Your LOVECAST™: Romance is a Bumpy Ride

Mixed messages can throw love off track at the start of the week (and on Sunday, too), so seek clarity in your relationships. Romance is a bumpy ride toward the middle of the week as well. Fortunately, twosome energy escalates on Friday and turns passionate on Saturday, the two best days for socializing. Enjoy!

Week of November 9 – 15, 2009

Scorpio: A reality check is needed to avoid a misunderstanding toward the beginning of the week. A group activity can bring/inspire romance on Tuesday, but socializing is unpredictable on Wednesday. The past can disrupt romance on Thursday. A peaceful environment inspires love on Friday. Your powers of attraction draw romance on Saturday, but control issues upset love on Sunday.

Sagittarius: Discussing your vision of the future can inspire romance at the start of the week, but keep it real. Look for a career opportunity on Tuesday. A clash of wills with a friend or group is likely on Thursday. Socializing can bring romance on Friday. A sexy, serene ambiance heats up passion on Saturday. Take some alone time on Sunday.

Capricorn: Fantasy (role-playing? costumes?) fires up passion at the beginning of the week! Strive to see the bigger picture of your love life mid-week, when your intuition guides you. Career challenges can upset you on Thursday, but an opportunity presents itself on Friday. A friendly gathering brings a romantic interlude on Saturday, but socializing is irritating on Sunday.

Aquarius: Unrealistic expectations can unhinge your relationship toward the beginning of the week, so strive to stay grounded. A spontaneous rendezvous may surprise you mid-week. An exotic ambiance, class or trip inspires/brings romance on Friday, when you’re a magnet for admirers! Sharing your deepest feelings inspires passion on Saturday. An overreaction is likely on Sunday.

Pisces: Your imagination either inspires or unhinges romance at the start of the week. An insight that comes to you mid-week about your relationship history can improve your love life. A helpful activity inspires/brings romance on Friday. Love may come from afar or during a spiritual gathering on Saturday. Romance needs a reality-check on Sunday.

Aries: Romance blooms at the beginning of the week, when sharing your dreams for the future with your partner is favored. Just watch out for a misunderstanding. A clash between security and change in your relationship may arise mid-week. A rendezvous brings delight on Friday. Passion soars on Saturday, but argumentativeness can derail love on Sunday.

Taurus: A cozy tryst at your abode can make love bloom at the start of the week, if you don’t let your expectations get out of control. Romance heats up on Tuesday but is unpredictable on Wednesday. Your charm attracts admirers on Friday. A lover or close friend surprises you on Saturday. A clash of wills is likely on Sunday.

Gemini: Your ideas are creative but may be misconstrued at the beginning of the week. A homey rendezvous can make passion sizzle on Tuesday. A family or relationship issue needs to be resolved toward the middle of the week. Your creativity makes love bloom on Friday. Your instincts fire up passion on Saturday, but romance is complicated on Sunday.

Cancer: Romance feels illusive at the start of the week. Flirting escalates on Tuesday, but rash words can throw love off balance on Wednesday. Your partner is irritated easily on Thursday, so try not to overreact. A cozy tÍte-‡-tÍte at your abode inspires love on Friday. Romance is hot on Saturday, but mixed messages baffle you on Sunday.

Leo: Your powers of attraction make you irresistible at the start of the week, but be clear about your intentions. A clash of priorities can disrupt romance on toward the middle of the week. Flirting is likely to bring a romantic interlude on Friday. Passion fires you up on Saturday! Lack of cooperation can derail romance on Sunday.

Virgo: A serene locale inspires romance at the start of the week, but you’ll need to go with the flow to enjoy it. You’re in need of a change toward the middle of the week, so explore something (someone?) new. An artsy environment inspires love on Friday. Your wit makes you irresistible on Saturday, but verbal sparring can derail love on Sunday.

Libra: An unreliable acquaintance may throw you off balance at the beginning of the week. Restlessness can propel you toward a new endeavor on Tuesday or Wednesday. Love and commitment feel heavy on Thursday. Romance or friendship brings delight on Friday, so plan something fun. Your naughty side comes out to play on Saturday! Feelings are chaotic on Sunday.

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