Your 30-Day Vedic Forecast for February 19, 2012 to March 19, 2013

Check Your Vedic Astrology to Discover What’s Ahead!

The Vedic Nakshatras are the Moon astrology reflecting daily energies working with your active soul path and the mood of the world. All times are PST.

Sun: Shatabisha. Enters Purva Bhadraprada on March 4. Enters Uttara Bhadraprada March 17.

Feb. 19, 1:10 a.m. – 20, 4:11 a.m.: Moon in Mrigashira. You are seeking loving harmony today that sets your spirit free.

Feb. 20, 4:11 a.m. – 21, 6:55 a.m.: Ardra Moon. Emotions flow freely today with old, sweet sorrows giving way to romantic thoughts.

Feb. 21, 6:55 a.m. – 22, 9:07 a.m.: Moon in Punarvasu. Acting on romantic urges today brings sweet words from a lover or friend.

Feb. 22, 9:07 a.m. – 23, 10:47 a.m.: Moon in Pushya brings brilliant new ideas when you clear your body and mind for healthy receptivity.

Feb. 23, 10:47 a.m. – 24, 11:52 a.m.: Moon in Ashlesha. Know that you have the intelligence and ability to handle your life and overcome insecurities about relationships.

Feb. 24, 11:52 a.m. – 25, 12:24 p.m.: Moon in Magha. Your needs and your dreams of who you want to be seem so at odds today. View this as a process of becoming and have a personal breakthrough.

“Your astrological chart is the map that you are given at birth as your personal outline of your life’s possibilities.” – Psychic Charrmayne ext. 5058

Feb. 25, 12:24 p.m. –  26, 12:29 p.m.: Moon becomes full as it enters Purva Phalguni: It is a time to honor a parental figure/mentor in your life who’ll invest in your future.

Feb. 26, 12:29 p.m. – 27, 12:12 p.m.: Moon in Uttara Phalguni. What may feel like an emotional loss this afternoon is really an amazing clearing to finally create new success.

Feb. 27, 12:12 p.m. – 28, 11:37 a.m.: Moon in Hasta. Your creativity flourishes today and you’ll love the exciting results.

Feb. 28, 11:37 a.m. – Mar. 1, 10:48 a.m.: Moon in Chitra. You plant beautiful seeds today that you can evolve into an amazing creation tomorrow morning.

Mar. 1, 10:48 a.m. – 2, 9:49 a.m.: Moon in Swati. You’ll be feeling so free beginning this afternoon that it is time to listen to poetry or music and allow yourself to be carried away.

Mar. 2, 9:49 a.m. – 3, 8:43 a.m.: Moon in Vishakha. This is a great day to really work hard and enjoy the process. You’ll accomplish so much.

“What more could you ask for? A science that not only helps you better understand yourself on the inside, but also helps with planning and event-timing on the outside.” – Psychic Joyce ext. 9598

Mar. 3, 8:43 a.m. – 4, 7:28 a.m.: Moon in Anuradha. Have a little gathering of your most loyal friends today and in the midst of the enjoyment you’ll invent something brilliant.

Mar. 4, 7:28 am – 5, 6:08 a.m.: Moon in Jyeshtha. You’ll have enthusiasm and energy today. Take care with your words for great results.

Mar. 5, 6:08 a.m. – 6, 4:44 a.m.: Moon in Mula. Focus on health activities today. Go to your yoga class or see the doctor and you’ll begin to feel great.

Mar. 6, 4:44 a.m. – 7, 3:18 a.m.: Moon in Purva Ashadha. No one can stop you today. Your intense focus can drive you to greatness.

Mar. 7, 3:18 a.m. – 8, 1:55 a.m.: Moon in Uttara Ashadha. Hold steady on your course of action today. Be patient and succeed.

Mar. 8, 1:55 a.m. – 9, 12:37 a.m.: Moon in Shravana. Today is about listening to your inner wisdom as you pursue goals or teach and encourage others.

Mar. 9, 12:37 a.m. – 10, 11:33 p.m.: Moon in Dhanishtha brings beauty into being through music, or other forms of expression.

Mar. 10, 11:33 p.m. – 10, 11:50 p.m.: You’ll find rich and deep inner meaning today with Moon in Shatabhisha. Listen to great teachers or be one.

Mar. 10, 11:50 a.m. – 11, 11:35 p.m.: New Moon in Purva Bhadrapada at 12:50 p.m. brings a breakthrough in your own understanding and actions following yesterday’s revelations.

Mar. 11, 11:35 p.m. – 12, 11:52 p.m.: Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada. The morning of the 12th brings a challenging, possibly even disruptive time that is just the initial shock of a great breakthrough.

Mar. 12, 11:52 p.m. – 14, 12:48 a.m.: Moon in Revati brings a more peaceful feeling today, allowing you to contact sexy, exciting feelings to act on.

Mar. 14, 12:48 a.m. – 15, 2:24 a.m.: Moon in Ashwini. Quick, intuitive action earlier in the day makes way for powerful results this evening and tomorrow.

Mar. 15, 2:24 a.m. – 16, 4:36 a.m.: Moon in Bahrani. This is a time of transformation when you’ll be feeling your fiery energy within.

Mar. 16, 4:36 a.m. – 17, 7:18 a.m.: Moon in Krittika. You’ll have a positive attitude today and as long as you avoid excess or carelessness you’ll make the most of it.

Mar. 17, 7:18 a.m. – 18, 10:19 a.m.: Moon in Rohini. Be generous and tell someone who is feeling insecure how beautiful they are and you’ll both enjoy a fulfilling day.

Mar. 18, 10:19 a.m. – 19, 1:23 p.m.: Moon in Mrigashira. Love may seem a bit elusive today, but you’ll enjoy the pursuit so much that you won’t care.

Mar. 19, 1:23 p.m. – 20, 4:15 p.m.: Ardra Moon. You may feel a sense of loss this evening but it’s just emotions from another time and place that can now clear and bring freedom.

Want to know when the next unplanned anything is going to happen? Talk with astrologer Psychic Winter ext. 9002 to get the details!

3 thoughts on “Your 30-Day Vedic Forecast for February 19, 2012 to March 19, 2013

  1. Vvivian Thomas

    I want to know about my finances now and ind the future. Am I going to come into any money/inheritances fromany where?


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