Your Weekend Horoscope: Seeds That Will Blossom

Seeds That Will Blossom

What Do You Want to Grow

The down-to-earth, New Moon in Taurus, aligned with cunning Mercury and abundant Jupiter, encourages you to plant seeds that will blossom into fruit-bearing projects and lavish things of beauty. What do you want to grow? In which areas of your life do you crave bounty and will you work to bring it to fruition? Here is your Weekend Horoscope.

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Set your sights on prosperity, Aries. This is an ideal time to begin a new venture that promises to bring big, financial rewards. A new job could come your way. Or you could be rewarded with overtime pay or improved working conditions in your current place of employment.


The New Moon in your sign is the universe giving you the green light to start your life anew. Romance, creativity, or children promise to increase your pleasure when you focus on having fun. Feel free to express yourself. The world is ready to receive your unique gifts.


Quiet time has never been more appealing than it is right now. You might want to spend time alone enjoying your favorite relaxing pastimes. Or you might want to plan an intimate gathering in your home with your closest friends and family. This weekend calls for low-key comfort.


Your Weekend Horoscope suggests that this is a great time to network and to spend time with friends. These interactions could turn you on to new ideas and experiences. Welcome opportunities to connect with people who are wise and worldly. These individuals could prove to be a welcome addition to your social circle.


The New Moon at the top of your chart allows you to show the world who you are and the talents you have to offer. Be on the lookout for a chance to make a positive impression upon an influential figure. This meeting could benefit you financially.


Your Weekend Horoscope reveals a desire to get out of your head, to get out of your house, and to do something different. Plan an escapade that appeals to your sense of adventure. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, but it should be something that breaks you out of your routine.


Intimacy is high up on your list of priorities. You crave the kind of emotional and sexual intensity that will knock your socks off. If you are coupled, you should plan a romantic evening. If you are single, put on your sexiest outfit and go out and meet someone new.


The New Moon in your partnership sector ties your happiness to your ability to play nicely with others. Renew an existing commitment or forge a new alliance. In love and business, you will need support in order to successfully carry off your plans. Lucky for you that cooperators are standing by!


When it comes to business, you have definitely got the right ideas. Now is the time to show off your talents and let people know that you possess the knowledge and skills required to succeed. This is an ideal time to push for a promotion or to expand your influence in some way.


The New Moon in sensual Taurus wakes up the romantic in you. A weekend getaway with your mate or favorite date could be super fun! Your Weekend Horoscope also shows that there could be communication with a distant love interest, but only time will tell whether you can bridge the gap.


You will be in your comfort zone as you enjoy time at home or hang out with your closest loved ones. People may come bearing gifts or could go out of their way to do something nice for you. There could be a lot of activity at home or with family. Go with the flow.


You have something to say, a story to tell, or feelings that you want to express to someone around you. With the New Moon empowering your communication, you can you get your point across with ease and grace. Your words could help take a relationship to the next level.

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