Your Weekend Forecast for February 8 – 10, 2013

 Celebrate Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! February 10 marks the beginning of the year of the snake. The lovely Aquarius Moon this weekend also means we will have a humanitarian attitude. The desire to help others brings an intellectual and innovative burst of energy. This weekend is a big deal in the scheme of things and the emotional vibrations will be running quite high!


What an incredible weekend full of passion for the things you love to do the most and the people you love to do them with. Accomplishing a long-term goal finally happens and you are on top of the world.


Looking for a new place to live turns into an adventure and finding the perfect place makes you very happy. The location is great as well as the inner and outer living spaces. Getting a fresh start is in the stars for you.


Plans for the Chinese New Year party are going off without a hitch. The restaurant has plenty of seating just in case a few more friends show up. The food is wonderful and the company is divine—what better way to enter a new time.


Love is in the air and you are looking forward to an exciting weekend of travel with your partner. Packing is not your thing, so it is good that your mate is a Capricorn and has packing skills that are out of this world. Everything is neat and in place and then you both are ready to go.


Putting your best foot forward is the perfect way to start out the weekend. You find helping a group of children with a sport very satisfying. Showing off your skills and the way you love to have fun shows your family and friends how much your light really shines.


Time after time, your exquisite eye for detail sets you apart from any group with which you are involved. This is your weekend to perform an act of kindness that not only makes you feel good but those who you gave your time and energy to also feel good.


Being faithful has always been easy for you, even when you are not trying. It is just your nature. A family member in need summons your expertise. As always, you rise to the needs of those you love and make lemonade out of lemons.


A hidden talent is discovered much to your amazement. In the most unpredictable way, you find a new passion and dive right into a challenge that spurs you and others on to finding a cause that proves to be a benefit to humankind.


Devoting your weekend to your lover puts you on top of their best-person-ever list. Showing your love through cooking keeps everyone at home and helps to open up conversations that revolve around how more can be done to promote the arts.


A short trip out of town helps you take care of very important business for a loved one. You are the helping hand, the voice of reason and the main supporter. When you get home, you need someone to take care of you, even if only for a minute. It could happen!


With both the Sun and the Moon in your sign this weekend your mantra is “empowerment.” Soak in the good vibrations, then store them away so you can continue on this high of spirituality for a long while. You will find yourself very busy.


Your soul is awakened by the needs of others. Setting out to do good is your mission this weekend. A project with members of a group you have been thinking of getting into is the right direction at this time. New friends and accomplishments make this a few days to write about.

16 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for February 8 – 10, 2013

  1. quinn ext. 5484

    hi bella,
    it was a blast talking to you the other nite. i love reading for you, such positive energy flows – keep the faith. love you.

    margaret – hi there,
    ck… charming, strong and multi diverse. more important is what do you think about him?

    hi norma, glad you are not snowed in. what a mess the east coast is.
    so glad you are safe… have a great week.


  2. bella

    Dear Ms Quinn , 🙂 🙂

    THANK YOU AGAIN Ms Quinn 4 My reading 2nite IT/ & YOU were most helpful 2 me JUST AS USUAL are & YOU WERE RIGHT on TARGET 2 about THE (JC) thing 2 lol, AND IMAGINE THAT ?? LOL 🙂 FYI your were RIGHT about US 2 , JUST as YOU always ARE 2 LOL !! “” IT IS WHAT IT IS or shall/WILL BE “” !!! Any Way Thank You AGAIN !! xoxo My best wishes/many blessings 2 you & 2 yours !!! 🙂 🙂 Bella

  3. quinn ext. 5484

    hi carrie ann – moving on with peace in your heart is for you. if he tries to come back that is on him… he should not affect you anymore – keep peace in your heart always.

    dear melania, have a great weekend… thank you for your post.

    with metta,

  4. Melania

    Thank you, to you I wish you to have a pleasant weekend…..
    Sorry, I do not speak very good English …. I’m Romanian girl

  5. quinn ext. 5484

    dear sister blogger LJ – thank you for your kind words.

    hi dear bella, i will be working until 11pm est tonite. looking forward to our short and sweet call.

    luba/kennedy – close to always right lol 🙂 anyway…you are very kind.

    hi wendy – so many factors are tell tale signs of cheating, but the only way to know for sure is if you catch him. rumors are more often wrong and unhappy times in relationships can make ya think all kinds of strange stuff. if you ask and he says no, go with it and if you cannot trust it might be a sign that this is just not the right person for you.

    edward – hi there, buy a card and put on enough for a reading. thats one way to roll with it. like having a pre paid card for psychic calls only.

    all the best. see ya later bella – 🙂

  6. Edward

    ! would like to be in touch but there is no way i can use a credit card.What do i do to send money for a reading of ten minutes.


  7. quinn ext. 5484

    hello weekend bloggers,
    for all those on the east coast i hope you are ready for the storm.
    it is going to be a hum-dinger. be safe, stay home, read blogs and get readings. make sure you have candles, batteries, and food that does not have to be cooked to eat. sushi yum!
    get the game boards out and try life old style 🙂
    winds will be high so power going out is possible. my prayers and warm wishes are with you all.

  8. LJ Innes

    I really could use a Cap in my life to keep me in order … having Cap as a rising sign is slightly helpful, but an extra pair of hands would help. I’m still packing though – at least for a day trip. Happy New Year Quinn – another great an interesting article.

  9. bella

    ms quinn,

    I checked so I will B calling 2 set up an appt 2nite with U around 9pm GA time FYI I’ll BE LISTENING 2 U SO PLEASE just tell me what U do C short & SWEET 2 !! xoxo (lol) :))

  10. bella

    Dear Ms. Quinn,

    OMG :)) !! Where do I start ? I can C U have predicted a trip out OF town 4 US fellow capricorn’s . NO & NO I am not going out of town OR not that I know of YET , but maybe U R ?? I’m gonna call this morning 2 C if I can get a reading between 7-8pm 2nite with U , IF not R U on call 4 tomorrow afternoon say around 2pm GA time ?? FYI 4 ONCE ms. quinn I hope UR wrong bout THE ” LOVE ” capricorn/CANCER weekend prediction BECAUSE it SURE looks like THIS WAY 2 me == A <3 LOVE HOTT 4cast prediction ?? IF true ALL this/that means is UR gonna BE out of town maybe with UR sweetheart , which means JC will be out of town 2 !! BUT I'M not going out of town 4 sure !! I don't know ms. quinn because now U got me thinking ALL CRAZY ____ !! (lol) 🙂 , & NOW I'm worried , SO I am hoping 4 the BEST but I'm bracing myself 4 the worst , because FYI U R very WISE person , & I guess we will C VERY soon ?? As always thank U 4 UR WISE wisdom , xoxo :)) bella


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