Your Weekend Horoscope: Playing by the Rules

Playing by the Rules

Cosmic Demands

The Sun, at odds with strict Saturn, will demand that you play by the rules, but you’re not likely to take it lying down. A clash between chatty Mercury and assertive Mars shows that people are likely to openly voice dissent toward anyone who stands in their way. Here is your Weekend Horoscope.

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Mercury at odds with your ruler Mars could spark a conflict between you and your mate or a friend. You might be feeling a little cranky because someone is stepping on your toes, but you should be careful not to take your frustration out on the people closest to you.


You just have to get the last word in when you butt heads with your mate or a close friend. Chances are that you’ve been sitting on something for quite a while and need to make your thoughts known. Your conflict might involve money or a lack of support.


Mercury at odds with aggressive Mars could reveal that you are lacking the proper instructions or permission needed to tackle a task that you are eager to complete. This can be frustrating, especially if someone who is supposed to help is being a hindrance. Don’t push. Be patient.


According to your Weekend Horoscope, you are all set for adventure. However, life could interfere with your plans. You might be required to finish an important work task or household chore before you are free to do what you want to do. Take care of business first so that you can play without distraction.


The Sun at odds with stern Saturn could make romance more of a chore than a pleasure. Heavy expectations can make it challenging to enjoy each other’s company. Before you give your significant other a hard time, check to see whether your attitude needs an adjustment.


Mercury clashing with aggressive Mars could make you lash out at a coworker or someone who fails to perform a task according to your specifications. In all areas, your success depends upon your ability to get along with others. Find a way to make it work.


Your Weekend Horoscope indicates you could feel frustrated and stressed due to an inability to express your thoughts. Either you lack to confidence to speak up or you might find that someone is unwilling to listen to what you have to say. It might be best to wait until the time is right.


Mercury clashing with Mars in your sign can make you come across as pretty aggressive, especially if you are in a hurry to get something done. Throwing a tantrum or resorting to other childish tactics isn’t likely to win you any fans. Be careful to not punish others for your mistakes.


Your Weekend Horoscope shows you promoting an idea or project that you are not quite ready to deliver. You are not trying to deceive anyone. You are just so eager to get things going that you are jumping the gun. Hold your horses, Sagittarius. Your time is coming soon!


The Sun at odds with Saturn increases your stress when insecurity compels you to prove that you are capable of handling a demanding task. Being hard on yourself or taking too much on only makes things more difficult. Know when to go easy and give yourself a break.


Mercury at odds with aggressive Mars can make you pushy. You just want to prove your point and you don’t mind making others angry in order to do it. Not everyone shares your values, Aquarius. Sometimes it’s in your best interest to agree to disagree.


You have been doing a good job at keeping certain thoughts to yourself, but with chatty Mercury at odds with mighty Mars, you can’t help but defend yourself or speak out on a certain matter. However, going up against a boss, parent, or authority figure could spell trouble.

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