Your Soulmate Forecast for Summer 2012

Will the Summer Heat Set Your Love Life Aflame?

It’s that time of year, when the sun shines bright and libidos run high. After all, cool drinks flow freely and there’s lots of skin on display. If you’re among the throngs looking for love—or even if you think you’ve already got it—odds are, you’re raring to take things up a notch in the romance department. But will your summer fling translate to something deeper? As with most things, the stars have something to say about that!

Here’s your soulmate forecast for June, July and August 2012!


With Saturn finishing out its run in your relationship house this October, things are looking up in the love department, Ram. Just not quite yet. Luckily, when that time comes, you’ll know what you want. In the meantime, use this summer to have fun, fun, fun, and if it turns into something more, you’ll be ready for it!


Yay for you! Mars comes out of retrograde in May, opening you up to a scorching hot summer! Things may not solidify (read: you may not be ready to settle down) until Saturn occupies your relationship house mid-fall, but in the meantime, you’ll be attracting potential mates like a magnet!


If anybody is going to meet “the one” this summer, it’s you Gemini. Mars and Venus work in concert, making July your special hot spot. Old loves may return in late May or early June—whether or not they’re “the one” in question, only you will be able to determine. Either way, prepare yourself for this soulmate summer!


Around about the time the Sun makes its way into your sign this June, Cancer, you’re likely to find yourself feeling amorous—perhaps for someone you initially consider a platonic connection. Whatever the case, the stars are asking you to commit, or quit. No more mucking about!

“True love is like good take-out: 30 mins later you look for more.” – Psychic Berlin ext. 5370


You’ll have to wait until September for your sex appeal to crescendo, bringing with it all you could ever dream of in terms of love and affection. Luckily for you, dear Lion, starting in May, Mars heats up your relationship sector, fanning the flames all the way through the end of the year!


Don’t let Neptune cloud your perception of people with visions of enduring romance. Make it a point to implore your laser sharp analytical skills before opening your heart. On the upside, once you know what it is you want, Venus dictates you’ll have no trouble getting it!


If anyone loves the idea of love, it’s you, dear Libra. But you need to be able to differentiate between really falling for someone and diving in for the sake of having someone’s attention. Luckily, you seem ready to do that now, thanks to Saturn. If you’re discriminating, you may be in for the romantic ride of your life!


You’ll rarely settle for anything less than soulful, unless, of course, it’s scandalous! With Neptune transiting through your romance sector, however, you’re only interested in the former. Keep your head screwed on straight, and you may be in for a deep and satisfying connection that brings the transformation you so often seek!

“Is there such a thing as true love? Yes there is!” – Psychic Marin ext. 5113


Ah… Venus in Retrograde in late June may tempt you to return to a past tryst, but think carefully, Sag. Jupiter enters your relationship sector in June, bringing with it tons of possibilities for new and exciting prospects. Why go backward when you can soar ahead?


Thanks to Jupiter and Mars, your self-knowledge is expanding by the second old goat, making you more and more attractive to prospective partners. What better time to be open to a relationship? Opportunities are a plenty in the first half of the summer, when the planets are aligned for your romantic success.


With Venus in Retrograde in May and June, you may find yourself unconvinced of your current romantic endeavors. This could also translate as the return of a past love. Whatever the case, you are no longer wearing rose-colored glasses, which is certainly a good thing. July could bring a hot and heavy romance that moves fast, courtesy of expansive Jupiter.


You can be a little paranoid, Pisces. Let that go this summer. Without being foolish, open yourself up to love by living in the spirit of it. If you do so, without fear, you’ll be surprised at what awaits.

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26 thoughts on “Your Soulmate Forecast for Summer 2012

  1. John H. Deatsch

    I’m in a relationship,but it basically just began she’s a Virgo & I’m an Aries will we work out? Because I believe in Love & would like nothing better than to find someone to share my life & Love with!!

  2. libra love

    That’s true I love the idea of love but the Pisces might not. And me trying to have a good impression since a little jealousy and
    I’m thinking he’d appreciate me focusing on being foolish rather than sexually attractive. He don’t think I love him/ like him alot and I like hoing around . Now how can I show him I’ve fallen for him? Looking good and telling him I love him isn’t working. He don’t need my attention he wants money. Wow is this relationship ship gon work is what I wonder cause his money is what caught my attention.

  3. Randy

    I really need a friend and so far this summer it’s been pretty dull. I know the stars has even lined up for me but all I can get is all these young people. I am 54 and it would be great to run into Misses right here but with 1 relationship that stayed in my mind for 20+yrs and 2 mariages behind I think I should get me out by myself and maybe a small dog that gives more than they ask for that might be the best. I was always loyal worked hard and never respected after buying homes and cars,jewelry I might have one more chance and this is to try to make it on my own. I am tired of puttin a 150% and at the end nothing but what of I considered great time was just building up resourses for everyone else. I want go through this again.

  4. Gloria M Guerra

    I want to date an Egyptian and hes a Doctor, he showed interest in me and we both kissed, he told me he was interested in me, will we ever get something true going and fall in love with each other to start a new life toguether?

  5. jane

    i ended my tru love in february on bad terms i am a leo,will this love come back to me as feel lost without him,you say september things are going to pick up

  6. Ciki

    Not accurate at all. not even close. I am Gemini. People in the same horoscope sign is not necessary to have life prediction the same way depending on their born time. There should be the way California Psychic can give prediction to each individual to their personal email. (And for free of charge).

    Ciki, NY

  7. lynn m.

    l was wondering if i will see my soulmate again or soon i miss him he is gemini and i am capricorn we lost touch and i cannot forget him hes in my thoughts everyday i hope its good news?

  8. Diane Crane

    I still say there can be no such thing as a “soulmate” – we’re all from different life experiences. True love’s okay, there’s no doubt about what that means…..

  9. Diane Crane

    the term, “soulmate’ is more than just a little annoying, I don’t understand why you are so obsessed with this word! It smacks of hippie B.S.

  10. kailash

    Thanks I have seen your love forcast for the cancer ad deligted to lern that your pridiction is some what indicated the romentic mood during the month of summer .I am a old man and very rementic in nature I wanted to know can I make a new good friend of mine of my age in the year 2012 kindly suggest . Yours kailash


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