Your Weekend Horoscope: By Any Means Necessary

By Any Means Necessary

Go After What You Desire

People get pushy when the Sun (ego) clashes with Mars (aggression), and Venus (love) joins with Pluto (power). These potent energies can compel you to go after what you desire by any means necessary. Of course, this creates conflict. Strive for a gentler approach. Here is your Weekend Horoscope.

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The Sun (in humanitarian Aquarius) at war with Mars (your ruler) makes you think you are acting in the best interests of all involved when you harass someone for money or sex, but it’s really all about you. Don’t let your desires wreck an important relationship.


You are fanatical about romance thanks to an alignment between Venus (your ruler) and obsessive Pluto. This could involve a long-distance affair or a relationship with someone from a different background. It will take time to bridge the gap between you. Don’t wreck your chances by trying too hard.


Venus joined with potent Pluto can make you super passionate and very hard to resist. However, you bring more to the table than mere sex appeal. Your ability to talk about sensitive subjects in a lighthearted way puts others at ease and allows them to open up.


Venus aligned with Pluto can invoke jealousy and possessiveness, especially if you are competing for the attention of your love interest. If you are single, you might be obsessed with finding a mate. In either case, desire can make you do crazy things. Know when to cool it.


The Sun clashing with willful Mars can bring chaos to your domestic life. You might quarrel with a loved one or a sudden repair issue could create a disruption. Don’t be obsessed with doing things your way. It will be best to consider the needs of all involved.


The Sun at odds with aggressive Mars can make you quarrelsome, especially if someone disagrees with your way of handling a certain task. Getting angry isn’t likely to convince others that your way is the right way. The proof is in the practice. Does your method produce the desired results?


Venus, aligned with transformative Pluto, might inspire you to renovate or redecorate your home. If you want to spice up your love life, then be sure to begin with the bedroom. Even something as simple as discarding old linens and replacing them with new ones can invite passion into your life.


Venus joined with Pluto (your ruler) makes you passionate in your communication with others. You believe in what you say and this makes you persuasive. This is an ideal time to express your love to someone, but be careful not to overwhelm them. The other person might need a moment to adjust to such fervent emotions.


Venus, joined with potent Pluto, makes you obsessed with money or possessions. You might have your heart set on a pricey purchase or you might be determined to push ahead with a financial matter. It pays to take time to think things through. In a day or two you will know what to do.


Venus and Pluto (joined in your sign) give you big-time sex appeal! Both at work and at play, you exude power and passion. You can use your influence to convince someone to give you what you want. Even if it’s short-lived, it feels good to be powerful!


You are secretly obsessing over a romantic matter. A powerful Venus/Pluto alignment makes it hard to let the matter rest. You should probably keep this behind closed doors. Don’t let an aggressive move blow your cover and reveal something you don’t want others to know.


You have a tendency to become defensive when someone challenges your beliefs. You won’t win anyone over by voicing your viewpoints in an angry way. Simmer down, Pisces. It seems like you’ve got something to prove, but getting pushy isn’t likely to bring the desired result.

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