Your Weekly Career Forecast for November 5 – 11, 2012

This Week in Work

By this week, you’ll either have new information in hand about finances and other crucial information impacting your career or will likely receive it soon. While people remain concerned about money, there is optimism and a positive attitude about your plans, so keep pursuing those inspired new ideas and work to put them into solid form.


Be sure to communicate this week. Then communicate some more to be certain others are hearing you. Your creativity is amazing on Tuesday  and Wednesday. If you are obsessing over your career, be sure to take a little time for a partner and they will be really grateful, particularly over the weekend. If your career is getting in the way of time with your partner, Psychic Julia ext. 9131 can help you create better work/life balance. 


Take care on the Internet during this week. Keep security software updated and backup your files. While partners have been demanding lately, there is relief this week, along with some nice financial benefits from work. Friday is likely to be the day you get good news of a bonus or other perk.


While this week will be a positive career week overall, you will be charming and persuasive beyond belief on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sunday will be totally inspiring and you will dazzle others with your creations or your sexy self.


You worries over last weekend will be relieved this week. You will benefit from some brilliant ideas from a boss or client, even as they appear to “bounce off walls.” Just be steady and listen closely through the chaos. Thursday and Friday are all about communicating clearly. Hold steady and you win.


This week will be the week to use your strong, positive nature and good sense to sort the brilliant ideas from the confusion around you. Your creative energy is intense this week, particularly on Tuesday and Wednesday. Travel and studies can really benefit your career this week.


It’s all about money this week and you could do very well with good career offers. Take a partner’s rather dreamy ideas and work with them to make them concrete. Once you’ve dealt with others’ confusion on Thursday morning, intense, creative efforts will be productive through Friday.


Venus, your sign ruler is in Libra this week, working harmoniously with Jupiter. These two “benefics” are bringing surprising travel opportunities and enlightening thoughts. If you are traveling for work, get inspired by fabulous indulgence and gorgeous surroundings for you free time.


This week is a great time to build dreams, your health and if you enjoy teaching, to establish yourself in this area. Your prime action day is Thursday. If you market your work on the Internet, use powerful language to appeal to the emotions of the public and you could enjoy real success.


You really want to shake things up through your creative work this week, causing people to rethink the parts of life that they take for granted. Be certain to use your famous sense of humor to soften the blow a little and you could find real success with this on Wednesday.


This is a very intense week for your career. Money is in focus and you could receive good financial news in the workplace. A steady friend could give you important insights into yourself and your future. Thursday may start with a bit of confusion but the clarity that follows will give you great insight into yourself that can help you reach your goals.


This week, your thoughts and communications are flowing freely and serving you well in creative pursuits. You will be asked to give financial help to a friend or partner in need on Tuesday. Be  aware of your own financial needs first and if you are comfortable, then it shouldn’t impact your very constructive career efforts. If you think you are spreading yourself too thin, financially, chat with Psychic Joyce ext. 9598 and learn how to take better care of your finances.


During this week, communications regarding your career could be a challenge. Tuesday is a perfect day to express your very positive work efforts through your idealism and enthusiasm as long as you confirm that your boss or client understands your plan. A parent or someone in your home could provide some financial support for your calling over the weekend.

2 thoughts on “Your Weekly Career Forecast for November 5 – 11, 2012

  1. Debra Keil-LeavittDebbie Keil-Leavitt

    These weeks begin on Monday – the beginning of most people’s work weeks and ends on the Sunday following…you receive a career forecast weekly. I hope that is helpful to you, LaTasha.

  2. LaTasha McKinney

    What does it mean the week of November 5th?Does it mean that when it says Friday the the second of the month?


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