Your Career Forecast for May 2012

Career Doors Will Open

The powerful year 2012 has so many phenomenal sky events that we can almost “feel” the excitement building, and May is the month to use the energy from our April beautiful Grand Trine in the sky and put it into dynamic action. You are really excited to open new career doors, no matter what sign you are.

But are you having a problem getting information from management regarding a promotion or approval of a project from your financial backers? They are actually spending the month assessing the financial climate. This is a good thing as the powerful “game-changing” first eclipse of 2012 is taking place on May 20 and your new position will have a better foundation. California will be one of the most impacted areas of the eclipse, so changes and opportunities will abound.


Mid-May brings excitement. It’s good to hold onto those brilliant ideas until you are certain others are ready for them. Hold off until Friday the 18th when you’ll have your “ducks in a row” and are less emotional about your project.

“Use your intuition to solve tough work issues.” – Psychic Abrielle ext. 9894


You could make career progress on the 6th, particularly if you are handling international or education accounts. The May 20 eclipse happens just as the Sun and Moon are leaving your sign, so those of you born May 15 and later will have a sense of pending changes.


Charm that “wounded warrior” who is your team leader or decision-maker and you’ll serve both yourselves. If your love awakens you in the early morning hours, not only could it be positive for your relationship, but it could really inspire your creativity later at work! You’ll have a bit of a “rebirth” with the eclipse on May 20.


With all the surprises at work, you can use your intuitive, creative style to it’s fullest on May 5. May 16 and 17 can bring some anxious behavior from the boss. If you don’t take it personally, you could benefit. There will be a sigh of relief as things calm down on the 24th and 25th.


The month begins with your focus returning to money and work, and an intense focus it is! You’ll get a lot accomplished around the 9th. Friday the 18th is a dramatic time for your career and ambitions. If you don’t get overly confident and enthusiastic, you could make great gains.


May begins with a powerful form of self-expression that will probably shock and impress you as much as your team leader and coworkers. Keep your usual cool head and this will be a positive for you. The eclipse brings big surprises at work on Monday the 21st.

“To see yourself as a success, think about your strengths and the things you are good at.” – Psychic Leo ext. 5265


On Friday, May 4, you’ll be looking good with your entourage at work – all those people dazzled by your charm. The 12th of May, you are ready to show your creative side after a bit of turbulence in the workplace. Your next big breakthrough at work will be the week of the 21st when you inspire and teach others.


May 12 and 13 could bring challenges at home that will impact your productivity. But your creative drive will kick in after this, and you will make a brilliant showing at work by the 16th. The rest of the month provides you with the flow to offer your usual consistency.


On Tuesday, May 8, you and a partner could do well after a bit of a rough go. Run with it, and your usual enthusiasm will benefit both of you. Mid-month is full of brilliant ideas that you can apply in the workplace. That partnership that you’ve been enjoying could work well for your career around the 21st as well.


You are a powerful figure at work even if you don’t feel like it. People are looking to you for both energy and structure, including getting rid of old structures to make way for the new. This is evident at the beginning of May. On May 23, if you can bring seemingly incompatible people together, you could score a big win at the office.


It will be a pleasant time on Friday, May 11 as you plan for the weekend. Now probably isn’t the time to take any financial risks, however. Put investments off until after the mid-month period. While you’ll be feeling intuitive, use the information in other ways. You’ll be thinking more clearly by the 22nd.


Yes, you are amazingly intuitive these days, and your dreams are valid. Be sure to share them with personal friends only, as the career part of your life isn’t “ready” for your intuitive revelations. On the 14th, you’ll be particularly in touch with your dreams. Use this energy to intrigue those around you while staying focused at work.

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7 thoughts on “Your Career Forecast for May 2012

  1. Barbara

    Hello, everyone i have a friend that’s left for germany on may 12th and is returning around may 27th. i asked her to check out a business opportunity for me about crystal being used in massage therapy. my birthday was may 9th. I just finished massage therapy school. will this
    eclipse get me the support and money i need to bring this product to the usa?.

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Rose ext.9500

    annular Solar Eclipse: 20 May 2012 00Gem20

    The first solar eclipse in 2012 will be an annular solar eclipse on May 20–21. It is the first annular eclipse to be seen from the United States in 18 years and the first one to be visible from earth in more than 2 years.

    The eclipse will also be seen from eastern Asia and the northern Pacific.
    It starts in Asia at 20:56 (8.56pm) Universal Time (UT) on May 20, 2012, and ends in the US at 02:49 (2.49am) UT on May 21, 2012.

    This annular SOLAR eclipse will impact communication in all forms too.

    ( Eclipses are a hobby of mine, especially the LUNAR eclipses, as I have so much water in my natal chart )

    Thanks for the heads-up, Debbie !
    I love all of the astrology columns in the CP blog and read them faithfully.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

    For those into eclipses ( like me )…..enjoy !!!!!!

  3. -quinn ext.5484

    im so happy with my forecast for work, it is spot on and im looking to turn a few heads at the mothership (office) 🙂

  4. Peter

    This prediction has never for me.When much is promised at work that is when I have problem. I am presently on suspension without salary. I was forced to seek legal redress which is yet to be decided.


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