Your Soulmate Forecast for Winter 2012-2013

New Year: A New Lease on Love?

It’s that time of year again when we make resolutions and realign our goals. If love is on your list this year, find out if the stars are on your side before spring. Here’s your soulmate forecast for December 2012, January and February 2013. Get your soulmate forecast for 2013 with a reading from astrologer Psychic Heather ext. 5064.


The holidays are hot for you, romantically speaking, ram. With Venus in fellow fire sign Sagittarius from December 16 – January 9, you get a boost in the love department. Be warned, however, the buzz may wear off after that and things could go from serious to totally unpredictable come February.


Though you’re one to hibernate during the colder months, it’s vital that you get out of the house if you’re looking for love… in an existing relationship or a new one. You’re bolder than usual in December and comfortable in January. Don’t let February throw you for a loop!


You may feel a stumbling block when Jupiter in your sign opposes Venus in Sag. in December. However, your magnetism will be on the rise in early 2013. Don’t act too quickly! You’re apt to change your mind… a lot!


While your career may be taking center stage at the moment, love is in the air come February when all signs point to a strong, central relationship. Your self-esteem is bolstered by this (along with your increasing professional profile), and you feel more attractive than ever!


December bodes well for your love life—if you can take the time out to give romance its due. You’ve been a workhorse, and for the moment at least, it’s time to switch gears. Do so, and by March, you’ll be in a whole new position in your (existing or potential) partnership!


December fires up your libido, and January finds you flirtatious. Venus in Capricorn is comfortable ground for you. And it could be the perfect time for settling into your comfort zone in a relationship. Just don’t be too lax or February could turn cold and lonely. Not feeling so fired up and don’t know why? Talk with astrologer Psychic Winter ext. 9002 who can see what’s blocking you.


Oh, Libra… your time has finally come. Jupiter entering your opposite sign (Aries) mid-January brings with it all kinds of chances at finding love like you’ve never known. Add to this the excitement of unpredictable Aquarian Venus in February and who knows what might happen?!


You’re even more pensive than usual as 2012 draws to a close, Scorpio. Thank, Saturn. Luckily however, you have a lot to look forward to romantically in 2013. However, it’s not really apparent until spring when Jupiter and Venus align in your favor. You’ll be plenty sexy until then—you just might not care so much!


Venus and Jupiter kick of your year in a ready, willing and able state of mind. Love is all around you and charm oozes from your pores. Just be careful not to run yourself ragged all over town—your wild oats may mean you miss a good thing!


As the holidays draw to a close and 2013 settles in, Venus smiles on you, entering your sign on January 9. From then on, watch out! You’ll have potential paramours a plenty. Don’t try to control what happens. Leave things up to chance for once and have some unmitigated fun!


You’re feeling feisty in December, if a bit impatient. You may even be bored come January. But worry not, water bearer! By the time February arrives, you’re as social as can be—always up for a good time—and drawing interest from all around. The question is: Do you feel the same way in return?!


Boy have you done some work these last few years, Pisces! The good news is, that time is done now. Things will lighten up, including in the romance department. However, Venus won’t shine her light on you until spring. Be open to dating as it’s the key to figuring out what’s right for you until then!

10 thoughts on “Your Soulmate Forecast for Winter 2012-2013

  1. Laura

    I’m a Capricorn and have certainly opened the door to chance lately. Just before the Holidays I made a move of a lifetime. Rather than dreaming of flying south for the winter to leave the cold and snow in the Buckeye state, I packed up and moved with my youngest to Gator country. We shall see what 2013 has in store for us. Hopefully it is full of fun, adventure and many new friends.

  2. arise

    Yes, Julia, even the Gemini forecast, above, puts Jupiter in Gemini until June. The only planet in Aries in mid-January, Uranus, is already there, and it’s not considered beneficial to relationships, in fact it inspires people to shake things up.

    Re the Gemini forecast: Aspects from beneficial planets Jupiter or Venus are considered positive, so an opposition between them is hardly something to stumble over. The most likely effect is the open expression of love, and an urge to spoil people you care about.

  3. Randy

    A good thing is moving into my own home without someone telling me how and when to run it. I want 2 dogs and we’ll not even ague work around home and nap when we wish. Life alone never sounded so good. I don’t even want a friend.

  4. charlie L. Owens

    Love maybe in the air for some people, not for me, dealing with a lots of stuff ,has nothing to do with in finding or being in love or looking for someone to fall in love with. Thought I had met Mr right twice the first Mr right Walked and left me with a 2 year old and a two day old baby. And my next Mr right I have been married to for forty years. All I can say ladies just make sure they are healhy. He hid a lots of his health problems and they are major. Didn’t take care of himself while he was a young man. Just make sure whoever you meet they are healthy.


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