Your Mercury Forecast for August 2012

Mercury and the Sun in Leo, Straight From the Heart

All through August, right up to the last day, Mercury will be in Leo the lion. Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, is the planet of communication and when it comes to communicating, Leo tends to do it with little or no filter. Lions roar, they don’t meow. The Sun will also be in Leo until August 22. Mercury is never more than 28 degrees from the Sun. Since the Sun (the planet/star of self) rules the sign of Leo, we can expect to have the words we speak during this period come straight from the heart. Talk to Psychic Heather ext. 5064 if you are having trouble speaking from the heart.

August 8

Mercury has been retrograde since July 14 and it will go direct on August 8, remaining in Leo the entire time. You may have experienced delays in communications, misbehaving mechanical devices, and/or problems with electrical equipment. These trials of Mercury retrograde tend to be most powerful during transitional phases when it appears stationary, so watch the three days surrounding August 8 for these types of problems. Take extra care.

August 17

With a new Moon in Leo, joined by the Sun and Mercury, communication comes out of the blue, and could be the start of  something new and exciting. Joined with tomorrow’s aspects, it’s time to pay close attention to what you hear.

August 18

On August 18 Mercury communicates with Uranus, the planet of revolution, originality and creativity in Aries, and it’s bound to be a time when creative and exciting ideas pop up as if out of nowhere. Pay attention to signs you may get, and write them down. They’ll prove useful later.

August 22

Mercury forms a friendly angle to Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of luck so meetings, calls and other forms of communication should benefit you nicely. Be excited, be happy, but be careful not to boast. Remember to put a filter on that roaring lion on this day when the Sun leaves Leo and enters practical Virgo.

August 29

Mercury forms a link with Saturn. Saturn is the planet of karma and universal law. Since it’s in balancing Libra (represented by the scales, also a symbol of justice), you may find that any news that comes your way will have a just, yet sobering effect on you. Whatever comes your way, know that it’s for the best. Feeling apprehensive about what’s coming your way? Talk to Psychic Lillian ext. 5625 and she will set your mind at ease.

August 31

Finally, Mercury spends its last day in Leo before moving on to Virgo. This transit coincides with the full Moon in Pisces. Full Moons tend to symbolize endings, which is apropos for Mercury’s last day in Leo.

While Mercury is in Leo, the excitement of the communications we receive or send have a life of their own. In other words, the delivery of the message may not correlate with the spirit of the actual message itself. Put thought into messages delivered and put a filter over every message received and be sure to absorb before reacting.

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What else does Mercury have in store for you this month? Talk to a psychic and find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

20 thoughts on “Your Mercury Forecast for August 2012

  1. Shannan

    In march when mercury was in retrograde I met a man whom I felt this overwhelming connection with, he to felt it. The circumstances of our seperating ways is not a typical lovers spatt but something more political, and it was so sudden. Its been 3 months and still every day I think about him and sometimes manage not to cry. The short time we were together felt like we’d known each other for years. I am a Gemini he is Leo. We have not talked since it ended. Now that mercury is in his path.. What can I say to him?

  2. Pau

    If the lady with Virgo husband is unhappy, just let him go, and do something for yourself, you have the power to be happy and you get to choose how to live! He has no respect for you, and the house, so darling you gotta move out! Lesson learned from them!YOU GOT THE POWER TO CHOOSE! It’s your life !

  3. Pingback: In the Stars – The Weekend Edition (August 11-12) « Artful Articles

  4. Pingback: In the Stars – Stars Born Today, August 10 « Artful Articles

  5. Pingback: In the Stars – August 9 « Artful Articles

  6. Pingback: In the Stars – August 8 « Artful Articles

  7. Pingback: In the Stars – August 7 « Artful Articles

  8. arise

    Quinn I wonder if one didn’t fix anything – just waited 3 weeks – if everything would start working again as spontaneously as it quit? Heheh. Maybe it’s a cosmic lesson to be less dependent on our gadgets.

  9. Pingback: In the Stars – August 6 « Artful Articles

  10. maureen aldridge

    For some reason, you have changed my sign from Pisces to Aquarius. My birthdate is march 9. Also the spelling of my name is Maureen, not Mauareen.

    Thank you.

  11. Pingback: Weekly Planets and Stars – August 6-12, 2012 « Artful Articles

  12. vs

    I am expecting this moon will bring job for me.

    Thank u, I will deffently take care of my words.

    God will give good job for me.

  13. rosemary

    i hate my life……………my husband came home drunk last night,what a pain,he crashed into a “whatnot shelf”and broke a $100’00 dollars or more of tea cups. i wish i had the guts to leave, i am a sag and he a virgo, the biggest mistake i ever made. god p-lease help me

  14. Lindee Leibovitz

    I generally, only cast the;”Ruines.”Mostly I use the I Ching. Anything which is asking for money:I don’t usually bother. This will eventually cost money: However; this interested me somewhat. Only for Capricorns, or the poor people: Who must live with Capricorns, giggle.

  15. jawed khan

    HI there,
    I have with you for a while,enjoy it,but heard to understand the actual meaning of it.Now I like to ask very important Question for me.I lived in Pakistan the law & order condition is getting worst by the passing decided to get Canada Immigration,applied in Mid 2010 they asked to apply in General scheme so I did & complete all their formalities on Dec last week 2011.waiting for their reply.
    Please help me.
    Full Name,,,,jawed Iqbal khan
    Date of Birth,,,,Nov,23,1947..Time early morning
    Place of birth,,,,,Rawalpindi ,Pakistan
    Thanks with Regards,

  16. Quinn ext.5484Quinn ext.5484

    >>>Mercury has been retrograde since July 14 and it will go direct on August 8, remaining in Leo the entire time. You may have experienced delays in communications, misbehaving mechanical devices, and/or problems with electrical equipment. These trials of Mercury retrograde tend to be most powerful during transitional phases when it appears stationary, so watch the three days surrounding August 8 for these types of problems. Take extra care.<<<

    this has been one of the hardest retros – when it is in the fixed signs it does make it even harder.
    finally after days of calls and tech visits my phones computers and tv's are all working again.
    i stop to think what goes through the minds of people who are not aware of the mercury retro. good thing all the communication companies have insurance you can buy for your devices or vices 🙂
    thank you for these forecasts about mercury – they are very enlightening.


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