Your Weekend Forecast for July 6-8, 2012

Listen to Your Inner Voice This Weekend

With the wonderful Cancer Sun and the communicative Aquarius Moon, Friday night will be one to remember. Lots of water equates to moody and spiritual vibrations as the Moon shifts early Saturday morning to Pisces. We cannot go wrong this weekend if we listen to our inner voice.


The Aquarius Moon vibration gives you plenty of energy on Friday night. As the weekend wears on you feel overwhelmed with thoughts about your past. It will be a good weekend to reminisce. Do not forget to clear out when done with your old thoughts.


Always solid, this weekend tends to shake things up and you feel a mudslide coming. It is only for a moment so it is best to stay close to home and relax. By Tuesday, you will be back on sturdy ground.


There is something about a Pisces Moon that brings out the most loveable side of the Gemini. This energy provides you with an attraction that pops and people cannot seem to get enough of you.


Get out the boat, jet skis or windsurfing gear and hit the beach. Perfection is riding the waves or fishing off the shore. Sunday will be the day to have the gang over for some fun so you can share your adventures.


Friday you are at your best so take advantage of your high energy level. The rest of the weekend will prove to be restful as you passion dims. Family takes center stage, making it okay to relax.


You are feeling free as a bird—flying high. All the energy of spirit is allowing you to look at life through rose-colored glasses—and it looks so good! Enjoy your restful weekend, as there will be no worries on your mind.


A message from a friend you have not seen in a long time surprises you. This causes you to wonder if you should engage them once again, because in the past their actions caused you discomfort. Move forward with caution.


Basking in the sun by day and whooping it up at night with the locals at your favorite hangout suits you just fine. Give the keys to the bartender so you get home safely.


You start the weekend off blazing hot, but as Saturday morning comes, it seems like you have been dowsed with a big tub of water, causing your fire to die down. It is a good thing as you outdid yourself Friday night and need the rest.


Still reeling from the 4th of July and committed to continuing the party until Sunday night, you are rocking the house. Good thing the party is at your home where you can sneak off for a catnap in-between the good times.


Aren’t you lucky that your best friend is a Capricorn and lives next door? The party is wonderful, the food is great and you bring your tarot cards over to read for the friends and family as a treat.


Swimming, fishing and feeding the family all factor into your weekend. You are faced with an emotional situation that you handle with great care. Sunday happiness is the name of the game and you end the weekend with a big smile and peace of mind.

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11 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for July 6-8, 2012

  1. Rebecca Reed

    All the other pychics keep telling me that iam going to win a very large amount of money, but unless i am ready to recieve it It will pass me by. what do they mean by this? any info?

  2. -quinn

    hi Morenlen – the daily horoscopes are a broad realm of energies. not always will it fit your sun sign, check your rising and moon signs as well.
    feeling spiritually uplifted is a wonderful feeling – enjoy.

    hi Kisa ivan – lots of love energy flying around you… loving someone who is not loving you an someone loving you who you don’t love – actually this is a good thing and preparing you for a hot summer romance that will last.
    happy summer,


  3. Kisa ivan

    Am at cross road, i love someone very much but am afraid she might turn me down & there’s somebody who shows a very much intrest in me but i dont mind her that much. Please can you advise me accordingly.

  4. Morenlen

    Am feeling much spiritual change at this time in my life. Although my daily horoscopes dont always seem to fit. Your thoughts?

  5. Faith ext. 9608Faith ext. 9608

    Very interesting message under Libra (as in ascendant)! Especially on the eve of a Mercury Rx. 🙂 Thanks Quinn!

    Blessings, Faith ext. 9608

  6. -quinn ext. 5484

    dear kirna,
    i see in your future a great reading with one of our readers… you have so many questions.
    the rest of this year has a few surprises for you and a few ah ha moments.
    call and get a read, you will discover more than you think.
    great weekend to you,

  7. -quinn ext. 5484

    dear hyqueen,
    it is time to put your precious things away. like a jewelry box.
    i feel that the pieces that went missing are in the house on the floor, if you swept or used the vac, it might have been thrown out.
    let me know if you find your items.
    it is not about hiding stuff but taking care of it so you can have your precious things for your lifetime.
    have a blessed weekend.

  8. hyqueen

    last week I read the things most important to me ,, and try me out .. I don’t know if you can but , Quinn if ou can tell me what happened to my gold chain and wedding ring I would be ,such a believer lol.. I think I already left this mewssage for you last week but incase you didnt get it here it is again,,, I dont hide my stuff I leave things on the parler stand ands on my drawers cause me and my husband live alone but now and then people do come in and out of my house. so I was wondering if one of those people walked off with my stuff and who was it..


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