Your Money Horoscope for Spring 2013

For March 20, 2013 – June 21, 2013

Between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, there’s plenty of planetary action with a monetary aura. Surrounding these dates is a Mercury retrograde. Between these dates, Mercury will occupy five different signs. Still, there are more astro-rabbits to pull out of the universal hat as three of this year’s five eclipses also happen during this same period, and that’s not all. But for now, let’s look at the most notable days in your money forecast. Want the full details of your money forecast? Call astrologer Psychic Joyce ext. 9598 today!


You have lovely Venus in your house of earned income from April 15 through May 9 when you’ll attract money-making vibes. The solar eclipse on May 9 gives your money forecast a welcome boost from outside sources.


From April 15 when Venus enters your Sun sign through June 2, when it leaves your second house of money earned, it looks favorable to ask for a raise. You’ve earned it. In June, Mars joins lucky Jupiter in your second house of earned income, and you have some real potential for adding to your savings.


On April 12, Pluto turns retrograde until mid-September, so don’t seek a mortgage or a loan at that time. Mercury, your planetary ruler, will visit five signs during this forecast period so just try to go with the flow. When Mercury enters Cancer on May 31, your finances look good through August—just don’t forget the retrograde happening in June and July.

“When it comes to your paycheck/money/finances, instead of thinking: ‘That’s not enough,’ think with the attitude of gratitude by blessing what you’ve got. Soon, a greater flow of money will come to you.” – Psychic Kallista ext. 9623


To look at your money forecast is to look at a reflection of your career forecast for this period in time. You will advance at work, get a new job or start something new altogether in April. Balance expenses with earnings. Venus in your sign throughout June is a lovely transit for making money.


Forward-moving Mercury makes a nice angle to Venus, making the 21st of March the best time for you to seek a mortgage or do your taxes. The April New Moon joined by a host of other planets in your fellow fire sign, Aries, means that money spent on networking works well for you.


March 21 through April 15, Venus and Mars team up to make it easier for you to get a loan, get a larger tax return than anticipated or your spouse could get a raise. March 27 you could revise your budget. Your finances are directly related to your career success. Not feeling so much like a success right now? Find out today how things will change with a money forecast from astrologer Psychic Charrmayne ext. 5058.


Jupiter forms a nice angle to the Libra Full Moon on March 27 which could bring financial luck. Re-vamp or start a budget around the April 25th lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Look to the May 9th solar eclipse for some happy financial news.


The New Moon on April 10 could brighten your money forecast. On May 9, both the New Moon in Taurus and Venus in Gemini say your money may come from a partnership or from outside sources. The May 31 entry of Mars into Gemini points the same way.


Pluto retrogrades in your second house from April 12 through September. This may cause financial delays of some kind, but it works to your advantage, so take heart. After May 31, look for finances to pick up through a partnership or loan you’ve wanted.


You attract money through creativity, especially April 15 through May 9. Also on May 9, the solar eclipse helps this money forecast. The June 8 New Moon could be helpful in getting you the job and paycheck you’ve worked so hard for.


Mercury is now moving forward, and you’re thinking of ways to make extra money or invest. Money made through work and possibly other pursuits makes you smile when Venus is in Cancer through most of June. The Neptune retrograde on June 7 helps you find and profit from those side investments.


You’ve just experienced a crown of stars in your sign that included a New Moon on March 11. Next, another auspicious crown of stars appears in your house of money earned. You’re alive with creativity and ideas that attract financial success from March 20 through June 21.

36 thoughts on “Your Money Horoscope for Spring 2013

  1. shawn

    what you have sent me makes know since to me considering it is now October and all this other stuff is in the past nothing for my future so please stop sending me saying of yours when it has nothing to do with me or my future. I will not buy any minutes to talk to anyone because I have someone already and you have not convince me at all that’s any of what you write has anything to do with me and my life of finances. it has nothing to with anyone at all it’s just talk. thank you for your time now please agree with my wishes or convince me with out a doubt that what you say or know has someone or something to do with me

  2. Jamian

    You definitely do not have any psychic abilities if you have no futures to show us. This is old info and lame! Thanks for the free reading, NOT!

  3. Wayne

    Sounds like a lot of you have been scammed.Be very careful! If it sounds too good to be true.Then it is. Period. Come back to the real world. Don’t rely on charlatans etc. to HELP YOU. Make your own way in the world. Realize that YOU are responsible for your fortune or misfortune. So much negative in the world. Don’t let it get you down. Don’t listen to all that PROPAGANDA on GOOD MORNING AMERICA! Turn off the TV,most of the movies are 30 years old anyway. Keep you chin up.

  4. Gem

    I am so sorry to hear all that happend to you Curtis I feel this site is expensive for what they charge but apparently physchics claim to charge what they want i think maybe trust your own intution and my prayers and thoughts are with you

  5. Carmen

    Sorry I don’t wanted old Horoscope that already pass the month!!! If your sending something need to be uptodays dates. It’s not please no sended at all.l

  6. shawntee brooks


  7. Misty

    Psychic that my luck going to change for the good. I havent seen that yet. I also dont know about when that job is going to happen. the money problem is going away. Things of my children going to be resolve. things with my husband going to get better?

  8. irene

    ok i didnt go for the free reading cause i wasnt certain on what i wanted to ask,, but your horascope is a month off, i got last months and its july what gives it was just emailed to me today, sucky on your guys for not being up to date!

  9. dennis

    love it when people ask me for money to give me a readind. I cant afford to keep food in my house and they want money from me. I live on disability , shame on those that want to try and blee people dry for telling lies

  10. Hellen

    I had a reading the other day I was very disappointed I will never get advise from any Psychic’s ever again.

  11. An

    Sometime my horoscope saying i receive unexpected huges amount and im happy about that! But sad to say it never happen yet! being scammers victim wishing to win a lottey to recover losses!

  12. c.wright.thru.u.

    Infinite/Eternal Divine Blessings of Gratitude, Love and Light to you and ALL!
    I AM intending for ALL to enjoy ever-increasing unlimited potential of being/doing/having ALL the best of ALL, for our best interests/highest destiny, always.

  13. Matt Munro

    ext 9598 Joyce…This is funny…Thinks like a baptist, and has a spirit of catholic…maybe your mate or husband is baptist, and you are catholic…Its great that i can have so much fun exticing my imaginative side…If I try enough, I just might get one right!…No pun intended…I truely believe that there can be spiritual guides in life….

  14. Vilani

    I don’t know how lucky or bad luck to me. my husband is a man I dreamed to live with over 27 years and finely we live together about a year and we can’t stand each other and he moved away. h still support me with my finance and i did not want that from him, but I am unemployment. what should I do and I do missing him, but I can’t stand the way he looks, he talk and the way he handles thing is so dumb and selfish. he see the friend is mor important than family and wich he never live with a woman that he love in his life.

  15. Matt Munro

    attn. Joyce 9598…If you do art, I would say that you are a painter, and maybe into pottery…Painter would be your strongest choice in doing, or i am spending to much time on things that are use-less for me…As to people complaining about there fortunes in when or soon they are going to find money…Could be right, you must have patience and not be dictated b a fortune for actions, it just may happen…Do not alter your life, just because you are so needy…What does one need a whole bunch of money anyways…If not appreciated or earned, its just paper to keep a fire going…I am not trying to say if these reflections of star and moon alignments work or not…You are a product of what you think….

  16. Matt Munro

    ext.9598 Joyce…The energy of your grace radiates out of your eyes when you meet people, and in most give good receptive, and first impressions…People remember you! even if met for one time…

  17. Matt Munro

    ext.9598 Joyce…I usually take some thought and try a reflection for people…I wish I could have a quarter of your energy…Your spirit exceeds your body, with pure power…If you are a church goer I would say that there is somewhat a feeling that you would be baptist…I take that from a mind vibe of my imagination…Your spirit says catholic, and it is the strongest part of your spiritual make up…I do not go to church but i believe I know demominations of churches holy spirit christianings(?)spelling auh!…

  18. Matt Munro

    attn…Joyce ext. 9598…I do not need to know, about future plans with money, because I will just spend it as fast as I can…I will not even enjoy myself…The future does not look good for me…I absolutly have no energy to work, no income tax return…Unless something just falls on my lap, there is no hope in hell to see, a dollar…I can barely raise 5 dollars for myself each day!

  19. ty

    sound IF you have a spell, hex, etc. put on you this man can help u he isnt fake i used him i had him to help me everything was going bad in my life my health money etc if you want to talk email i will talk more to you this stuff is NO JOKE ITS KEEPS GETTING WORST U GOT TO STOP IT…

  20. Marc


    I really feel for you. Yours is truly one of the worst stories I have heard.

    Regarding the future, it is what you make it and it is what it is. That is to say you have to go out there and take it, you gotta look for the opportunity in the challenge. You even gotta look for the opportunity when there isn’t even a challenge. It is difficult and I understand your situation, but there there is never no way out. You gotta make the hard decisions yourself. Action is key, without action there can be no reaction/result.

    Re. the curse, I believe they are as strong as you make them. Like Austin Powers, you gotta fight their mojo with your mojo. But seriously, your life and energies are easier to control than others and so you gotta push your objective, your safety, your well being into the space and universe around you, respecting the boundaries of others and the rules of life/love/God.

    Re. spam and calls and bad people, you gotta get in touch with agencies that can assist. “Unsubscribe” from all that and if you can’t: change numbers etc.. Don’t give your details in future to unknowns and if you have to keep it to a minimum.

    Money flows. Do not restrict it and do not try to dam(n) it. Work with it and know that it will come and go and with good management (of self and money) you will be well off. Put a plan into effect to attain your (realistic) goals and stick to the plan. The closer to the plan, the closer your goals.

    I hope this helps and that you can work your way out of your situation, good luck.

  21. Lavonne Lafountain

    I really truly think you psychics are in it for the money! I tend to read my horoscope and none of it ever has come true for me. It’s sad how you take people’s hard earned money for a lie.

  22. Rajaram.k

    I am believing your prediction,thank you all so much.from 1982 i am watching your yearly Horoscope book,i am also an Astrologer even then i want your advice. thank you so once again.

  23. Pingback: Your Money Horoscope for Spring 2013 | Articles, Advice and More

  24. quinn

    $$$$ hi Lj. im looking forward to the dates you mentioned. you know cappys are very in tune with their money.
    meaty info here.
    pumping up for success.

  25. Cindy

    I’ve talked to many psychic’s before, and not one of them were correct on the questions I asked. I’m still adamant on finding someone out there to answer my questions, but I refuse to spend anymore money on bogus answers. Everyone had the same answer only in different words, but none of what they told me has happened, or come true. Why should I believe in you, and trust you like I did the others? I went to them with ” One question, and one question only”, and was let down by them all. I followed every step they told me to, but still nothing has changed, nothing has come true on what I was told would happen, and my beliefs in trusting psychic’s, again is slim. I don’t expect a guarantee, but some sort of sign would of been beneficial, to make me believe in your powers. It’s all up to you if you want to email me back, and regain my trust in psychic beliefs, but… unless you don’t offer me a Free Reading on what YOU feel….. Let’s not waste eachother’s time. I’m tired of being let down, and hurt with things I was told was going to happen, and they never even came close to happening, or occurring, not even a SIGN! I have strong beliefs in life with all the orbits around us and how they play such a significant role in all our lives, but my strongest beliefs…. Come from GOD. He’s the main person who rules, and makes your life as he wants you to be, for he is the MAN, who created us. He has our life all planned out already for us. He gave you this special gift for you to help us. You already know your job that God gave you in life, but I don’t. I don’t know what my purpose is to be here. I can assume, and sometimes I really think I know, but what I can’t understand is why sometimes I do so wrong. I don’t want to know my future, my past life, or bring back loved ones. I just would like an idea on if I can become financially secure for my boys, and for them to not have to hurt, worry, or strive in their life like I have had to, and still am. I’ve gone down the wrong road in life, but I’m really trying to make it all better for me and my boys. I know I’ve disappointed the mighty man, and my family, especially my parents (God rest their souls) and I don’t know how to over come this feeling, even through prayers. Do I need a priest to talk to, or you?

  26. Curtis DeHaven

    Psychic’s keep telling me I’m going to be getting a wind-fall, or a lot of money and it will end my money problems for good. It is always soon, a couple of weeks, a month, April 1st, I’ll get a big winning from a sweepstakes, which I play everyone I can. Trouble is, this has gone on for months and the blessing always is moving ahead of me, I’ll never get it! Of course there is always something that I’ll have to buy, or send money in to assure I don’t miss it. I find it impossible to win, as I can’t afford to buy my good future, so I’m doomed to a life not worth living, as there seems no hope unless I have money. To be truthful I really think a wicca witch must of put some curse on me. She wanted my trailer space and got angry when she never got it. My life suddenly took a down hill tumble, with one thing after another going wrong, driving me impossibly into a bad spot I can’t climb out of. I’ve always had bad luck, but this is far worse than anything I’ve endured in my life! Only I’m disabled now and with little income. My trailer, a tree top about 300 pounds snapped of almost landed on me, from 100 feet up. My dog saved me, but it caused over 2000 dollars damage to my trailer, I can’t afford to fix it. Then my pick-up was messed with, repair 600 that ended up another rip-off and cost to get it running now 1,300 dollars I don’t have. Then rats got into the walls of my trailer and destroyed all my plumbing. Going along biting through the water pipes every 6 inches, can’t afford the repair, no running water. I don’t live in a slum area! I tried to get a loan, found out 96,000 in medical bills paid years ago, by my lawyer from my settlement, which left me nothing. Was showing as unpaid on my credit report, I can’t afford cost to fix it. So my credit is shot. To top it of a loan site that does not give loans, they give information to lender, must of sold my personal and banking information and a loan site, loan4utoday, stole 30 dollars from my account, which had no money in it and put me over drafted 30 dollars which cost another 30 and by the time my check comes in I’ll be in the hole 100 dollars. Those loan sites online also must sell phone numbers to as I began getting calls 24 hours a day, as many as 20 between 1am and 4am in the middle of the night. I could good on, but why? So why doesn’t the Psychic see this? My life has constantly gotten worse and Psychic keep saying it is the luckiest period of my life! I do not know what to believe any more, my life stinks!


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