Your Career Forecast for Summer 2012

Work the Planets’ Magic Into Your Career

Many planets are working their magic during the summer months. In the midst of a lot of beneficial transits, however, summer does have a few twists and turns. The most profound cycle of the year is the Uranus-Pluto square of which there will be seven through 2015, but the first two of which happen this summer on June 24 and September 18.

The other is Mercury retrograde which occurs on July 14 and ends on August 8. While reading your horoscope below, keep these dates in mind. Use the Mercury retrograde to retrace your steps rather than push forward.

Let’s see your career horoscope and how the planets will affect your Sun sign this summer (and don’t forget to read your rising sign too).


Having a career that suits your sensibilities is important, and the last two weeks in June are ideal for you to find a great fit. July may present some obstacles, but nothing you can’t get around. From the beginning of August and into early September, you may feel torn between work and home. By mid-September, you’re feeling back in charge of your destiny.


Summer holds a lot of promise, and you’ll have a chance to expand your professional circle and/or create a whole new career, mostly thanks to Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini (June 11, 2012 – June 25, 2013). The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1 looks particularly promising for good career news too.

“If you are looking for love or a new career, write down those things you are looking for.” – Psychic Mimi ext. 5522


Jupiter in your sign gives you lots of choices. Neptune will be in your career house for a long time (until 2025). This can make you feel uncomfortable at work, so be happy on August 23 when Mars in Scorpio forms a nice angle to your career house. Listen to your intuition when making career decisions.


Wish you were doing something more creative? Tell Jupiter who is your 12th house from June 2012 to June 2013. Disruptive Uranus in your career house could mean an end and beginning. Just go with the flow. By the end of August, you’re in fast forward motion in a good way.


With Mercury in Leo most of summer, your big plans are ready to be revealed (except during its retrograde). Uranus in Aries keeps you motivated, and Jupiter in Gemini makes all communications powerful in July’s first two weeks. After August 23, work and home vie for attention. Just learn to balance and do your best.


Having expansive Jupiter in your career house is great, but don’t be complacent. When Uranus retrogrades in mid-July, write down those ideas that pop up and save them for later. Mercury retrograde may muddle communications, but after August 8, you’re golden again.


You’ve got Mars, Venus and Jupiter all working for you in July. Venus moves into your career house beginning August 7 through September 6. You win over anyone you encounter. Mercury in your sign beginning September 16 makes you shine.


In early September, Venus will be in your career zone, and things look stellar. But it’s Mercury in your work zone from June 25 – August 31 that looks like the best part of summer. Show them what you’ve got! Just remember to chill out through the Mercury retrograde.

“Psychic abilities can help you discover skills and talents that you may not know exist.”  – Psychic Leo ext. 5265


In July, Venus and Jupiter in your house of partnerships means that you could form a partnership or expand one. Wait until after August 8 when Mercury goes direct to solidify plans. August 31 through September 16, Mercury will be in your career house, and your ideas should be heard because they’re awesome.


On June 25, Saturn goes direct in your career house. Saturn also combines forces with Jupiter’s super-growth nature. Almost anything you put your mind to, you can accomplish. Venus in Cancer, August 7 through September 6 means you’ll have plenty of support.


You have the help of Venus and Jupiter in your daily-work house (not to be confused with your career house). Even the little things you do that you think no one notices are contributing to your overall career. By the end of August, when Mars moves into your career zone, you’ll be unstoppable. Be creative.


Thanks to Uranus in your second house, your creative side is expanding. Even though Uranus will be retrograde until December, the energy still works, just behind the scenes. Carry a recorder or keep a journal to capture ideas you’ll have at odd times. After August 8, you’re able to do something you love.

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What else is ahead for your career this summer? Talk to a psychic and find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

32 thoughts on “Your Career Forecast for Summer 2012


    My question relates to my relationship with my mother, I am curious to know whether or not her and I will get back together after being apart since June of 2012, since she was diagnosed with a non curable disease.

  2. D L Davis

    Talk and talk and talk but still do not answer my question. More minutes, more money for them, but still hangin here waitin for an answer to my question. I don’t have any more money and looks like you don’t have an answer to my qestion. NO MORE

  3. john

    waiting on lottery for 13 yrs. still no job transpertation amost homeless still no money .sykchic pray on poor they just want your money you dont have:(SCAMS) make me a beliver!

  4. Angel

    Only God can guide you and know your future…these psychos is just playing with you all mind and emotions. Trust in God he will see you through!!!

  5. corrine

    I want to know wether I’m going to be with the guy I love or not!!!!!!! Not stuff that encourages me about other stuff!!!! You give me info on what I want but if you don’t just stop with the emails….. Really it ticks me off that you guys won’t tell me who I’m going to be with for the rest of my life!!

  6. Sarrah

    Can you please tell me what is my destiny… what about my plan of going abroad… can i be rich? what about my business, what is suited to me?

    complete name: sarrah bernal balaguer
    birth day : February 24 1983
    status : single

  7. Manish

    Thanking you for giving my career forecast for summer 2012. This year I thought starting a work like Insurance commission agent, Tuition. Is it suitable for me Yes or No? Please tell me.

  8. jojo

    thanks for the daily forecast.
    i will just tell you frankly i’ve been playing lotto for many years here in the Philippines as well as in other country but i never got the chance to pick the right numbers.There is any chance for me win?Thank you

  9. Vedanand

    When I am likely to get job?
    Whaat type of job?
    What is my future forcast for net 6 months?

    Awaiting….. reply.

  10. mainak ghosh

    thanks for your carrer forecast . my date of birth 22.01.1982 Date of Place Berhampore, West Bengal,India.
    my partner has not found for marraige . so how u are help me? and pls give suggestion for my carrer forecast.

  11. Randy

    well people welcome ro my world I’ve worked hard to only benefit others oh through my younger years I had some pretty and fast cars it was only after I gave my heart to a piciesmy luck went south. Since I married twice and every body but me benifited from this. I HAVE MYTRAL vALVE and the long hours and meds. took its toll. I’m desabled now and to late to start over. I’m not even hirable any more had agreat career though enjpyed that. I will give everyone a headsup though,becareful because if u end up like me deserving retirement SSi you will fight a long hard battle. They don’t care if you are disabled they are looking for ways not to pay. I know people like me who has fought with good attorneys open and shut cases for as long as five yrs. It’s hard to afford if your not rich. well one person died waiting for hers. So good luck to all you Sags out ther wish you the best.

  12. Toby Ginsburg-Cohen

    You are the BEST! Thank you everyday for your wonderful work and sharing it with the world!

  13. jon


    Wish you were doing something more creative? Tell Jupiter who is your 12th house from June 2012 to June 2013. Disruptive Uranus in your career house could mean an end and beginning, just go with the flow. By the end of August, you’re in fast forward motion in a good way.

    so, what do I do for the next 2 birthdays, ???? (june22)

  14. Judith

    I need a job, I quit my job last year do to health, now everything is under control, and I don`t know where to look, I really don`t have the confidence anymore.

  15. bukuria

    friend I am from Kosovo a country emerging from war once and we saw the opportunity to take into phone you please provide an answer to this question: I met a guy and want more ter really wanted to know whether they will be this connection will be finished during or soon please and thank you with a return her answers

  16. Glenna ext. 5418

    Thanks LJ!

    Sharing these astrological trends is SO helpful. Having the information to take advantage of positive aspects, or knowing when a restrictive trend will end are both useful in maintaining confidence.

    Confidence is key for success in our career, and critical when looking for a new position. Knowledge is power…..thanks for sharing your amazing insights!

  17. debra

    I really need to make an income. My spouse has been the supporter for a few years now and I am not healthy unless I am valued which I feel I can get through employment. If you know of any opportunities for me please help. Thanks for evryhing I appreciate any effort given


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