Your Career Horoscope for Fall 2012

How Will the Planets Help You?

Welcome to your career horoscope for fall 2012, covering the period between the autumn equinox on September 22 and the winter solstice on December 21.

So what transits, among many, will have an impact on your career? What universal forces are at work that you can use to your advantage or navigate around? There are two eclipses this fall, a solar eclipse on November 13 and a lunar eclipse on November 28. Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius November 6 – 26, and Saturn makes a move into Scorpio, to name a few. Pay close attention to your solar sixth house covering every day work and your solar 10th house of career. Now let’s take a look at your story. Want a more personalized career forecast? Talk to astrologer Psychic Shauna ext. 9010.


Just before fall begins, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn, your career house. Fall is your best career period of the year. In October, Saturn and Mercury propel your efforts to advance. In mid-November, Mars transits through Capricorn through December 25 giving your career an even bigger boost.


Jupiter, the lucky planet, remains at a great angle to your career house and will be there through the first half of 2013. You have the power to manifest your career dreams through sheer will and determination. Envision it and create it—“it” being whatever you want it to be.


Mars has been in your house of transformation since last November where it will be until July. Look for some exciting career opportunities to manifest during the solar eclipse on November 16. Explore social media and being social as they will help you.


Do what you love and don’t stop. Just as fall ends, Mars enters your house of work and forms a nice angle to your career house—a big plus. November and December are all about getting out there and living your dream.


October’s full Moon in Taurus may bring good news about a job. Power planets Mars and Pluto join forces in hardworking Capricorn between November 16 and December 25 making a great angle to your 10th house of careers. It’s all good news.


From June 2012 to June 2015 you can enjoy the revelations of Pluto in Capricorn. Throughout most of October, Venus is in Virgo, giving you renewed purpose. From November 16 to December 25, Mars and Pluto link up in your fifth house, making a nice angle to your Sun sign. You surpass your own expectations.


Mercury, the communication planet in your sign until October 6 gives you the gift to spin tales and sales pitches and ask for raises and perks. Venus enters your sign on October 28 through November 21, benefiting career, romance and life in general. In December, Mars creates a slight tug of war between work and home, so just stay balanced.


For you, the Solar Eclipse in your sign on November 13 sets off a powerful portent of luck coming your way, since Mars, will also be in your money-earned sign from mid-November through Christmas. Venus sends you luck in new ventures towards the end of fall.


Venus moves into your career house from October 3 through the 28th making your career life shine. After a slight breather during November’s Mercury retrograde, Venus brings benefits again on December 15—this time in your own sign. You’re a bright, shiny penny.


The Libra New Moon on October 15 forms a great angle to Jupiter, the good luck planet. You’ll be thanking your lucky stars. Two weeks later, Venus visits Libra, and shines right on your career. While others are preoccupied, you keep moving forward.


The November 13 new Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio, your 10th house, could signal a change in not only job, but career, depending on what you do. Venus moves into Scorpio from November 21 bearing glad career tidings and stardust. This is the best time of the year for your career.


Saturn moves into Scorpio on October 5 for the next two and half years. When Saturn bursts into a sign it fixes and shifts things; you’re making changes and giving serious thought to your career path. Venus enters your 10th house on December 15, which should make you happy.

18 thoughts on “Your Career Horoscope for Fall 2012

  1. Elizabeth Scott

    What is this, 2012, you are psychics, your suppose to see the future. I already lived thru 2012
    Please dont send me anymore.

  2. Kristi

    Why are you sending me outdated horoscopes for Fall of 2012? I just signed up, but if the information isn’t current, I won’t stay long. Please get back to me about this matter.
    Thanks! K

  3. donnasprague

    At the moment you have been on target.Went for a job interview
    today 10/15/2012.(2nd mtg)I retired fromthe medical field 1yr.ago today.
    I have an opportunity to work for a University/Student Admissions Office Coordinator part time. I will also be able to go to College and for the 1st yr.
    they will pay for 1 course per semester.Opportunity of a Life Time!
    I will have an answer in 3 days.

  4. eugene garcia

    thanks to your advice, regarding my fall career please, what is my next step next month, i want to grow my career, what can i do to my co, workers always insulting me, and put me down, and always under stemate me,

  5. Theresa

    I am sick with nueropath. I used a job anwas wondering if i was going to mak any money buy Christmas time with eithr my jo or any othre way.

  6. LJ

    thanks Marie Christine Dean – just a typo – i’ll fix it now – you’re right 28th not 18th – and thank you for being a faithful follower – that’s nice to hear. And to Preshen, have you never exceeded your own expectations? It just means that things will turn out better than you anticipated if you give it your best shot. Thanks everyone. I appreciate your readership more than I could ever express in words.

  7. saugata chatterjee

    vedic reading is far more accurate!!! Say 27/9 2012 i ay there will be trouble for Sagittarius as mars and rahu is too close and from evening it will be rahu rahu!! bitter trouble in finance and loss of energy to find a solution!! But for Capricorn it will be opposite!! Sun sign or the western astrology hardly see these!!

  8. preshen

    You surpass your own expectations.
    what do u mean by that
    will i achieve my goals and dreams come true

    i am soo looking forward to that if it comes along

  9. marie christine dean

    Just to let you know kindly that the Lunar Eclipse is on November 28, and not on the 18th, as you have mention in your article title «Your career horoscope fall 2012».

    Have a nice day. A faithfull follower

    Marie Christine Dean


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