Your Money Forecast for Summer 2012

See Where Your Money Takes Flight

Want to know what the summer has in store for you and your money? Let’s take a look at the astrology happening between the solstice on June 20 and the autumn equinox on September 22, 2012 when the Sun enters Libra.

The upcoming Uranus-Pluto square is a rare configuration. We will experience this seven times between now and 2015, but the first two happen this summer. Also, Mercury will retrograde on July 17, lasting through August 8. It’s a good time to review recent events rather than pushing forward. Once it goes direct, you can once again take action. Money-loving Venus enters home-centered Cancer on August 7, and expenses could be centered on home and family.

Read your Sun sign money horoscope below (and your rising sign, too).


You benefit most from Jupiter in Gemini, your house of communication, bringing luck to your daily life. When Venus enters home-loving Cancer on August 7, you’ll want to spend time on home improvements. Just make sure you have the cash to do it, otherwise, do something less costly.


You have the luck of Jupiter and the blessings of Venus, your financial house, both in Gemini. You can’t beat that kind of money luck. You’ll be making money, and you’ll be spending it as well, mostly on luxury items.

“Know your intentions toward money and its ability to become abundant in your life.” – Psychic TeriLynn ext. 9625


Expansive Jupiter enters your sign in June where it will be for a whole year. You’ll see life in a larger sense, and your exuberance may leave you short on cash at times, but only if you’re frivolous. July and August look good for finances; just don’t sign any contracts during Mercury retrograde.


On June 25, Mercury enters your financial house. All that hard work has paid off, and it’s a good time to get your finances in shape. Venus the planet of love and luxury enters your sign on August 7. After August 23, all your creative plans will have financial backing.


Jupiter in Gemini, from this June to next, brings gifts into your life, some financial. In July, Mars brings news about a job opportunity, and you’ll be relieved. A New Moon in your 12th house on July 19 could bring many opportunities.


The biggest money-related news for you this summer is between July 3 and August 23, when Mars enters Libra, your second house. A job, raise or promotion with a bonus could all be yours. Again, avoid Mercury retrograde for signing papers. In August, Saturn goes direct, putting you back in black and bill-free.

“Being honest with ourselves about our own relationship with money allows us to stand back and gain more clarity when it comes to money issues with our partner.” Psychic Quinn ext. 5484


Mars in your sign from July 3 to the end of August motivates you and your innovations can turn into cash. You’re a magnet for success with the energy to match your desires. A raise or partnership of some sort can manifest. When Mars moves into Scorpio on August 23, you’ll be able to show off your talents at work, which can only improve your finances.


Venus direct in Gemini on June 27 will give you the urge to splurge. You do like your toys. With Mars in the partnership sign Libra, a partnership, either family or business, will see you using money to back big plans. Jupiter in Gemini affects money your share with others, and that looks favorable as well.


The Full Moon on July 3 in Capricorn, in your financial house, brings good news with it, thanks to its angle with Jupiter. Jupiter suggests that money is power for you in this configuration. The way you earn money increases via a raise, promotion, or new alliance.


Jupiter is in Gemini from June this year until June next year, keeping you busy. Promotions, travel, or spending on education could all play a part. You should sit back during Mercury’s retrograde. After August 23, Mars in your 11th house will have you concentrating on increasing your cash flow.


At the end of June, Venus and Jupiter are moving forward in your creative fifth house bringing you luck and expansion in love and money. After August 8, when Mercury goes direct, you can look forward to having some clout when it comes to financial negotiations. Use that clout and that charm of yours to your financial advantage.


From the beginning of July to August 23 Mars joins Saturn in Libra, your eighth house affecting your shared resources in a positive way. A New Moon on August 17 falls in your sixth house bringing solid opportunities that will further improve your finances.

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What else are the stars trying to tell you this summer? Talk to a psychic and find out. Call 1.800.573.4830 or choose your psychic now.

18 thoughts on “Your Money Forecast for Summer 2012

  1. Karen

    I’ve had so many dreams of coming into large amounts of money & shopping. Will my dream Ever come true & if so when ? My bd is 8/11/58 Thank You

  2. MsMichigan

    Where do you all come up with this stuff, it is so general, but you have people convinced that it is real. Scary is all I have to say!

  3. Romela chunnilall

    Dearest Lj, I am out of a job and have my bills to pay. Please pray for me so that I can get a job soon. I also have my mother to take care.

  4. Diane A

    I just got my last check from unemployment and have no more money and my lifeline- my phone bill is due in one week and don’t know what I’m going to do. So, I hope you are right. I definitely could use some positive things happening for a change.:) Thanks.

  5. glenn froment

    hi i hope waht you say about gifts &money for me in i going to hit the lottory.i hopeing play all the time gots some good numbers for me yhank you .

  6. LJ Innes

    NOTE TO MY DEAR READERS: My apologies – you are correct the Autumn Equinox is on 9/22 when the Sun enters Libra; and Saturn moves into Scorpio on October 5th – my deepest apologies – typos? bad day? or perhaps because I’m only human … we all have those days, but my errors are duly noted and I hope my apologies accepted. Sincerely, LJ Innes

  7. Universal Constance

    The Autumn Equinox is NOT on August 21st, it is on September 21st! I hope the rest of your information is not as faulty!

  8. amonymous

    I’ve spoken to Ms. Eve only a pencil could have been shaper. The insight was right on the money. Thank you and the Spirit Guides

  9. Amy Pisces rising

    You said for Pisces
    From the beginning of July to August 23, Saturn moves into your house of shared resources. You could be buying a home or asking for a raise. A New Moon on August 17 falls in your sixth house bringing solid opportunities that will improve your finances.
    Saturn is in the same sign for 2.5 years and it doesn’t leave Libra until October when it enters Scorpio so I am wondering if what you posted is correct or not?


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