Your Valentine’s Day Forecast

Use the Universe as Your Guide to Love

Make the most of your Valentine’s Day by using the universe as your guide to love. Venus in Aquarius from February 1st through the 24th, powered by the energy of the New Moon in Aquarius on the 10th means you can expect to make social connections in unusual places and/or in non-traditional ways. This is perfect astrological weather for your Valentine’s Day forecast.


Venus in Aquarius lights up your social life, and that’s perfectly fine with you. Single or attached, accept all invitations or invite friends for a get-together and tell them to bring a single friend. Play Cupid!


Your ruling planet, Venus, enters Aquarius on the 1st and like Aquarius, networking in social settings will be just the thing you need, even if you don’t think it’s what you want.


Your ruler Mercury, now in dreamy Pisces, nods at Pluto in Capricorn on Valentine’s Day. Communication with someone special is almost on a non-verbal level. It’s validation of a connection, new or not. What does the future hold for you and your new connection? Have a chat with Psychic Venus ext. 9463 and find out!


You love romance, flowers and all shows of affection. Life will be whirling about all week, but someone special could stop you dead in your tracks on Valentine’s Day. Take time to smell those beautiful roses.


Surround yourself with everyone you love on Valentine’s Day. Romantic or not, you’re full of the warm fuzzies. Enjoy the moment without thinking too much about tomorrow or the next day.

“At the center of all existence, what the heart beats for most is love.” – Psychic Fiona ext. 5178


After Mercury enters Pisces on the 5th, thoughts of love enter your analytic mind and the lasting energy of the Aquarius New Moon on the 10th will allow you to put work aside to make time for fun.


There’s no alone time on Valentine’s Day for the sign that represents partnerships. Your ruler, Venus, is telling you to go out for a romantic night on the town if you’re attached, or to get out and mingle if you’re single.


Pluto gets spurred on early in the week by Mercury in Pisces. When the practical side of life meets a mercurial influence, you’ll whip up some fun and interesting ideas for Valentine’s Day… and night.


Single or not, getting out and about suits your style and February’s New Moon in your third house adds to your social endeavors. Surround yourself with friends new and old and you’ll be sure to enjoy Valentine’s Day.


You’re no stranger to hard work, but February’s work will come in the form of relationships and keeping them cozy. Showing affection is the best gift this Valentine’s Day. Get other great Valentine’s Day gift ideas from psychic and love expert, Indio ext. 5046!


Venus in your sign during Valentine’s Day will draw admirers to you like moths to a flame. Single or attached, Venus and the energy from the Aquarius New Moon make this a day to remember.


Valentine’s Day is only a prelude to your social and romantic fun for the next month. Venus is edging its way into your sign and you can feel the energy. Attached? Make it a date night. Single? Get out and have fun.

5 thoughts on “Your Valentine’s Day Forecast

  1. Pingback: Your Valentine’s Day Forecast | Articles, Advice and More

  2. gerry

    What’s wrong with me .I am seeing a few people.or should I say sexing him.I don’t if I’m happy my b/day was 2/11/64 i’am tinking about my ex a little more now days


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