Your Weekly Astrology Career Guide for January 28 – February 4, 2013

This Week in Work

Mars conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces during the last few days of January and the first days of February will bring idealistic, heroic acts and a desire to take action to heal and to educate. Take care to avoid over-confidence and bravado and by the end of the week you will be able to enjoy Venus’ blessings flowing with expansive Jupiter. If you support the beautiful new options coming into your life without overwhelming your budget or your diet, you’ll be living in exciting and fulfilling times.


While this week is challenging, you can accomplish so much that you will be pleased with the results. The flow on Monday morning is followed by a spotlight on the workplace through most of the week. Your driving force is so important to others in your workplace that if you keep them in mind along with your commitment to make a difference, you will be the hero of the day.


If you focus on your career this week, you could really expand your public presence. There are big changes on Tuesday that will benefit you and allow you to see your special role at work on Wednesday. When you notice the opportunity to teach others how to bring beauty, cash flow or both to their lives, you’ll be setting the course for your future career. Rogers ext. 5327 knows what you should be doing with your life. Have a career reading with him today!


Your communication talents will make you the star during this week. During the beginning of the week you have a natural flow with your words that bring ease to others in the workplace. Home issues draw you attention mid-week, but by Thursday and Friday the world is in harmony with your natural expression again.


You are the person everyone is seeking. If you are in a health profession you are the person everyone praises. If your work demands creativity you also have something special to offer. On Tuesday and Wednesday you will promote yourself well by communicating your special sense of family and empathy.


On Thursday, networking is the launching point for the future of your career. The next move is to be certain that friends and others feel like you have created a working community where you all feel creative, essential and proud of what you have created. You will likely be the leader in this new work environment, so be ready! Stop being a follower at work. You have it in you to be a leader. Get leadership tips from Maryanne ext. 9146!


Once again, you have the job of clarifying communications to others at work this week. By Wednesday,  your special ability to communicate will open the way for others to see how vital you are for any operation to work. You are building your image for the future.


This past month has been focused on educating yourself and traveling into new realms of thinking. Then you had to work out being able to reach others emotionally with your brilliant discoveries. You’ll really sense that you are breaking through and reaching others on Thursday or Friday.


Your creative efforts take precedent over your public image this week. Don’t worry about what others think of you while you intensely examine the depths of you work group’s common and individual ambitions. You give others direction in business efforts and come to conclusions that will best serve everyone.

“Use your intuition to solve tough work issues.” – Psychic Abrielle ext. 9894


Your motivation will open the way to your future through career communications at the beginning of the week. Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days to have others hear your inspired views and you’ll be soaring over the weekend.


This week, your coworkers will inspire you. You have the wisdom and willingness to change the workplace but you need a team, or at least another person to express your vision to key people who can fund your dream projects.


Venus enters your sign on February 2, opening the flow of money to your great ideas over the next several weeks. You can look for positive results on February 4, 5 or 8 to promote and complete a really successful project or job promotion idea.


The passion and emotions of coworkers and clients on February 4 will probably feel overwhelming at first. But you are so good at empathizing with them in such a way that you can turn their upset into inspiration for each of you. You’ll be called upon to communicate what others are trying to voice in the workplace or with career advisers and using your heart, you can create the foundation of your future.

2 thoughts on “Your Weekly Astrology Career Guide for January 28 – February 4, 2013

  1. vanitha

    My date of birth 11-02-1990 Plz tell me my future details regarding marriage
    And any corrections is needed or not


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