Your Weekend Forecast for March 1 – 3, 2013

Learn New Things!

Raincoat alert! The Pisces Sun and Moon (by Friday afternoon) will be settling nicely in Scorpio, making this a wet, watery weekend. Having both the Sun and the Moon in a water sign allows us the ability to mirror others, be it loved ones, teachers, friends or family. We look at them, feel them and can relate on unusual levels of spirituality. The Scorpio Moon makes for deeply profound thinking. This is a great weekend to learn new things. We also become and discover new mentors.


This weekend is right up your alley as you put on your thinking cap and take to the computer for some intellectual activity. Even with all the water happening it cannot put out your fiery passion for knowledge.


Finding yourself tired from a hard week of work propels you to take time to pamper yourself by allowing others to do the cooking, laundry and cleaning. Any house chores are well taken care of by those you cohabit with. This is a good time to read, watch movies and fill your mind with positive information.


So many people want your attention. Good thing you are able to divide your time accordingly so that everyone has a piece of you and is happy. You teach a yoga class, you help a fellow writer find focus and in the end, you feel very accomplished.


Taking the dogs out for a long walk or even a run on the beach gives you peace of mind. With love being an issue as of late, you are happy to have some time to reflect on your feelings. A formal dinner party on Saturday night brings the love issues home and resolved at last.


After feeling quite stuck for a few weeks, the next few days will wash the stiffness out of you. “Flexibility” is your mantra, so give it a try. I know it is hard to deal with being flexible but in the end it will prove to be a supporting role in your actions this weekend.


Details, details, and details. This mirror thing has you looking closely at decisions you have made in the past. Learning from past mistakes gives you plenty of hindsight as you move forward with fresh ideas. You are clear of disruption.


Balance, faith and harmony are what you put out, so you will get it back. Giving as good as you get really makes for a lovely weekend. Having friends visit gives everyone the opportunity for happiness on a silver platter. Reflections of loving vibrations are the foundation this weekend.


Even you are in the mood to talk which surprises the people in your circle. Everyone waits for your words of wisdom. This weekend they get an abundance of it. How fun for you to share your thoughts and knowledge!


Always straightforward and to the point, you set a shinning example for those who are in your circle. Taking up a new venture shows your best side. Others take notice of your enthusiasm, making this weekend exciting and profitable in the exchange of ideas.


Let’s make some money! Show-and-tell sessions enlighten and ground your thoughts. A new home business has you working with pleasure as you build and share. Transforming a space for your home business brings positive energy into the room. A little feng shui goes a long way.


Soaking up words from the book you have fired up on your Kindle is such a reward for all the hard work this past week had you doing. Relaxing, reading and a good meal take up Saturday. Sunday is another story as you push yourself to get up and get out. Time to stock up on all your personal needs. The weeks ahead will be busy.


Being in your element is priceless. There is a forward motion that gives you the desire to create. Allow your natural talents to come to the surface. A trip to the art supply store or the local hardware store puts your creative project on the fast track.

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