Your Weekend Forecast for January 25 – 27, 2013

How Does Your Weekend Look?

The Cancer Moon will only be with us until Saturday morning before it shifts into the fire sign of Leo. Going from a moody mood to a strong and determined mindset is very refreshing. Emotionally grounded, we are going to accomplish making plans and set things right with those we love. The Leo Moon is also a great time to get haircuts.


A hard week of work leaves you wanting some peace and quite on Friday evening. Rest up because the rest of the weekend is going to be blazing and you will not want to miss the fun. Talking about love is not your thing but make it your thing so you do not find yourself with love problems in the coming week.


Waking up Saturday morning with a sweet tooth gives you a good idea. Planning a trip to a bakery that makes specialty items and the best cheesecake ever starts the weekend off nicely. You call your best friend and you set out for a sweet afternoon, bringing home goodies for Sunday brunch at your house.


A continuum of events leads you to uncover a magical energy that you are able to harness and use for your higher good. Buying some new planets livens up the house, and in connection with feng shui cures, creates a new sense of harmony at home.


You are thinking that there are only two weeks before Valentine’s Day is going to appear. Your new love interest is getting hot and heavy, so life is good. Now is the time to buy something special—at least put it on layaway so you do not have to do any last-minute shopping.


Fun and hard work sometimes join hands. A family member is moving out of town and you are helping to load the moving van. A great dinner will follow all your hard work. You are the go-to person and always have a smile on your face if someone needs a favor.


Taking classes has opened you up to new experiences. You are acing your subject of choice and studying this weekend will not take as long as you thought. That leaves plenty of time to join your group of buddies for drinks at the local bar.


People from work have been showing you a lot of respect and although you usually do not mix work and play, this weekend might be the exception to your rule. There is a small group who have been asking you to join them—it will be fun, so give it a try.


You are part of a mentoring program that proves to be very demanding. With a lot on your plate right now, a weekend to relax is what you would love most. Sorry Scorpio, you have things to do and it is now or never. Others are counting on you.


The airy Aquarius Sun puts you on a speedy path—with lots of your friends coming over with their children for an afternoon play date. You find an extra burst of energy just in time. You have a date night with your lover and play pretty hard at having fun.


A big financial surprise from an old investment is making its way back to you. What you thought was lost is now found. Hallelujah, it’s about time! As much as you do for others, it is time to get back some good stuff. This weekend, you hear the news and plan to get together to transfer funds.


You spend the entire month celebrating by keeping it busy and fun with lots of goodies each weekend. Do not let others tell you that you are too old for this extreme birthday partying. Celebrate it because getting older is a beautiful thing!


Your spiritual nature is propelling you to move in new circles. This is very exciting and your feel honored to be able to express yourself freely. You join friends this weekend to share your new information and knowledge. It is very uplifting and impressive.

11 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for January 25 – 27, 2013

  1. quinn ext. 5484

    hi jocelyn –
    i sure hope that everything works out for the best. actually i feel a part time job and school might be the path for the next year.
    if you have time to fit relationships in you will have a quailty one, just not a whole lot of time to entertain.
    call one day for a reading so you can give and get the details.
    many blessing,

  2. Jocelyn

    Are things going to work out with MW or should I just let it stay friends? And am I going to find a job soon or just go back to school Ty in advance

  3. quinn ext. 5484

    dear donna,
    im feeling a big settlement. call me if you can and we can figure out the numbers.
    happy weekend.

  4. quinn ext. 5484

    hi josh,
    pisces and virgo are both free flowing people and work well together on many levels.
    leos are just a joy most of the time.
    they are both beautiful people, who do you love? thats the question.
    happy weekend

  5. donna

    hi i have a settlement hearing on feb 12 2013 will we settle . will i do ok in these settlements. will i buy a house in the next few months. what kingd of number for these settlements do u figure. thanks kindly donna

  6. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    It’s the weekend forecast again wrapped in a lovely nurturing Cancer Moon! Really like the Pisces forecast this time – very true for this Mercury & Moon in Pisces woman.

    Happy weekend dear Quinn! 🙂

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608

  7. bella


    Sorry I have not set up my reading 4/or with you yet , I HAD 2 have some VERY VIP & VERY unexpected surgery that did come up !! I will call by the END OF NEXT WEEK & set up my appointment with you 4 the 1st of February !! HOWEVER OR UNTIL THEN can you PLEASE LET ME KNOW if JCB is SEEING/dating some1 else BC DUE 2 MY MOST RECENT SURGERY I HAVE HAD a VIBE going ON, YES MY GUT says/ IS TELLING me IT is TRUE & IT IS a YES 2 !! I always believe you should always listen/ & 2 TRUST that small small inside of you ABOUT what you should DO & I KNOW its there 2 LET it help guide you/US 1ST B4 you might make a FINAL decision ABOUT something/ or about SOME1 ELSE who you DO love very much so !! so MS QUINN what do you see ABOUT JCB ?? PLEASE BC I REALLY DO NEED 2 know SO while I am recovering I CAN ACCEPT THE fate with out stressing me OUT about it NO more than I/its needed 2 BE because U C ‘ IT IS WHAT IT IS/WILL BE ” !! thank you 4 ALL OF YOUR KINDNESS & 4 your inspirational words 2 AS ALWAYS 2 , I wish you many blessings 2 you & 2 yours , xoxo 🙂


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