Your Weekend Forecast for June 1-3, 2012

Solving Problems Through Communication

The sun is shinning brightly in Gemini with the healing power of the Scorpio Moon. We should be feeling pretty good this weekend. If there are issues that need to be resolved, this weekend lends itself to deep talks, soothing any problems that have gone on for too long. We will be finding the underlying cause of things through communication.


Your passion runs deep and you find your mental state of mind to be at a high point. Use this combination of energy wisely, as the weekend will fly by and there is much to do.


The emotional level you are dealing with is a tad out of your realm. The good news is that love is knocking on the door with not only love relationships but family and friend relationships as well.


Running around to get things makes your head spin. Slow your roll as you take that pen in hand to make a list of all that needs to be done. Organize, then attack the challenges.


Mirror, mirror on the wall, I am the fairest of them all. Feeling quite beautiful or handsome as the case may be will put you in the midst of a great social scene this weekend. Enjoy and hand the car keys to your partner.


Life is good as friends and family gather to bring in the first weekend of June. The celebration, however, is in your backyard, so fire up the food and entertain. There will be sideline conversations that will be very enlightening.


Feeling stuck, you put on your running shoes and get out of the house for a bit on Saturday. The evening will be spent in a positive way if you can get over the fussy energy you are feeling.


Talking a mile a minute, you are the center of the fun. Advice, knowledge and wisdom spill from your lips like wine from a fountain—sweet and free. After a long week, this is a weekend you can rest your body as you sit on the patio with friends and have some fun.


Enjoy your Moonshine energy. It is a sexy weekend for you and those who love you are happy that you are in such a good mood. Forget about mowing the lawn—it will wait. Being with the people you love is more important.


Combining the air, fire and water energy is very draining on you. You have to pick a direction and stick with it. Being pulled in two different directions will leave you wanting to be alone.


Whether painting a picture or the doors to the barn, you are going to get dirty this weekend. It is all fun no matter what, so do not let others tell you what you should be doing. Do your own thing for the best outcome.


Oh, the drama of it all! You take some time to be alone to focus on the next task at hand and the drama of others is not what you need right now. “Peace of mind” is you mantra for this weekend.


All you want to do is keep moving. It’s not as hard as you might think! The work that needs to be done will indeed be done. Let this weekend be the last weekend you take your work home with you from the office.

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2 thoughts on “Your Weekend Forecast for June 1-3, 2012

  1. -quinn ext.5484

    hey sqirt,
    what a great poem. knowledge is power… so i see you have the “power” in your words.

  2. sqirt

    ah i see, money means to much to thee, then from you let money do flee. until you give some of you free. these words i do speak with out chants with out potions for the words are born by emotion. so tired of those out there who claim to have the power. let us see with in the hour?


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