Your Money Forecast for February 2013

 A Month of Your Money

February hosts the first Mercury retrograde of 2013 from February 23 to March 17 in Pisces, and as you may well know that’s not the time to make major purchases or enter into speculative arrangements. February also hosts a pileup of planets in Pisces (water signs will be a big theme for 2013), emphasizing heightened emotions and intuition. Listen to your intuition when making financial decisions and be conscious of emotional spending. Now let’s see what the rest of the universe has in store for your money forecast for February.


Saturn turns retrograde on February 18 in your house of other people’s money so applying for a loan or mortgage is not advisable—hold off until July. The Full Moon on the 25th might bring news you can use to make more money.


The New Moon on February 10 could bring financial opportunities through new employment or a promotion. Your ruling planet, Venus, is shining in your career house from February 1 through the 25th—a really bright star for your money forecast.


Mars moves into your house of careers on February 1 and stays until March 11. This is when you can use the visionary power of Pisces to make smart career decisions that will enhance your financial status. Just remember your own ruling planet’s retrograde on the 23rd. If you want to know exactly what this Mercury retrograde has in store for you, give money astrologer Braxton ext. 5699 a call.


The February 10th New Moon will have a beneficial effect on your shared finances, taxes, insurance, mortgages, etc. Coupled with an exact communication between lucky Jupiter and Uranus at the same time, financial opportunities could pop up out of nowhere.


February’s New Moon could bring some business or financial opportunities your way. When the Moon turns full on February 25, it’s time to start a new financial regime such as budgeting or starting a new savings account. You’ll be glad you did.


You and Gemini share Mercury as your ruler, so you feel Mercury retrogrades sometimes more than others. Nevertheless, business partnerships could shine this month if you use your intuition as part of your decision-making process.


After Mercury enters Pisces on February 5 it joins Mars in forward motion through your house of earned money. Your creativity and flair can bring you some opportunities to cash in. Act well before the 23rd when Mercury goes retrograde. You’ve also got help from a New Moon in Aquarius on the 10th.


Mars in your fellow water sign, Pisces, beginning February 1 urges you to steer clear of speculative adventures through March 11. When Venus enters Pisces on the 25th, resist the urge to splurge as Mercury will be in retrograde.

“Know your intentions toward money and its ability to become abundant in your life.” – Psychic Simone ext. 5346 


From the time Mercury enters Pisces on the 5th until it retrogrades on the 23rd, you might be torn between obligations at home and work. Though money comes from steady work, striking a balance will benefit both.


On February 1, Venus moves out of your sign and into Aquarius, also known as your house of income. With a boost from the Aquarian New Moon on the 10th, you may very well find a whole new source of wealth. Where is your new source of wealth hidden? Find out with the help of Psychic Marilyn ext. 5364.


The most striking part of your money forecast is the transit of Mars in Pisces, from February 1 through March 11. Mercury will help too, but it’s the hours of work on your craft or job that will bring the most financial reward.


Aside from hosting this year’s first Mercury retrograde, you have a lot going on. Mars in your own sign lets you take the wheel and point it in any direction, but pick one. Decide on your best financial direction and put it into action next month.

13 thoughts on “Your Money Forecast for February 2013

  1. Noupone

    when I’ll find a good job and be independent on my own finance? will my family be together again? my birth sign is LEO

  2. cindy

    how come i can never get a head, and am always in the red. i live each day from pay cheque, to pay cheque, and never have an allowance for emergencies, or daily needs. ever since my early 20’s until now, i’m 48, i’ve had nothing but bad luck. i’m far from extravagent, i still have clothes from the 80’s, and i hardly go out, unless someone is offering, and that doesn’t come around near enough. am i always going to be struggling to make ends meet

  3. Pamela

    Barry, as a Capricorn, you know better than to pay people for spells. See to your finances with focus and control as befits your sun sign influence.
    Bernetia, use lower case please, and ask yourself this question in the mirror. Tip: the grass is green where you water it.
    Manasseh, go within. Remember how to meditate and find calm as you did in your childhood. Then, take mastery with you to the interview.

  4. Barry A. Compton

    I am in desperate need of money . I was told someone would say a spell so could get the $50,000 I need for varies things . I have been waiting and so far nothing . Was I fooled by someone ? Am I just getting my hopes up ? Please e mail me and let me know what you think . I am a Capricorn

  5. Manasseh Damulak

    Born 15 – Jan – 1960.
    Requiring success at my managerial interview on 18 – 02 – 2013 and tell me where my next source of wealth is expected

  6. Manasseh Damulak

    Where will my new source of wealth come from? I will be giong for a promotion interview on the 18/feb/2013, for managerial position. Any success?


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