignite your connection. Thursday through Saturday is an excellent time for a romantic getaway or an adventure with friends.

Pisces Love Horoscope

Romantic desires that have gone unfulfilled may arise to be examined during Venus in Aquarius. You may be pulled into the past by a sudden memory or contact from a former friend or lover. Resist the temptation to fantasize and think about what you really want in a relationship. Taking some time for introspection will bring clarity.

2 thoughts on “Your LOVECAST®: Meet People and Initiate Change

  1. Sheila

    My interests r love & money. Will my current love interest work out? As for money will I find a job soon a good stable one? Thank u


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