Your Virgo Soulmate Forecast for August 23, 2012 to August 22, 2013

Your Next 12 Months of Love

Being ruled by Mercury is no easy task, Virgo. The always-moving planet of communication imbues you with the rare ability to assess and express proficiently and efficiently. This can put other, more sensitive types on edge. However, you’ve worked on being more delicate in recent months… and you’ve learned to adapt to what feels like constantly changing circumstances. All of this is good news virgin, as it’s prepared you for a period of transition and later, the ever-daunting task of balancing work and love.

Here’s your Soulmate Forecast for August 23, 2012 through August 22, 2013.

Lingering doubts about someone’s sincerity have been plaguing you for some time, Virgo. Lucky for you, a razor sharp eye for minutia allows you to sift through facts and face realistic conclusions. On that note, this August, it’s time to relinquish unrealistic expectations and get down to the nitty gritty of making things work… or not. That task will likely take you through to the close of 2012 thanks to Neptune, whose long-term position in your opposite sign of Pisces may be clouding your usually-pristine judgment. Luckily this influence is balanced by Mercury’s introspection. Go deep and you’ll know what to do by year’s end. Odds are it will require action on your part (Letting go of patterns and people who are no longer serving your highest good is the order of the day.), but you’ve got Mars and Uranus in your corner. Having problems letting go of patterns and people who don’t serve your highest good? Talk to Psychic Angel ext. 9266 for tips to help you move on.

While your primary focus will remain on career in the new year, a new relationship or a new paradigm within an existing one will come into focus. In the context of this fledgling partnership, you’ll need to find ways to show your beloved attention and affection. No one likes to feel ignored, and if you hope to make this relationship work, you’ll have to become a pro at balancing your duties at work with your life.

March and April are especially full of unexpected turns in all arenas. This may mean the introduction of a suitable partner, but it’s also around this time you may feel yourself drawn toward an office romance. Pursuing that option can only spell trouble for both arenas—whether you’re already romantically involved outside of work or not! You may want to consider meditation, yoga or other activities that help you center yourself and remain above the fray. You’re especially sensitive this year and following your deepest intuition will serve you in work and love. What is your intuition really telling you? Psychic Esther ext. 9669 knows. Give her a call!

Overall, it’s an intensely busy year, professionally and socially, but the upside is that by the time the Sun enters your sign in 2013, even the most notably single virgins will have the opportunity to settle down if they so choose. The key is listening to your instincts and being realistic!

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4 thoughts on “Your Virgo Soulmate Forecast for August 23, 2012 to August 22, 2013

  1. Amy Thompson

    So far so true,just want to know if the man I met march/april,gorgeuss as he is will be the one I end up with ,my dob. 24/08/1971

  2. Gina Rose ext.9500Gina Re ext.9500

    Thnk You, S.K., or the year long Virgo forecast.

    I’ll let you know if I take a partner on or marry.

    LOL….only kidding. LOL

    Blessed Be )O(
    Gina Rose

  3. barbara

    i ws checking my reading from you toay and i think you are using the incorrect sign. i am a capricorn, my dob 01-3-1949 thanks


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