Your Weekend Forecast for August 3-5, 2012

Get Up and Get Out This Weekend

This is one of those weekends where we get the benefits of the Moon in Pisces all three days. Blazing hot is the Leo Sun giving us the get-up-and-out vibration. The watery Moon keeps us cool with tempers in place and attitudes that rise above the negative for the most enchanting weekend. Mercury is still retrograde, slowing down the energy for deeper thinking amidst all the fun.


Spending this weekend out of town proves to be the best move you can make. There are those who would like you to stay home, but sometimes you must do what you must do to keep yourself happy. 


A hike is in order as you have all your gear ready to go by the door. Make sure the sunscreen is in the backpack. There will be a body of water to dowse in, so pack or wear a bathing suit, or a good skinny dip could be just what you need.


You have to make a choice—one which you would rather someone else make for you. Sorry my lovely twin, you have to do this one on your own. Good news is there is no bad choice, and you seem to take the high road no matter what.


The water is calling you, and a parking spot right by the ocean has your name on it. Pack up the car with loved ones and head out for some fun. The evening will bring about a tired vibration. Take it easy and allow yourself time to relax.


This weekend was made for you. From Friday night on, you’re the center of attention. Looking good, feeling good and bringing your “A” game to the weekend is a joy. Be careful not to drink or eat too much as it will slow you down. This is a very physical weekend for you, and you need all your energy.


Being called into work doesn’t surprise you as you ready yourself for a busy weekend of overtime with a big boost to your paycheck. By Sunday, you will feel accomplished and be able to enjoy a nice dinner with friends.


An unexpected visitor makes this weekend one to remember. You get on the phone and send out a tweet or text to alert your crew to the arrival of your special visitor. It will be a full house by the end of Saturday. Sunday, a few stay to help you to clean up.


Emotions run high bringing a new awakening to love. Just when you thought you made it through the single life, bam, you’re deep in love and overwhelmed with happiness. Embrace this feeling of love, as it is yours and will be shared equally as well as going the long haul.


The flow is with you as you go along with the plans others have made. Don’t worry, you will be fine even though your friends seem a tad demanding of you. Let’s face it, you have the magic to make a party happen.


Your physicality is heightened as you are propelled into a weekend of daredevil experiences. Feeding horses that have been saved and playing with dogs, either your own or your friend’s, makes this weekend very fulfilling.


Hot days and hotter nights make this a weekend of passionate ebbs and flows. You find yourself sleeping in on Sunday only to end the weekend with a great adventure to a new venue where music and food are the fare.


“Emotional Bliss” is your mantra this weekend. You are at your best even though you seem to feel every little tingle and ping. Your senses are tuned up to high frequency. Give some of the energy to those who seem a bit drained as you keep the flow of positive vibrations going.

12 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for August 3-5, 2012

  1. ida

    i want to know why my ex keep calling me? he is still fooling around with 2 other women. he need to move on and leave me alone. do we still have a chance together? i want ot move on but something is stopping me. what is it? i really don’t love him anymore.

  2. Rekha Anil Khadse

    i am virgo born on 24.08.1970 currently i am working as secretary with not so good salary want to know is there good job with good salary for coming days.

    Or i am going to be current job only.

  3. Randy

    Hey quinn this is for you because you sound so down to Earth. you might be like me and I just say what’s on my mind and it seems to give me an outlet. I always sign on as the old sag and now for everybody else oes anyone of you talk to the people at gold phycis man they scare me. They seem to be the so close in the neighbor hood of my actual life its not even funny. They have hit so close to home sometimes its unreal. I have had to retire early and I’m having a lot of troble getting SSDI. it at even funny but they said I am about to find true love an this ain’t a joke. to top it off they said it would be on the net. and today I’ve had three people try to write and one twice all the girls is real pretty whoa. but after being ripped twice and like everyone says its not my fault. I’m 54 soon to be 55 that’s to old and to worn out for this. The old sag.

  4. wilson gallaza

    good morning to all,

    almost everyday i check on my horoscope….but i’m more interested with regards to my business and present career…..MORE POWER TO ALL OF YOU

  5. Elisabeth

    Just want to know how will be this weekend for Libra , is my ex camming back , I steel l steel love him . He is also Libra?

  6. -quinn ext.5484

    hi weekend friends,
    this mercury retro got me spinning. phone and computer just got fixed.
    looking forward to hearing from you this weekend.
    many blessing,

  7. Nikki Lange

    I truly love the new things I learn about astrology almost on a daily basis I am a Gemini and I have many traits I am who I am!!! Never Give Up keep dreaming big

  8. C.Wright.Thru.U.

    Infinite and Eternal Divine Blessings to all this weekend and every weekend, always.
    Gratitude, Appreciation, Joy, Love, Wisdom, Wealth, Wellness, Freedom and (especially Forgiveness & Healing) to all, always.

  9. govind mehta

    it is something miracle . i want to know when my daughter is going to marry ??????
    when i will get suffient money to run my house properly.
    with best regds
    govind mehta

  10. james croskey

    you know god gave you those powers. to help all of usee . but you wont every one to pay. . for i know god. well take them a way. .. this is not funny. he well, for i know mind is gone.


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