Your Saturn Forecast for September 2012

The End of an Era

As Saturn in Libra inches towards a close, lessons crystallize. What does the ringed one have in store for you this month? Read on to find out!


Relationships have been the Libran Saturn’s focus in your life. So it follows that in these waning days of the transit, you’ll find yourself clearer than ever about what it is that you need in (and bring to) close relationships. Keep it simple.


Health and well-being are at the fore as this transit drives to a close. It’s not until October that Saturn’s transition to Scorpio completes, and in that time, you’re being asked to complete your mastery of efficiency from the inside out!


Your creativity has been brewing and developing over the last three years, Gemini and now you’re beginning to see the rewards. First and foremost, you’re more comfortable in your own skin because you finally know your own value.


If you’ve been wondering when you’d start to see the fruits of your considerable labor over the last few years, the time has come, Cancer. However, be warned, those fruits may be more internal than external. What they will do however, is prepare you for a new, more obviously rewarding path.


You’ve always been a master networker, Leo, but follow-through isn’t always your strong suit. Luckily, Saturn in Libra has helped you to improve your communication skills. As the ringed one prepares to move on, you can see yourself more clearly with a better understanding of how to be effective.


Solid financial footing has been the name of your game for a while now, Virgo. This came after building a much more solid sense of self-esteem. It was a hard-fought battle, but you’ve won. It’s time to put it to use in the real world.


As Saturn prepares to leave your first house, you may be feeling a sense of regret for things you could’ve done differently in this life. Let that go. By letting go of your old mistakes, you’ll be in a better position to avoid them in the future… the real point of Saturn’s torment!


All this introspection hasn’t been for naught. You’ll finally find yourself able to let go of outdated ways of being. Relinquish what doesn’t work once and for all so you can move on and enjoy what does!


You’ve been trying to work out where you fit into the world, and as Saturn in Libra draws to a close, you’re starting to have a sense of that. You finally have a handle on what is expected of you and how to deliver.


Saturn in Libra has taught you all about your own limitations. It’s been tough. The good news is that only with an honest assessment can you strengthen your weaknesses, and play on your strengths. Congrats. You’ve made it.


You may’ve started this transit three years ago, feeling less than optimistic and deeply introspective. The introspection may not have waned, but odds are the pessimism has. You’ve been through the grind and grown into a more positive person. Bravo!


Saturn has just about completed its transit through your eighth house. You know what you desire in all arenas of your life. You’ve also finally faced your fear that you need anything or anyone else. You are self-sufficient. And now, hopefully, better able to connect in a healthy fashion.

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8 thoughts on “Your Saturn Forecast for September 2012

  1. arise

    Susan Paul: Saturn in the 5th is more likely to prevent hookups by making it harder to express yourself playfully, awakening judgmental feelings, adding responsibility that interferes with pleasure. The scenario you suggest can happen if you get past the obstacles above, and are patient with delays. Good luck!

    Blackie: If you were born around sunset (with the sun in the 12th or 7th house), you may experience your sun sign through your significant others.

  2. blackie

    Man this is really interesting they got me completly backwards I have no Idea where I fit in anymore or what the next step is or if they will be one.

  3. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Re ext.9500

    LOVE the Saturn forecast, S. K.

    I watch Saturn closely in my chart… Saturn is ” The Teacher ” or ” TaskMaster ” in a natalchart….Saturnt shows us our life lessons ( one way or another ), and what we need to be aware of and work on.

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose ext.9500

  4. Penny Russell

    It has taken the last three years for me to conquer my mistakes and misgivings. To forgive myself and move forward to enjoy my life and my family. As I continue to improve mentally and physically I am able to relax and enjoy doing little things in life like gardening, reading, journaling, crafting and most of all spending time and listening to my children and husband.
    I have begun to realize, that even though I have hurt not only myself, but my family and many friends, forgiveness starts with me and God. If others wish to forgive me than I have reached one more goal. But through all of this pain I know that I am still worth being me. I am still a child of God and I am still a good person and I have value in his eyes. As I continue to work on my disabilities, I move forward in spirit and love and happiness. Though there may be days of darkness I know that the sun is still shining on the other side of that cloud. It’s raining today but there is a rainbow over my soul.


    Saturn in scorpio will be in 5th house trining moon in pisces and venus un cancer in 12th house. A fated time to bring a longstanding love fantasy into real earth time? Thanks for responding.

  6. angela

    iwas born on february 9, 1952 – h 22.54 (approx )
    canicattni bgni (italy)

    my life wqas a dusaster eccept some exception, i have 2 + 1 ddhildren

    since the end of 2002 has been doing enythik to survive and feeling under the rain for past finalcial problems and crash of situation, loosing house and family unity – i have conclude my divorce that was start in 1998 but i didn’t get money for the financial agreement. wwhat i wish at my age now to find a right compaqnion and work to look at my future, (i will not have a pension because ot enough contribution) will i hve a possibiity to have my hown hose and see my life decently serene economically and possibly in a satisfactory relationship?

    many thanks

    tell wqs I have to pay for this – thank you


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